overclocking GA-945GM-S2


[H]F Junkie
Nov 4, 2005
i noticed in the unofficial matx overclocking thread that this thing doesn't have any options...

i was just wondering, do you think if i got a 4300 for this board i could at least bump the FSB from 200 to 266? i have ddr533....

i'd be using it as a server, and 2.4ghz is a lot better than 1.8ghz

if not, anybody know of any simple wiremods? i've never done a wiremod on a LGA though, not so sure how easy it is
If the fsb is adjustable then that shouldn't be a problem. Other that that, there is nothing that can be done.
No, you cant. There are NO overclocking options on that board, what-so-ever.
Not true; the GA-965GM-S2 has FSB adjustment as of the latest, F4 BIOS.

The problem is that that is about all the OC control it gives, and so it's prone to the problem of all G965 boards: the PCI(E) clock is tied to the FSB, and gets boosted out of spec when you overclock. Some boards handle that better than others, and some boards do even better with an E4300 that has had its BSEL pads modded to report as a 266MHz FSB chip, thereby making use of the looser PCI(E)-to-FSB ratio to keep the motherboard closer to spec.

Problem with that is that the GA-965GM-S2 doesn't like an E4300 reporting a 266MHz FSB--or any CPU reporting an FSB that doesn't match the list in the BIOS--and refuses to boot it. After a few exchanges with Gigabyte's tech support they agreed to forward the idea of removing any such check in a future BIOS revision to their engineers, which is probably just a diplomatic fuck-off; I wouldn't hold my breath over it.

Just get the Abit F-I90HD that Steve has been pimping, if you want to OC an mATX setup right now.
Problem with that is that the GA-965GM-S2 doesn't like an E4300 reporting a 266MHz FSB--or any CPU reporting an FSB that doesn't match the list in the BIOS--and refuses to boot it. After a few exchanges with Gigabyte's tech support they agreed to forward the idea of removing any such check in a future BIOS revision to their engineers, which is probably just a diplomatic fuck-off; I wouldn't hold my breath over it.

Just get the Abit F-I90HD that Steve has been pimping, if you want to OC an mATX setup right now.
Lol I like your style, Bob. You hit the nail on the head. :cool:

Just for the record, here are some of the responses I have received over the years on requesting them look at bios changes. For the record, most manufacturer's "bios engineering team" is probably limited to a few individuals. I know Biostar only had one guy and I remember AngryGamer saying something about DFI saying they only had one or two peops

Asking about a VCORE voltage that did nothing above a certain point...
ECS said:
Dear Valued Customer:

Sorry, We are not recommend and support any overclocking issued.

Thank you for using ECS products

ECSUSA Technical Support
Jetway: Updated the bios and the board was FUBAR...
Jetway said:
Dear Sir
Thank you for support JETWAY products

You can into the BIOS
Pls into BIOS : Power on the computer and press <Del> key immediately will
bring you into BIOS ->select load standard degaults -> load standard
defaults (Y/N)->select Y ->next Save & Exit Setup ->Y
Try it

Thank & Best Regards
JETWAY FAE Support Team

Biostar actually gave some intelligible, but useless responses. They at least read what I said.
E4300 that has had its BSEL pads modded to report as a 266MHz FSB chip

thanks, thats what i was wondering about...

too bad about those checks though

problem is, i already have this board... got it in a bundle with my E6300... it'll be tough to sell it though because the onboard video doesn't work...

i might just rma it to gigabyte ( i don't know where the guy i bought it from bought it from) and then just stick it in one of my next customers build... because it seems to be a great board for c2d... just absolutely no way to OC it...
goto your car store and get rear window defrost kit and mod your cpu. it'll force it to native 266
goto your car store and get rear window defrost kit and mod your cpu. it'll force it to native 266
Again, if your motherboard supports it. Gigabyte's G965 board does not. I don't know that anyone's posted results on the GA-945GM-S2 yet, so I suppose it's worth a shot if one already owns the board; I wouldn't, however, buy one expecting to bump the FSB via the BSEL pads.
the GA-965GM-S2 VS the abit fatal1ty:



from DrazenDead! (e6700)
not a fake! :D

who said better than f-i90hd?....
It certainly appears that he used EasyTune to do his overclocking, yes. But the GA-965GM-S2's BIOS allows for FSB adjustment as well. It also appears he got extremely fortunate with his particular G965-based board; 368Mhz FSBs haven't seemed typical of the chipset, by all accounts, and certainly weren't my experience with my board.

But anyway, sorry to sidetrack a thread about the GA-945GM-S2 by responding to a general -S2-line comment; unfortunately it doesn't seem of much use to the OP. :(
easy tune's been disabled for the 945gm-s2? or it just doesn't have a compatible clock chip?