PS Suggestion for ECS-K7S5A fileserver


Jul 30, 2005
so i have an older Enermax 430W ps in it now...the fans are dying and making a pretty nasty grinding sound. so im wanting to get a replacement for it...

what should i be looking for? this pc is only used as a fileserver, and runs some torrent downloading, and runs irc for me...using the PS caculator, its not really helping much so far

the board is an ECS-K7S5A, with 1Gb ddr 333, 1.33ghz Athlon, gf4 mx420 agp card, 1 pci ata100 controller card. and i currently have 4 hard drives in it (80gb, 2 x 250, and 200) but i will be adding in another 4 120gb drives shortly.

generally what should i be looking for? im hopin to get this soon so i can take advantage of neweggs free shippin offer :)

thanks in advance

Here's a fairly cheap and very solid PSU. Check out the output on the +12V rails.
yea ideally budget...hopin to get one for less than say...60, which should be pretty easily done

just needs to be able to power up and maintain the system and anywhere from 4 to 8 drives..
P3N1X0R said:
yea ideally budget...hopin to get one for less than say...60, which should be pretty easily done

just needs to be able to power up and maintain the system and anywhere from 4 to 8 drives..

Going with that I'd say a power supply somewhere along the lines of 350-500 watts (max) should be sufficient. Going any higher than that would probably just end up being a waste of electricity.
those sparkle powersupplies, seem a bit cheap, and 350 W id feel is kinda low for the amount of drives im goin to be puttin into this thing

im still considering the fortron DejaWiz posted...i have a fortron 500 in my main rig, and its been great to me :)

keep the suggestions comming, ive only got a few more days to act on that newegg shipping offer :)
Sparkle = Fortron Source (FSP) and although their lower end units are quite inexpensive you shouldn't equate that to low quality. Quite the contrary. :)
exactly, as it is now i have 4 drives in it, there will be evetually 8, fillin the tower yea im leaning more towards this one still

budget is a concern in a sense, but id rather opt for an extra 20/30 bux than have a ps that cant hang, or one that goes before its time...

as it is the one im currently using in the system now is approx 5 years old, i know for a fact i purchased it in about....summer of 01 or so
P3N1X0R said:
exactly, as it is now i have 4 drives in it, there will be evetually 8, fillin the tower yea im leaning more towards this one still

budget is a concern in a sense, but id rather opt for an extra 20/30 bux than have a ps that cant hang, or one that goes before its time...

as it is the one im currently using in the system now is approx 5 years old, i know for a fact i purchased it in about....summer of 01 or so

Yeah, that's my second choice I would recommend. The first choice would be the FSP-530GNA but there are none in stock at Newegg.

I did find it here for a good price, but it may be just out of reach on your budget:

The FSP-530 is 5v oriented and packs plenty of power for all those drives you're going to be putting in. Truth be told the AX450 you've chosen can probably handle it too with no problem, I just like to have the extra juice should I ever need it. :)
The Ultra V Series 500w should be absolutely perfect. Lots of 5v, enough 12v, and it's free after rebate at fry's (outpost)
thanks for all the suggestions :)

ill mull it over a nite, and check responses in the morning, probably purchase the PS tomorrow then :)

anymore input, im completly open to
DejaWiz said:
True, but with 4-8 12V drives.... I'd take all the 12V amps I could get for the money. :)

Hard drives won't hardly load up the ones I recommended... my recommendation stands. I have that exact board running off an old CWT 375W with a 12A 12v rail, and I do not make these recommendations without firsthand knowledge.

The dual 12v FSP units will be crossloaded by that board, if they can handle the 5v/3.3v combined load in the first place. 12v2 won't even be used at all.

The FSP530-60GNA (which I also have) offers a mere 2A more on the 12v than the 350W I suggested. It's a server PSU, meant for multiple CPU's drawing from 5v - that's where all its power is. Trust me, it's not needed at all for this build.

If you really wish to have a very good and capable 5v supply that also has a good amount of 12v grunt, the choices narrow to very few models: the Silverstone ST56ZF and Zippy gaming models being all I can think of for now.

Just to avoid any potential confusion for the OP - the Sparkles are both Fortron units if you didn't already know. Just cheaper since they're not retail boxed in pretty blue enclosures ;)
thanks Oklahoma Wolf :)

sparkle = fortron without all the fancy marketing :)

yea so im eyeing that 350watt ps then

comparing the amps on this one aginst the forton costing more, and realizing the waste of power the other ps with dual 12v rails would leaning more heavily towards that sparkle now :) saving me about 10 bux to buy some other stuff @ the egg i dont need but cant live without :)
Heh - I could always round up a bunch of hard drives, plug them all into my ECS and then post screen shots of it working off that 12A 12v rail if there's still doubt ;)

Not tonight though - it's on the second floor where it's likely in use by other household occupants.
seems i need this ps sooner than later

so i was swappin hdd's out cuz im upgrading my raid array, and playin musical hard drives with a few boxen :) anyhow this PS willonly power up the main 80gb hdd, the added 250gb and 200gb and another 120gb....any other drives and u can hear a drive kinda tryin to spin up and windows wont load, it will post and detect hdd;s on the controllers, but when win2k3 tries to load u cna hear that sound and it sits at a black screen. and i used to have 8 hdds in this system before i seperated my data...

so yea now i believe this system is on the transgering backupdata as needed, and im shutting it off :)

oklahoma wolf, and dj whiz, thanks :) everybody thanks :)

*its the whiskey talkin! but im relaying it, so im in agreemen!