Samsung 204bw problem


[H]F Junkie
Aug 16, 2004
SamSung 204BW not displaying correct resolution? I can't get it to do the 1680x1050 res through the ATI CCC.

I can do it in window's panel, but it does not fit the whole screen and I have to scroll across the screen to see the whole windows desktop.... I did install drivers and reinstall ATI drivers also.
I am using DVI btw, havnt tried analogue yet but wouldnt that decrease image quality?
Guys, I really need some help/suggestions.


Here is 1680x1050 .. it only fits part of the screen and I have to scroll to see the rest... in games is the same thing too.
Wait, screenshot is wrong..... the icons on the right or left needs to be scrolled over to see...... the screenshot captured how it is suppose to look...
Can someone please help me, this is my first LCD monitor and it's being a pain in the a$$ already. I also googled up some EDID corruption also, I hope samsung RMA is good.
thanks for the help guys.. LOL.

Called samsung and they are cross-shipping me another screen. They said my monitor acts as if it is a 19incher, which is true.