8800 temps


Jan 14, 2006
DO these cards run hot..
My 8800GTS idles at 67 degrees and also my MB temps has risen 10 degrees since adding this card..?
What about other peoples boards what are your temps like I used Everest to see temps..
Haven't really payed any attention to system temps since I have a large, well-ventillated case, but 67c sounds about right for the vid temp, maybe 2-3c lower on my GTX. Haven't paid any attention to load temps.
My MB temps used to be like 40 degrees, but since adding the card it has gone up to 51, my cpu is cool though idles at 27 degrees..
What drivers are you guys using for this card, and what are you using to OC these cards?
Coolbits or something else??
My 7800GT was 40 at idle, but MB temps stayed the same..wierd.. :rolleyes:
The cards are controlled by a smart fan by default, mine idles at 40-43c depending on temp of room. But i have the fan 100% at all times. Even at 67C they are still not at 100% fan with smart fan enabled.
My GTS idles at around 65C and under load easily hits the high 80s. That's with the fan running at it's default speeds and configuration.

If I make the fan run at 100% the load temps don't go above 70. These cards run HOTTT...
Ambient 25C
Idle 58C
Load who knows (2 busy with cpu/ram oc) :p
Since the 8800's run so hot, I don't think the three fans in my mid size case will be enough. I'm thinking I'll get another fan for the empty spot in the back and I'll also upgrade to water cooling. BTW I have a top fan, a side, and a back at the moment. When it's comfortable in my room, my GPU is at 46c idle, and goes up to about 55c load, and it's OCed too.

EDIT: I'll be upgrading in about five months to a new CPU, a BFG 8800 GTS or GTX depending on my budget, and a new PSU.
eVGA 8800GTS o/c 625/900

60C idle / 85C load

This is in an Antec P180 with all the Tri-Cools on High and an extra 120mm in the 5 1/4 bay blowing out.

Definitely hot, but man this card rocks :D
Mine idles at 60'ish, although I did move some cables around to get it that low. When I first slapped it into my case it was 9-10 degrees higher.
From my experience with this card, a little better airflow goes a long way.
Mine is Idling at 51c ... my ambient is 22c (thats 68f) right now. Can't say enough about this Praetorian 730.
I can't wait for eVGA's AC3 version or some new big copper cooler. I'm SO dang tempted to go water. Never really needed to until now.
Here's a question - is it really bad that it's this temperature? From what I gather, any temperature between 60-90 degrees seems to be normal and expected for this card. I guess some of the big dog ATI cards are even warmer than this. Is this a bad thing or just natural progress?
Domingo said:
Here's a question - is it really bad that it's this temperature? From what I gather, any temperature between 60-90 degrees seems to be normal and expected for this card. I guess some of the big dog ATI cards are even warmer than this. Is this a bad thing or just natural progress?

Both really. It's progress but it's also really bad and you'll see that with the next product refresh nVidia will be working hard to make the G8x a lot more energy efficient and thusly cooler running.

Currently the massive amount of heat is the price we have to pay for having an awesome performing graphics card.

I guess nVidia dialed the fan speeds way down by default to keep the low noise enthusiasts happy. At 100% the fan on the GTS is definately noticeable but it's not a whine or anything, just white noise which I can tolerate.

You can reduce the heat level quite a bit by forcing the card's blower fan to run at 100% all the time. It reduced my load temps from 90 - 91C to around 65C.
You can reduce the heat level quite a bit by forcing the card's blower fan to run at 100% all the time. It reduced my load temps from 90 - 91C to around 65C

Interesting. My hard drive's really noisy, so I don't think I'd mind that at all. I haven't played with it much, but I take it NTune can do this now?
Domingo said:
Interesting. My hard drive's really noisy, so I don't think I'd mind that at all. I haven't played with it much, but I take it NTune can do this now?

Yup, in fact you have to install nTune before you can even get access to the overclocking and fan control. (Unless you use a third party app like RivaTuner or something else)

I also found that I had to change the setting twice before it took effect, so be sure and listen for the fan to spin up so you'll know it worked. :)
after having two 1900s in my case screaming at full blast until windows load, I think I can tollerate just about anything. ;)
I remember seeing a cooling mod done on the 7800 / 7900's that brought the temps down by quite a bit.

The stock cooler on the 8800's is the same design. There is a huge heatsink on the card - and then the blower to the right of it. It blows air across the heatsink and out of the pc box. Not very efficient....

The mod was - taking off the cover of the card - revealing the heatsink. Then mounting an 8 or 10cm fan DIRECTLY onto the heatsink itself. If i remember correctly - it brought the temps down by 10 - 15 degrees.

Also redo the thermal paste with some arctic silver or something.

I havent done this myself - im only getting my gfx next week.

This prolly wont work for people using SLI - I dont think they will manage to fit in an extra 8cm fan between the two cards.... but for people using single cards - its a GREAT cooling mod!
Blue Falcon said:
I also found that I had to change the setting twice before it took effect,
Same thing here.

revenant said:
after having two 1900s in my case screaming...
Oh you'll be a happy one. The X19 cooler had a high pitched whine even at auto fan levels. The 88 @ 100% has a whoosh, but it's completely free of any freaky death ray tunes. :D

CAndrade said:
Then mounting an 8 or 10cm fan DIRECTLY onto the heatsink itself.
That's interesting. I just figured w/ fins oriented in a flat, horizontal config, the fan up top wouldn't do so much. Air going through fins not @ them...I may have to try this.
CAndrade said:
I remember seeing a cooling mod done on the 7800 / 7900's that brought the temps down by quite a bit.

The stock cooler on the 8800's is the same design. There is a huge heatsink on the card - and then the blower to the right of it. It blows air across the heatsink and out of the pc box. Not very efficient....

The mod was - taking off the cover of the card - revealing the heatsink. Then mounting an 8 or 10cm fan DIRECTLY onto the heatsink itself. If i remember correctly - it brought the temps down by 10 - 15 degrees.

Also redo the thermal paste with some arctic silver or something.

I havent done this myself - im only getting my gfx next week.

This prolly wont work for people using SLI - I dont think they will manage to fit in an extra 8cm fan between the two cards.... but for people using single cards - its a GREAT cooling mod!

That was the 7800 GTX - i think the cooler on the 8800s is better and doing that isn't going to affect temps.
ok - with my slot blower going and the gpu fan on 99% my card idles at 49c now.. pretty good. still damn hot.. but oh well.
CAndrade said:
I remember seeing a cooling mod done on the 7800 / 7900's that brought the temps down by quite a bit.

The stock cooler on the 8800's is the same design. There is a huge heatsink on the card - and then the blower to the right of it. It blows air across the heatsink and out of the pc box. Not very efficient....

The mod was - taking off the cover of the card - revealing the heatsink. Then mounting an 8 or 10cm fan DIRECTLY onto the heatsink itself. If i remember correctly - it brought the temps down by 10 - 15 degrees.

Yep, I did this to my 7800GT. I volt modded to 1.5v and upped the core to 527, then gave it to my GF.

She complained about the noise, so I strapped 2 80mm fans (7v) onto the heatsink, making sure to remove the old blower fan.

It idles at 38 (24ambient) and loads just under 60.
This is how I kept my 7800gtx's and now my 800gts cool:



^^ nice.. I am thinking about zip tying another fan onto the side fan I have.. making a mini array like that one you have.. pretty cool. (no pun ;))
Anyone touched the aluminum part of their HSF?

Like, the side of the base of the HSF, right where it contacts the memory modules?

Holy HELL! It's like 60'c!

I thought my MBP ran hot... sigh. Oh well :D
Arcygenical said:
Anyone touched the aluminum part of their HSF?

Like, the side of the base of the HSF, right where it contacts the memory modules?

Yup, on my GTS even at stock speeds I can't keep my finger on it for more than a few seconds. If you force the fan to run at 100% it's a little better... but nVidia has fucked things up with nTune so badly that you have to change this setting each time you reboot. :p
yeah - I hope they fix nTune so the settings survive a reboot also.. pretty annoying to have to go back and reset that each time..
Blue Falcon said:
Yup, on my GTS even at stock speeds I can't keep my finger on it for more than a few seconds. If you force the fan to run at 100% it's a little better... but nVidia has fucked things up with nTune so badly that you have to change this setting each time you reboot. :p

Eh, even with the latest drivers, version of nTune and coolbits 2... The fan speed wont change on my GTS.

9053 3D06 marks though... so I'm really not complaining!

I load at almost 90c...

Case ventilation's not the issue right now either, as I've removed my case window :p.
Arcygenical said:
Eh, even with the latest drivers, version of nTune and coolbits 2... The fan speed wont change on my GTS.

9053 3D06 marks though... so I'm really not complaining!

I load at almost 90c...

Case ventilation's not the issue right now either, as I've removed my case window :p.

Tried changing the fan slider like 3 times? That's what I have to do with my 8800GTS... the first one or two times you move the fan slider and hit 'apply' it does nothing, but usually the third time it works. But once you reboot you gotta do it allll over again.
At least 3 times... I must have tried it 15 times while I waited for my RAID5 array to format...

Ugh, I also get artifacts in certain tests of 3Dmark05... Everything passes really well in 3Dmark06 though... Strange!

**EDIT** Fixeed the fan stuff! I reinstalled nTune and it works now... Fans at 75% :D

Man, they REALLY needed a 92mm fan on this card! The exhaust air HURTS...
I got a noober temps question:

Does a higher overclock mean you have to maintain the same temp as stock or does it mean in order to run at higher clocks you need to get the temps down lower.

example 8800gtx:
if 600/1900 is stable at 70C
does that mean 650/2000 will be stable at 70C (just harder to keep temps from going over 70)
if 600/1900 is stable at 70C
650/2000 may only be stable at 60C

Also, if you are experiencing in game freezes, does that mean reduce the mem or gpu speed.

It's not quite that static. OC will get you a higher temp. Higher temps aren't necessarily bad until you hit a certain point...where you're getting artifacts and lockups. I've always found OCing a GPU much easier than a system. Take it 5-10Mhz at a time and play some games w/ all the details on high. FEAR, Oblivion, even a Source engine based game will stress your rig out.
Sadly, at 650/2000 I get freezes 30min to 4 hours into playing. At this clock I don't go above 71C. When i'm at 600/1900 it's stable for hours and hours but I still get about 70C temps. So my question is, if I want to be stable at 650/2000 and cooling down is the answer, then that is telling me that higher clocks require actually lower temperatures. Sound right? Lowering the temps will create a stable card at that clock?
Most of us are loading @ 85C, so consider 70C excellent. FWIW, room temp's 25C here.