MS revised the Vista license terms

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Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks. It still amazes me that such a debate was needed, with all the flaming and name calling, over a topic that was still subject to change. Did anyone really think MS would screw the hardware enthusiasts?
djnes said:
Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks. It still amazes me that such a debate was needed, with all the flaming and name calling, over a topic that was still subject to change. Did anyone really think MS would screw the hardware enthusiasts?

NO they just screw them in other ways...

seems that you will not be allowed to post Benchmark's of Vista without MS say so

as well as auto-removal of s/w that MS don't like (be is spyware, spyware-like or...)
eeyrjmr said:
NO they just screw them in other ways...

seems that you will not be allowed to post Benchmark's of Vista without MS say so

as well as auto-removal of s/w that MS don't like (be is spyware, spyware-like or...)

no reasonable person really thinks that it will not be possible to publish benchmarks of Vista. Within 2 seconds of that thing being released there will be thousands of performance reviews and not a damn thing MS will do about it... its a fact of life.

And.... hell, if MS wants to auto remove my spyware for me, cool :)
Where is the information about removing spyware, etc? Also, are we sure that the benchmarking is in place just until Vista is live? I wouldn't blame MS for doing that as I wouldn't want benchmarks public on BETA software because people can seem to comprehend that it is BETA.

djnes said:
Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks. It still amazes me that such a debate was needed, with all the flaming and name calling, over a topic that was still subject to change. Did anyone really think MS would screw the hardware enthusiasts?

You only think they will relax :)
eeyrjmr said:
NO they just screw them in other ways...

seems that you will not be allowed to post Benchmark's of Vista without MS say so

Your complaining about something that was put into effect over a year ago?

eeyrjmr said:
as well as auto-removal of s/w that MS don't like (be is spyware, spyware-like or...)

Are you not doing the same thing with other "realtime" antispyware programs?
eeyrjmr said:
NO they just screw them in other ways...

seems that you will not be allowed to post Benchmark's of Vista without MS say so

as well as auto-removal of s/w that MS don't like (be is spyware, spyware-like or...)
That link doesn't make mention of overall performance ratings. I guess I should have expected desparate attempts to discredit MS, now that the licensing thing is over with.

Ssssshhhh...I heard the you have to seek permission to say the word Vista in public!

Apple actually tries to sue people from making their own Podcasts, and even trying to sue people using the words Podcast and Pod in general, but yet I don't see forum threads screaming bloddy murder of it. The level of anti-MS sentiments here is disgusting at best.
KevinO said:
Where is the information about removing spyware, etc? Also, are we sure that the benchmarking is in place just until Vista is live? I wouldn't blame MS for doing that as I wouldn't want benchmarks public on BETA software because people can seem to comprehend that it is BETA.

You only think they will relax :)
Good point, they will relax for half a second, until they find the next item to bash MS over. You know, I bet MS killed billions of blades of grass when they built their complex in Redmind. We should hate them.

MS bashers will find any reason to bash their products no matter if they are right or wrong.
Did anyone else read the rest of the article?

Our intention behind the original terms was genuinely geared toward combating piracy; however, it’s become clear to us that those original terms were perceived as adversely affecting an important group of customers: PC and hardware enthusiasts. You who comprise the enthusiast market are vital to us for several reasons, not least of all because of the support you’ve provided us throughout the development of Windows Vista. We respect the time and expense you go to in customizing, building and rebuilding your hardware and we heard you that the previous terms were seen as an impediment to that -- it’s for that reason we’ve made this change. I hope that this change provides the flexibility you need, and gives you more reason to be excited about the upcoming retail release of our new operating system.

They only changed it because we bitched
TheDude05 said:
Did anyone else read the rest of the article?

They only changed it because we bitched

It's true,'s all about being constructive. Like someone posted on the other thread, whining in a forum is one thing and flat out telling them directly is another. It changed because enough people actually went straight to them with the issue.
I'm all for making your feelings known and discussing things here, but if you feel strongly about something, sometimes you've got to grab the bull by the horns.
Microsoft said:
Our intention behind the original terms was genuinely geared toward combating piracy; however, it’s become clear to us that those original terms were perceived as adversely affecting an important group of customers: PC and hardware enthusiasts. You who comprise the enthusiast market are vital to us for several reasons, not least of all because of the support you’ve provided us throughout the development of Windows Vista. We respect the time and expense you go to in customizing, building and rebuilding your hardware and we heard you that the previous terms were seen as an impediment to that -- it’s for that reason we’ve made this change. I hope that this change provides the flexibility you need, and gives you more reason to be excited about the upcoming retail release of our new operating system.
I personally think Microsoft deserves Kudos for this. Not only did they listen and make the necessary changes, they acknowledged the enthusiast crowd for the assistance we have given and listened to us as an entity.
The Donut said:
I personally think Microsoft deserves Kudos for this. Not only did they listen and make the necessary changes, they acknowledged the enthusiast crowd for the assistance we have given and listened to us as an entity.

Agreed. MS actually listened to us :D
djnes said:
Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks. It still amazes me that such a debate was needed, with all the flaming and name calling, over a topic that was still subject to change. Did anyone really think MS would screw the hardware enthusiasts?

It's only because of all the whining it was changed! You can thank people like me for this change. I'll set up a paypal account where you can send your donations.
Finally, something of reason for an official source. Unfortunately, this means I will have to pony up the 3e8 dollars for retail....
Domingo said:
It's true,'s all about being constructive. Like someone posted on the other thread, whining in a forum is one thing and flat out telling them directly is another. It changed because enough people actually went straight to them with the issue.
I'm all for making your feelings known and discussing things here, but if you feel strongly about something, sometimes you've got to grab the bull by the horns.

And how do you know if I complained to Microsoft directly or not? Spreading the info to many places and trying to get people on board is also an important aspect of trying to make a change for the good of everyone else. That was the intention, to get the word out to as many people as possible and to get them to see the folly of Microsoft's EULA. It was those of you that didn't care what Microsoft put in the EULA that were a barrier to this goal. Thanks for nothing.
any idea how they deactive your account and reactive it again? It would be nice if i didn't have to make a phonecall to MS 5 times a week.
A BIG headsup to the thread starter. Not only did he provide the link, He actually gave us a direct connection to a Microsoft ear. :D :D Good work!
y0bailey said:
any idea how they deactive your account and reactive it again? It would be nice if i didn't have to make a phonecall to MS 5 times a week.
I bet you get alot of spyware. Just a guess.
BIGDADDY51 said:
A BIG headsup to the thread starter. Not only did he provide the link, He actually gave us a direct connection to a Microsoft ear. :D :D Good work!
Good point. Thanks for the update man.
djnes said:
Did anyone really think MS would screw the hardware enthusiasts?

YES? Duh? What do you think MS wants to be your friend for? This only happened BECAUSE people complained the way they did. In other words you were wrong and the people who were "bitching" fixed the problem. You should start a thread just to say thanks djnes.
no siree....i experiement with a lot hardware and with unclean women. however my computer is spick and spam.

everytime i install hardware i pretty much just format and start fresh to remove any complications that could affect performance. i have the format/reinstall down to about a hour process due to a slipstreamed unattended install. cake!
Gatticus said:
And how do you know if I complained to Microsoft directly or not? Spreading the info to many places and trying to get people on board is also an important aspect of trying to make a change for the good of everyone else. That was the intention, to get the word out to as many people as possible and to get them to see the folly of Microsoft's EULA. It was those of you that didn't care what Microsoft put in the EULA that were a barrier to this goal. Thanks for nothing.

Spreading the word is one thing, but to simply spread the word without providing a link or information for others to submit feedback directly to Microsoft is not as "productive" as it can be.
y0bailey said:
no siree....i experiement with a lot hardware and with unclean women. however my computer is spick and spam.

everytime i install hardware i pretty much just format and start fresh to remove any complications that could affect performance. i have the format/reinstall down to about a hour process due to a slipstreamed unattended install. cake!
You should check out imaging your computer. Gets it down to around 20 min's.

EDIT:Give you more time getting those poor girls off the corners. Support your local H00k3r$.
SJConsultant said:
Spreading the word is one thing, but to simply spread the word without providing a link or information for others to submit feedback directly to Microsoft is not as "productive" as it can be.

If you don't know how to contact Microsoft then that is your problem. But here is one of many ways to contact Microsoft, just in case you need it in the future. The fact you have to find some little flaw to denigrate me shows you are clutching at straws to somehow validate your position.

This is my final say on the matter as there is no point in discussing it anymore as it has been resolved.
Gatticus said:
If you don't know how to contact Microsoft then that is your problem. But here is one of many ways to contact Microsoft, just in case you need it in the future. The fact you have to find some little flaw to denigrate me shows you are clutching at straws to somehow validate your position.

This is my final say on the matter as there is no point in discussing it anymore as it has been resolved.

No thanks, I was not asking you. I know very well how to contact Microsoft.

It would just a suggestion that if your trying to get other people to join in your cause you should provide a method for them to send their feedback to MS.

If you can't take constructive suggestions without feeling the need to "attack" someone then that is your problem.
Gatticus, starting a topic to complaint about the licensing terms and getting credit for the change is 2 very different thing. You may have contributed to spread the infos on [H] but it's a drop in the big internet sea and others sites/blogs also did the same as you. Asking for paypal donation, even if it is a sarcasm or a joke, is insulting. A big part of the happy outcome is from those who complained directly to MS, me included.

I didn't take credit for making this topic, only linking what I noticed here from Domingo's post about this.

I agree with SJConsultant and if you still find something to bitch, don't get Vista and look elsewhere.
TheDude05 said:
Did anyone else read the rest of the article?

They only changed it because we bitched

The fact that it did change is all that matters. Shows that there are indeed enough [H]ard computer guys that DO change hardware alot, that a huge company like MS would have to take notice. Sure, Joe Six Pack is the largest market for computers, but us "enthusiasts" are the ones paying $600 for a video card, which is more than most people spend on the entire computer. without fruitcakes like us, there would be NO truly high end hardware, they would just keep shoving mediocre crap down the joe six pack's throats because that is all they really need.....

Personally, I think it is a GREAT move by MS, whether or not they wanted to do it that way is irrevelant, it just goes to show that the consumer CAN speak with the important part, the $$$. Kudos to them for listening to the pulse...
pettybone said:
You should check out imaging your computer. Gets it down to around 20 min's.

EDIT:Give you more time getting those poor girls off the corners. Support your local H00k3r$.

imaging does me very little good since i would have an image of the old hardware drivers and configuration....get my drift?
Xilikon said:
Gatticus, starting a topic to complaint about the licensing terms and getting credit for the change is 2 very different thing. You may have contributed to spread the infos on [H] but it's a drop in the big internet sea and others sites/blogs also did the same as you. Asking for paypal donation, even if it is a sarcasm or a joke, is insulting. A big part of the happy outcome is from those who complained directly to MS, me included.

I didn't take credit for making this topic, only linking what I noticed here from Domingo's post about this.

I agree with SJConsultant and if you still find something to bitch, don't get Vista and look elsewhere.

And what djnes posted isn't insulting? What I posted was a direct response to his usual BS and arrogance. The guy owes an apology for all the crap he posted saying the XP EULA is the same as the Vista EULA and nothing has changed blah, blah, blah, instead all he does is offer insults.

I spread info about the EULA to far more places than just [H], far more. I even emailed the Paul Thurrot and had a number of exchanges with him, it was he who first broke the news regarding the EULA. I expect he is now eating his shorts after all the BS he posted on his website. I don't take any credit anyway, that was purely a jest, nothing more.
Excellent move by MS. Doesn't matter why they did, just they did. Glad to know my concerns to MS were taken note of along with others.
No one attacked you Gatticus and no one has flamed you, so keep the personal attacks to yourself.
Stop being so defensive.

That goes for anyone who thinks they can go on bashing other users on these forums. You want to attack the topic in a mature manner, please feel free, but no personal attacks.
Sorry odoe, and to anyone else I may have offended, I'm just too used to Usenet where I can say as I please. I'll try to refrain myself from now on.

I'm very glad Microsoft made the change and I have no reason not to buy Vista now.
Gatticus said:
And what djnes posted isn't insulting? What I posted was a direct response to his usual BS and arrogance. The guy owes an apology for all the crap he posted saying the XP EULA is the same as the Vista EULA and nothing has changed blah, blah, blah, instead all he does is offer insults.
You accuse me of posting BS and being arrogant, but yet you have no problem twisting my words around. Show me a link...just one, where I said Vista's EULA was the same as XP's? Please do so, I'll wait. Show me, please.

How many more threadss do you need locked, and how many more admin warnings will it take until you get grow up and start responding like a mature adult you claim to be? All you have done is follow me around on this subject, misinterpreting and twisting my words, so you can attempt to flame me. I for one, can't wait until you get your perma-vacation.
Tutelary said:
YES? Duh? What do you think MS wants to be your friend for? This only happened BECAUSE people complained the way they did. In other words you were wrong and the people who were "bitching" fixed the problem. You should start a thread just to say thanks djnes.
Microsoft didn't "fix" any problems....the simply reclarified what was meant by the EULA. If anything was "fixed" it was the language, not the concepts. I stated from the very beginning, in all 50 of these threads, that we should wait and see how this turns out, instead of flying off the handle on anti-MS crusades, and what happened? Turns out, there was nothing to bitch about in the first place, so how am I wrong? If I'm not mistaken, didn't odoe lock the initial thread on this subject due to needless, unwarranted MS bashing? So why bring it to this new thread, and have this one locked as well?
djnes said:
Microsoft didn't "fix" any problems....the simply reclarified what was meant by the EULA. If anything was "fixed" it was the language, not the concepts. I stated from the very beginning, in all 50 of these threads, that we should wait and see how this turns out, instead of flying off the handle on anti-MS crusades, and what happened? Turns out, there was nothing to bitch about in the first place, so how am I wrong? If I'm not mistaken, didn't odoe lock the initial thread on this subject due to needless, unwarranted MS bashing? So why bring it to this new thread, and have this one locked as well?

Yes they did fix the problem by clarifying what they meant. And the wait and see approach didn't get it done, it was the complaints, comments, and concerns about the EULA. And to be honest, I guess the wait and see approach will never come to life because people stood up and said this isn't right instead of doing nothing and just accepting that first EULA as final And I must say I am glad MS fixed it by the clarification.
Listen everyone, this is great news so there is nothing to discuss beside how nice for them to listen to us. Stop with the bashing or i'll have to lock it.

No matter what way we did to force MS to change or clarify the terms, the main thing is that they changed the way we wanted. Put your ego aside and let's applaud together and if you have anything else to say (or bash) to MS, please do it in a new topic so i don't take the responsibility for creating a flame bait thread.
djnes said:
Microsoft didn't "fix" any problems....the simply reclarified what was meant by the EULA. If anything was "fixed" it was the language, not the concepts. I stated from the very beginning, in all 50 of these threads, that we should wait and see how this turns out, instead of flying off the handle on anti-MS crusades, and what happened? Turns out, there was nothing to bitch about in the first place, so how am I wrong? If I'm not mistaken, didn't odoe lock the initial thread on this subject due to needless, unwarranted MS bashing? So why bring it to this new thread, and have this one locked as well?

You'll simply see yourself as being right regardless of what clearly is you being wrong.

"Our intention behind the original terms was genuinely geared toward combating piracy"

"we heard you that the previous terms were seen as an impediment to that -- it’s for that reason we’ve made this change."

Very bluntly:
the original terms were indeed going to screw over the enthusiast and only by bitching were they fixed. 'Previous' and 'Original' terms clarify to me and anyone else with any amount of sense that the new terms differ from the others in pure intention.

Quite simply MS had to make this change, and had to make a big deal about doing it because it is so different than what they originally intended.

It amazes me that people like you would even give a multinational corporation with an ARMY of lawyers benefit of doubt with something clearly intended to benefit only MS. There were no mistakes or mis-wordings.
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