E6300, DS3... wont hold OC??


Limp Gawd
Aug 25, 2004
Just got my C2D and am attempting some mild OCing with it. Running stock it still demolishes my old XP 2400+ haha. But anyway my problem is my DS3 board doesnt seem to want to hold any changes I give it. I went into the BIOS and tried a simple bump up to 300 FSB and it all looked fine and dandy. I loaded up EasyTune 5 and it didnt show any overclock, so I tried CPU-Z and it also showed nothing. Rebooted, looked at the BIOS and the selection for chaning the FSB manually (cant remember exact title) said 'Disabled' instead of 'Enabled' but it still showed 300MHz FSB. I loaded optimized defaults and tried OCing with EasyTune. I bumped it up to 300 again in EasyTune and hit 'GO' and it locked my PC. Is there some setting or step I am missing here? I left the memory timings on auto but they werent showing any changes either, just 667. Really I'm not trying to do anything super hardcore here but looking at everyone elses results I didnt think it would be out of the question to hit 350-400 with this thing. Anyway, suggestions/input would be greatly appreciated.
It might be failing and reseting. I would push the fsb +1 and experiment just to make sure. Have you tried increasing some voltage for 300fsb?
What bios are you running? I'd make sure you have at least the F4 or newer. Your memory might be holding you back...what are the memory timings set at? You have to hit CTRL-F1 in bios to get to the memory timings. I'd set them manually to the rated specs (or looser). You should be able to see what the memory will run at "on the fly" based on your memory strap as you bump the FSB in bios (IIRC...I haven't looked in a while). I wouldn't run it over 667 while you're trying to find your max OC on your chip.
The F5 bios has the same problem,at least on my PC. It's not failing or unstable, it just disables manual FSB and PCIE on every shutdown, either the BIOS or hardware is bad. Once things are set and you get it booted into windows things are fine, I have passed Orthos dual prime for 12 hours plus gaming/other use and it's like a rock.
Did you try setting the PCIe to something a little higher like 105mhz instead of 100? Do any of your other settings hold? Maybe there's a problem with the battery or something like that.
I will check the mem timings (couldnt find them, thanks for the tip) and try just bumping +1 and see what I can figure out when I get home from work.
Thanks for the quick replies
I have been messing around with mine, it seems related to FSB speed, if I go back to a 9 multi I can run the same and higher speed and it doesnt lose settings, it is only when I get my fsb up above 400. I am at 400x9 now, this proc is pretty voltage hungry to go up though :(
LazyBum said:
I have been messing around with mine, it seems related to FSB speed, if I go back to a 9 multi I can run the same and higher speed and it doesnt lose settings, it is only when I get my fsb up above 400. I am at 400x9 now, this proc is pretty voltage hungry to go up though :(

What kind of settings do you have to run to get 9x400 to work? Mine won't post when I try that.
I have the ds3 and the e6300. My experience has been that when you are trying to push it too far, it will still boot, but it will reset to defaults. I don't see how 300fsb could be a problem though...I've got mine at 400 and it is very stable.

I have the RAM set to 4-4-4-12 manually, chipset voltages maxed, ddr voltage at +0.5 and CPU voltage at around 1.53. My chipset is also watercooled so no heat issues there ;) It could be that this particular board doesn't like to go higher than 420 or so FSB, or maybe my RAM needs more voltage to POST at that speed, who knows. I have only had the board for a week so there is definitely tweaking that can be done. I have done all the bios "tidying" stuff that the article suggests, so that's a good start. Sometimes overclocking is easy, sometimes its a challenge, I learned that on my old P4 Northwod and the 5 AMD64 chips I have owned.
LazyBum said:
I have the RAM set to 4-4-4-12 manually, chipset voltages maxed, ddr voltage at +0.5 and CPU voltage at around 1.53. My chipset is also watercooled so no heat issues there ;) It could be that this particular board doesn't like to go higher than 420 or so FSB, or maybe my RAM needs more voltage to POST at that speed, who knows. I have only had the board for a week so there is definitely tweaking that can be done. I have done all the bios "tidying" stuff that the article suggests, so that's a good start. Sometimes overclocking is easy, sometimes its a challenge, I learned that on my old P4 Northwod and the 5 AMD64 chips I have owned.

set your ram to 5 5 5 15 and give it +1 V and you will be at 450 :)
(well you could have got bad luck on the board or the cpu but give it a shot, thats pretty high cpu voltage, I wouldnt raise it more, but I am a chicken)
I just came home and had the same problem. For over a week I've been running an E6300 on a DS3 Bios F4 at 2.8 (7x400) with all stock voltages. Now when I reboot it beeps about 8 times in a row real quick and resets my settings. I rebooted a few times and all of a sudden it will keep my 2.8 setting. I'm using G.Skill PC6400 (2x1GB).
i had some problems like that but got the computer stable at 400x7 on my DS3. try updating the bios to F6a and running +.1vPCIe, +.1vFSB. and the PCI freq at 110. it works for me for 300x7 333x7 and 400x7.