[H]ard|Folding Council Discussion

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[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003
Well, might as well not beat around the bush here. Figure might be a good idea to have a thread with peoples thoughts/questions/opinions/someplace else for Moose to delete posts :p

Current Members Member Function

King_N Webmaster, PHP scripting, MySql, Organization, Design, #hardfolding ChanAdmin

relic [H]ard [H]istory, links, as well as inspiration, #hardfolding Op.

Cabletwin [H]ard [H]istory, links, as well as inspiration #hardfolding Op.

BillR Testing new site functions, #hardfolding Op.

Majic IRC channel setup, #hardfolding ChanAdmin.

KillerMOB F@H v2 add-ons

My questions:

1. What does [H]ard|Folding Council do?
2. How were these members chosen?
3. Can new members be chosen?
3a. If so, how so?
4. Are all these members still active in the forums?
5. Are all these members still active for team 33 in DC projects?
6. Why did history stop?
7. Will anyone read this post?

Please post your answers/thoughts/opinions/ideas.

disclaimer: One Moose was harmed in the making of this post.
Opps, yea now I remember... Not going for a flame war here, just have a few questions/thought other new members might also.

Question 8: what happened to the members listed there then, and not listed now?
maybe it is time to talk to the council and get them to induct some new members to part of the council and move the ones that are gone to Hall of fame status. Lets face it I only know of 50% of the people on the council maybe it is time for them to let some new blood in and get active. Make something of the council make them more part of this team then just a name.
marty9876 said:
disclaimer: One Moose was harmed in the making of this post.

By harmed you mean well seasoned and served with a side of wild rice......right? Sounds tasty.
Spectre said:
By harmed you mean well seasoned and served with a side of wild rice......right? Sounds tasty.

I'm down for some.

but back on topic.

Is a council really needed?
KodiakStar said:
Is a council really needed?

I am new, I know, but I agree with this. We have a couple in this forum that have stepped up to be "leaders", why not just the people do their thing? mage has the fold server thing, moose is a great mod, and mary is just plain funny; class clown if you will, and there are more that I can't think of. This is a team, guys! Remember that.
KodiakStar said:
I'm down for some.

but back on topic.

Is a council really needed?

I think a council could be helpful, if everyone could get along, and listen to outside input without getting their panties in a wad. From the looks of the 'other' thread going on, that may not be possible. The perceived 'power' just goes to some people's head, while others are really good at leading. It's all a matter of getting the right people.

Hmmmm, maybe you are right, and we should just dissolve the council. There isn't really anything left of it at this point anyways.
I think the council was originally set up to answer questions like "Do we really need a council?". Since we know that any type of authority rubs Marty the wrong way he and some others probably don't think it's necessary. It doesn't hurt to have go-to people though when things need to be done. The council can help decide the direction of the team, right now though there doesn't seem to be much direction needed since we concentrate only on fah/ud. I think the council is a good thing but maybe it needs new life breathed into it with some new members. Maybe a new council can convene and come up with a few valid reasons why we need a council and ways to make themselves beneficial to the [H]orde. Just thinking out loud.... :)

pageian said:
I think the council was originally set up to answer questions like "Do we really need a council?". Since we know that any type of authority rubs Marty the wrong way he and some others probably don't think it's necessary. It doesn't hurt to have go-to people though when things need to be done. The council can help decide the direction of the team, right now though there doesn't seem to be much direction needed since we concentrate only on fah/ud. I think the council is a good thing but maybe it needs new life breathed into it with some new members. Maybe a new council can convene and come up with a few valid reasons why we need a council and ways to make themselves beneficial to the [H]orde. Just thinking out loud.... :)

I never stated I thought we did not need one, I just asked questions (albiet currently unanswered) regarding the council.

No problems with authority, I just don't like Moose is all. :p
I haven't been around here all that long, but I don't really see that great a need for a council. If I want to set up a gauntlet or a contest, I can. I'm not guaranteed any participation, but a council wouldn't get that kind of guarantee either. I don't think we need any sort of official sanction for any activities around here--just let the active team members decide for themselves. If new people want things to change, they can make their voices heard. If veterans want to keep things the same, they can do so. I think everyone here should be able to express their feelings in an adult way. Then let the majority decide. The forum lets you create a poll--use it.

I think that the number of active users around here is small enough and the number of issues that arise is small enough that we can make decisions by a simple democracy. The reason to have a council is because there are too many people to make it practical to make decisions, or there are so many decisions to be made that some representative body needs to dedicate their time to it. Neither is true here.

This thread has gone far enough. It will all be worked out in due time. Thank you for your thoughts.
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