Hard DC'r of the Month: January


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
Well he gone and done it... Viper87227 preformed a reach-through on moosie!
Viper87227 said:
No. These ones are personal and for my eyes only. :eek:

If you value me as a team mate, you will post pics. If you don't, then I'll be forced to post mine and then I'll be banned. We all know how this generally ends up... :D

The choice is yours, years of crap loads of points for team 33 or my banning.

ps congrats
marty9876 said:
If you value me as a team mate, you will post pics. If you don't, then I'll be forced to post mine and then I'll be banned. We all know how this generally ends up... :D

The choice is yours, years of crap loads of points for team 33 or my banning.

ps congrats

A believe a wise moose once said best that he will ban someone even if they threaten to leave the team. ;)

ps thanks
Viper87227 said:
A believe a wise moose once said best that he will ban someone even if they threaten to leave the team. ;)

ps thanks

In no way, shape or form is this a threat. It's just the reality of my twisted world from long term moose abuse.
marty9876 said:
In no way, shape or form is this a threat. It's just the reality of my twisted world from long term moose abuse.

If you think you were the one being abused, your reality is a bit more twisted that you think :D
Viper87227 said:
If you think you were the one being abused, your reality is a bit more twisted that you think :D
Thanks for the backup.

And congrats! Don't forget to hook up with tdg and get the interview rolling.
Need some ideas here I guess.

Calling viper a wussy don't seem to work.
Black mailing viper don't seem to work.
Calling viper a chicken shit don't seem to work.

Any other ideas?
marty9876 said:
Need some ideas here I guess.

Calling viper a wussy don't seem to work.
Black mailing viper don't seem to work.
Calling viper a chicken shit don't seem to work.

Any other ideas?
Try to love someone for once....
marty9876 said:
Need some ideas here I guess.

Calling viper a wussy don't seem to work.
Black mailing viper don't seem to work.
Calling viper a chicken shit don't seem to work.

Any other ideas?

Bend over and take it like.. a.. .well... um... what are you again? man? woman? err...
AtomicMoose said:
Thanks for the backup.

And congrats! Don't forget to hook up with tdg and get the interview rolling.

Hah! When I PMed him it was the first he heard that he got the position. PM's FTW Moose ;) . He should be interviewing me tonight.

marty9876 said:
Need some ideas here I guess.

Calling viper a wussy don't seem to work.
Black mailing viper don't seem to work.
Calling viper a chicken shit don't seem to work.

Any other ideas?

You could try proper english :D
Viper87227 said:
Hah! When I PMed him it was the first he heard that he got the position. PM's FTW Moose ;) . He should be interviewing me tonight.

You could try proper english :D

dont' wanna
unhappy_mage said:
Hmm, that explains all of these empty tubs of Vaseline here...

I didnt send it to you. I don't know what your looking at, but you keep whatever images got you through your vaseline to yourself :eek:
Tdg and Viper got together for a little chat over the weekend. Enjoy! :)

tdg: Congratulations on being chosen the DC'r of the month, how does it feel to be chosen by your fellow [H] members as a member who stands out?

Viper87227: It feels awesome. I have never really had a team like the [H] to be part of in the past. It's cool that I can do something to make the team better.

tdg: Is there a particular reason why you believe you were chosen?

Viper87227: I'd have to guess it was the contests.

tdg: Yes, the contests have been a big hit, and a good incentive to the folders.

tdg: What are the reasons you fold? For points, the cure, or what?

Viper87227: Definitely for the cure. Cancer has been all over in my family. I lost a grandma and great-grandma to it, as well as an uncle. Both my mom and aunt are officially cured, but they struggled with the beast for years. I don't exactly have a lot of money coming in, so folding is my way of contributing to the cure without being able to put a lot of money into charities.

tdg: I'm sorry to hear about your losses, just a few weeks ago my mother had surgery for breast cancer, and hopefully it won't return, but it's definitely a sobering experience.

Viper87227: I'm sorry to hear that. I will hope for the best.

tdg: Thanks, hopefully folding can help find the cure, and glad we have people like you and the other folders out there that hope for the same.

tdg: Do you participate in F@H, UD or both?

Viper87227: F@H. For some reason, I never really even researched UD to much. I am sure I will give it a shot at some point, but as of right now I know a lot more about F@H, so I am sticking to that.

tdg: How many machines do you have folding for you?

Viper87227: Right now, I have four at home and two at work, but I have to more computers sitting around that I have to get going. Hopefully they will be going soon.

tdg: Roughly how many GHz do you have total as of now?

Viper87227: 14.2 GHz right now. Those other two boxen will put me up to 17.5 GHz.

tdg: Pretty decent amount of power there, much better than my 6 GHz. How long have you been folding, and how many points and/or work units have you gotten so far?

Viper87227: I started up folding back in September 04 or so, but stopped after about a week. The graphical client gave me problems and I didn't research it enough to know about the console. I didn't really get into Folding until that December, when I decided to kick off the first contest. As of right now I have 813 WU's and 147,235 points.

tdg: That's a pretty fair number of points.

tdg: Where do you rank overall on the team?

Viper87227: 308

tdg: Are you still moving up closer to the top? I know there are a lot of heavy hitters up there and it can take some real power to move upwards.

Viper87227: I'm on my way up, slowly but surely. I certainly do not plan to stop folding, so I will make my way up there with the best of them eventually.

tdg: And two more folders are bound to help out.

tdg: I'm sure I know the answer to this, but what would you like to see folding do? Cure a particular disease?

Viper87227: Cancer is the biggest thing I would like to see the cure for, but I won't limit myself to just that. If it can find a cure to something else, I will be just as happy with that.

tdg: Yes, cancer is definitely one disease too many people succumb to, but that's novel to hope for a cure for any disease.

tdg: So do you have any more contests planned for the future?

Viper87227: Yeah. I really enjoyed working with p[H]ant0m on the [H]ardBowl. I can't wait to see next week's conclusion. We have done a bit a talking on what to do once it's finished up, but have not developed anything concrete. Once the Bowl is finished, we will get working on the next contest.

tdg: The [H]ardBowl is a hit, probably one of the most anticipated contests ever.

Viper87227: I agree. It's definitely the most fun I have had on a contest.

tdg: And the contests really help, I was talking to p[H]ant0m just a few weeks ago, and he mentioned that you were actually the one who got him into folding, he wanted a gmail invite from one of your previous contests.

Viper87227: Oh? I never heard that from him. It's nice to hear that my contests brought in one of the more respected members of the team. I always thought he was around longer than that.

tdg: Nope, he said he wanted that gmail invite, so he started folding.

tdg: Makes the contests worthwhile I bet to know you've achieved that.

Viper87227: Definitely. It's always nice to hear that my efforts are bringing in new members.

tdg: They truly are. Do you have any rough idea how many new members you've turned onto folding?

Viper87227: I honestly have no idea. I'd like to hope it's a rather large number though.

tdg: Well it's obvious you've got at least a few directly into folding, and they've got some into folding, all told you've probably gotten a lot of people into it.

tdg: Where would you like to see the team go, more folders, more output?

Viper87227: Really, I'd like to see the team keep going in the direction we are headed. We have a lot of points, and a great community on the forums. Also, lets not forget were creating a nice gap between [H] and OCAU. I want to see it stay that way ;)

tdg: Yeah, beating OCAU was fun :)

tdg: And I agree the community is great, I switched teams a few months ago and have been much happier with the [H].

Viper87227: I know you're the one doing the interview and all, but I've got to ask. What team were you on before?

tdg: PC Perspective (AMDMB.com).

tdg: I didn't even realize [H] had a team for quite a while.

Viper87227: Same. I have been a member on [H] a lot longer than I had been on the folding team. I only wish I had found out sooner.

tdg: But the contests and front page pimpage made me switch.

Viper87227: Looks like you made the right choice.

tdg: I sure did :)

tdg: [H] is much more fun and friendly.

tdg: Well I think that's about it, any other comments you'd like to give to your fellow DC'rs?

Viper87227: Yeah. I just want to say thanks to everyone who voted me. It's quite an honor.

tdg: Well I think I speak for the team; we thank you for your contests, and all your hard work, keep on folding!

Viper87227: Not a problem. Can't wait to keep doing more.