Stock i7 3770k cpu cooler on Q9550?


[H]ipster Replacement
Sep 29, 2001
I think my stock fan on my Q9550 is dying, looks like it is running slow.
Anyone know if the stock i7 coolers will work, I have my stock 3770k cooler somewhere upstairs but was wanting to know before I scrounge around looking for it, as I have a hard time moving around.
Is that possible? I really think my fan is on it's last legs. :(
Good thing the garage is like 40*.
Might not work since the mounting diagram size is slightly size.

Swapping the fans would be a better chance.
ok, Well, I'll see if I can find the stock i7 cooler and see if the fans can be swapped.
thanks guys for the suggestion.
I've done this and visa versa with ones at the shop. You can jam the 1156/55/50 cooler into the 775 ports, some of the legs will be at an angle, same with going the other way.

The Core 2 Quad heatsink has a lot more material to it (taller), but I've never had a problem, it will probably run pretty hot under load though.