Hard forum app or tapatalk

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Jul 17, 2015
I searched for an individual so for the forum and searched on tapatalk. Came up short on both. I'm hoping I'm just extra blind and missed it. If neither exist is there a plan to implement either?
There is a mobile version of the forum which can be found at the very bottom left. A little box that says [H]ard I Forum and has a down arrow. Click and choose mobile version. That's as close as it comes.
I've been using the mobile version. They just never seem as elegant to me. What would be required to either get tapatalk support or the forums own app? If it required paying someone to name the app I'd be willing to donate. Maybe post a pool and see what the community thinks?
Tapatalk is such a terrible joke.

This. Glad to see I'm not the only one who hates forum apps. I'm tired of seeing apps for everything. Before long we're going to have to have app managers to deal with all the bullshit.
Thanks for your thoughts. I see no reason to have a HardForum App.
I honestly hate even mobile sites. I have a note 4, I don't want anyone's crappy mobiles site. I can zoom in if can't read something, just give me the normal site that has all the info.
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