Galaxy Abandons North American GPU Market @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Galaxy Abandons North American GPU Market - The North American GPU market has been one that is at many times a swirling mass of product. For the last few years though, we have seen the waters calm in that regard as video card board partners have somewhat solidified and we have seen solid players emerge and keep the stage. Except now we seen one exit stage left.
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*Almost* All of Galaxy's products have disappeared off of Newegg:

I noticed the lack of Galaxy GPUs a few days ago. Disappointing.
Thats interesting, I never bought from them and if I was looking at nvidia I would get evga instead.
That explains some things.
My company was looking at purchasing a big pile of nvidia-powered cards, and Galaxy was on the list.
This is a hard loss for enthusiasts in North America.
We have some 780TI's in-house right now, one of them is Galaxy, because of the Galaxy rep in the Hardforums...

And yes, I am a lazy S.O.B. and cross-posted this on fsckbooks.
To my knowledge the gentleman that posted here on Galaxy's behalf is still employed by Galaxy, but I do not know if he will be sharing any insight into the situation.
I wonder what the market share of Nvidia affiliates looks like. Wild stab based on anecdotal evidence. EVGA > MSI > ASUS > trickle trickle. Not really shocked about this news.
Doesn't surprise me. Nvidia has stifled their partners for years. Remember BFG?
So I bought 2 GTX 780 TI's from Newegg that had Standard Return Policy. I am seriously thinking about eating the restocking fee, just to save the headache of a dead card and no warranty. Thoughts?
Overall we all know that customer service on GPU products in North America is lacking at best. Experiences with GPU support for upper end product customers have gotten better over the years, but it is still far from where it should be.

I have to say this statement speaks volumes. I would also add some of the price gouging is getting out of hand as well.
Interesting on many fronts.
I bought two 780 GTX cards at release based on the support evident in these forums.
I have nothing but good things to say about Galaxy. I received several emails thanking me for my purchase.....when did the other nvidia partners ever do that?
What a shame.

I'm not sure that nvidia or AMD would have the resource or energy or money to suddenly become a customer service center for RMAs. First of all they don't manufacture anything.

Too bad for Galaxy NA. Too bad for me if my 780 go South.

Thanks for the heads up.
The 670 in my pc was bought because of the rave reviews and support I saw on this forum. First non-eVGA card I had purchased in many years. I hope I don't end up regretting that decision.

Shame, too, as the rep here is awesome and has helped me a couple times with questions. The little I've needed customer service has been great and I was preparing to purchase again in the next couple weeks. I was fully intending on another Galaxy card, so now it's back to checking everyone else out.
It's funny you should mention BFG. At the [H] get together at Tiger Direct last year (GTX780 unveiling) I immediately recognized the Galaxy reps to be from BFG.....

I was the proud owner of dual BFG GTX 7800 OC's back in the day......followed by dual BFG 8800 Gt's, followed by dual BFG GTX 280's.

Now I've got dual Galaxy GTX780s on water, and yet, another company with BFG leadership is down the tubes...

Sad day.
This was one of the main reasons why I've been in the EVGA camp for so many years. To me I had the best chance of getting customer service with EVGA than any other Nvidia or AMD partners. I did finally make the switch to AMD due to price reasons but with AMD it feels like your playing Russia roulette on service.
I never would have considered buying a Galaxy branded card unless it was dirt cheap. Oh well.

EVGA FTW! I do miss BFG though, I had a BFG 8800 GTS that served me well for many years.
Wow.. I'm glad I got rid of the (2) Galaxy HOF cards I had. Dogged a couple bullets there!

The Galaxy Rep. here always answered all the questions I had. Hopefully he will chime in here.

Just bought (2) EVGA GTX 780 Classifieds, looks like that might have been a good decision, time will tell.
I got a 770 from Galaxy just because of their presence and involvement with [H]. Sad times indeed.

Here's knocking on particle board hoping the card will last until my next upgrade...
So......Did Galaxy just toss it's sales folks to the damn wolves and throw up a giant two finger Dueces I'm out to NA?

Would that be the really nice folks we met that day at Tiger Direct when the 780's came out?
So......Did Galaxy just toss it's sales folks to the damn wolves and throw up a giant two finger Dueces I'm out to NA?

Would that be the really nice folks we met that day at Tiger Direct when the 780's came out?

Yes seemingly, and yes.

The representative arm has done just about everything it could to make sure the Galaxy brand remained stable. The entirety of this situation in my opinion lays at the feet of the Galaxy execs in Hong Kong.
The brand loyalty that could earned would be tremendous. Certainly it would make me feel better buying a $700 graphics card knowing that AMD or NVIDIA would be supporting me directly.

The 660Ti 3GB GC were great cards and I thought about buying more Galaxy cards, but went with EVGA for my 780s. Glad I did.
Well this is sad. I never bought any of their products but they were on my short list of NVIDIA-based companies to consider. Their 780 products really stood out in my opinion and if I went with 780s I definitely would have looked at the HOF line.
It's funny you should mention BFG. At the [H] get together at Tiger Direct last year (GTX780 unveiling) I immediately recognized the Galaxy reps to be from BFG.....

I was the proud owner of dual BFG GTX 7800 OC's back in the day......followed by dual BFG 8800 Gt's, followed by dual BFG GTX 280's.

Now I've got dual Galaxy GTX780s on water, and yet, another company with BFG leadership is down the tubes...

Sad day.

Well yes and no. The two men you met there were in fact with BFG at one point, but both of those men were jettisoned from BFG well before BFG went into the shitter. They were however founders of BFG. There were lots of nasty legal battles around their leaving. One was fired and the other followed on his own accord. Scott Herkelman, the third BFG founder was at the helm of BFG when it started getting bad there; he is now General Manager GeForce at NVIDIA.
I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for those guys....

What a cluster.
I did notice that NCIX has no Galaxy cards listed anymore.

Well that's too bad. My last 2 nvidia cards (8800gt) were galaxy and I probably would have stuck with Galaxy on my next purchase if I go with Nvidia.
Wow, that blows. Galaxy always seemed really close to the community here, too. I did notice a distinct lack of Galaxy cards floating around recently, though.

Hope my 680 doesn't crap out...
Wow, that blows. Galaxy always seemed really close to the community here, too. I did notice a distinct lack of Galaxy cards floating around recently, though.

Hope my 680 doesn't crap out...

Yes, I would suggest it blows too. The guys that built the Galaxy brand here in North America truly wanted to see Galaxy grow much further. They did all they could to save it from implosion.
This well and truly sucks. I've got a couple of 670GC 4GBs in SLI and before that had a tri-fan GTX260 in mixed brand SLI. Damned solid products, all said. I'm not so worried about support though since they've been rock solid so far and I'm gonna be upgrading everything for Skylake.

What really makes me sad is all the kickass support people just tossed out like that. Those guys were freaking awesome.
My experience over the years has taught me that the video card is the component most prone to failure. Considering it is also the highest power consumer and generates the most heat, this isn't surprising.

I'm located in Calgary, Canada. I buy my stuff locally from Memory Express, who offer IPR (Instant Product Replacement) plans. I now always buy one for how long I expect to use a video card for (3 yrs or so). If the card fails, I get a brand new equivalent over the counter once they've tested it.

I've had dealings with video card manufacturers in the past with RMA's. From Canada, it was terrible. Even BFG was bad trying to deal with them over the border. Because I was in Canada they couldn't send me an advance replacement, so I had to wait weeks. By the time the replacement card showed up which was refurbished, I found only to pop it in my system that it was worse than the one I returned! So I had to wait another several weeks for another replacement.

After that experience.. IPR all the way on video cards. Given the state of things in NA overall now, you guys down south of the border might want to start considering the same.
I hate to see this happen to Galaxy NA. The Galaxy rep here always seemed to be very helpful. Hopefully he can still assist anyone who has issues in the future (assuming he still has a job)
I'd like to know more about the politics behind this.
The last two flagship cards I've bought were a BFG GTX 285 OC and a Galaxy GTX 780 GC, maybe I should stay away from flagship cards...I had an xfx 5850, sapphire 6950, xfx and asus 7950s in between my flagship purchases and they're all still in business.
Sad to hear about Galaxy as I have had a few of their cards over the years. I hope this does not start a trend with other graphics cards companies either.
My experience over the years has taught me that the video card is the component most prone to failure. Considering it is also the highest power consumer and generates the most heat, this isn't surprising.

I'm located in Calgary, Canada. I buy my stuff locally from Memory Express, who offer IPR (Instant Product Replacement) plans. I now always buy one for how long I expect to use a video card for (3 yrs or so). If the card fails, I get a brand new equivalent over the counter once they've tested it.

I've had dealings with video card manufacturers in the past with RMA's. From Canada, it was terrible. Even BFG was bad trying to deal with them over the border. Because I was in Canada they couldn't send me an advance replacement, so I had to wait weeks. By the time the replacement card showed up which was refurbished, I found only to pop it in my system that it was worse than the one I returned! So I had to wait another several weeks for another replacement.

After that experience.. IPR all the way on video cards. Given the state of things in NA overall now, you guys down south of the border might want to start considering the same.

I'm in Ontario and used to buy replacement plans on video cards as well but Canada Computers which is where I buy most of my parts stopped offering them on video cards.My last RMA experience was RAM from Gskill and they were pretty hastle free and not too long (3 weeks).
For some reason I never trusted Galaxy stuff. It still sucks to see them leave though.