Games crash at splash screen with 8120.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Asus Sabertooth 990FX has been fixed by Asus finally! Get it here. And thanks to blppt for the information again. He's been a godsend.

I want to preface this by stating that there is an unofficial fix for this problem now thanks to blppt for finding it and The Stilt over on for fixing it! Kudos to those guys and the fix can be found at the bottom of this post and in the thread also.

A clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the allocated time interval.

Why do I keep getting this error when I fire up a game, yet the system passes numerous stress tests? Nothing is overclocked, using optimized default in the bios, other games work fine, and the system was stable previously with a 555 BE in it before I installed the 8120.

Saint's Row the Third crashes.
Portal 2 crashes at splash screen. :(
Total War Shogun 2 crash at splash screen.
Dawn of War Retribution crashes at splash screen.
F.E.A.R 3 crashes at splash screen.
Team Fortress 2 crashes at the connect to server screen.
Deus Ex HDR crashes at load screen.
Dirt 3 crashes at the loading screen.

Civilization 5 runs fine.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 runs butter smooth.
Left For Dead 2 butter smooth.
Rift is so smooth that my fps doubled from the 555 BE.
Super Street Fighter 4 is smooth.

Just perplexes me that some games work and some just don't. I thought Portal and L4D2 shared the same basic engine; I guess not.

I'm figuring that it is something on my end but I'm just stumped. I would love to OC the system, but if it can't run at stock what's the point in trying. Oh and the games that work continue working at up to 4200 speeds on stock voltage.

About to reinstall win 7 64 for the 5th time so I won't be able to reply for a couple hours. If you have any ideas on how to help I'd appreciate it!

The Unofficial Fix! This works great for me!

Here's the exact procedure for using the temporary fix (repost)


For those who are following and have the same problems as me:

This guy somehow managed to mod the BIOS AND fix the performance issues:

I dont know who he is, but right now, he is quite simply GOD, LOL

FIRST, you need to install this *modified* version of the 0813 BIOS on post 35 of this page (solves the crashing BSOD problem):

Direct link:

THEN, you need to download and run the file at post 56 (fixes the 5 fps problem):

Direct link:

(run the Orechi-CEG program, not the other executable)

Limited testing, but so far, works perfectly. I'd thank him, but you apparently need to PAY to register with that forum.

NOTE: you will need to run that at every boot. I rarely reboot, so it doesnt bother me, so if you dont want to be bothered with that, or are iffy about using 3rd party mods with something as critical as a BIOS, just wait for the forthcoming official BIOS from ASUS.

Seems that MSI has finally fixed it's motherboards. Thanks to [H] user jreinlie4 there are new bios out.

MSI just gave the the BETA BIOS for the 890FXA-GD70. It fixes the DRM issue and adds a couple features to the BIOS.
I do not have a changelog.
It is version 1.13B5 aka 1.1D5. Here is the link:
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Thers a bug in the chp or something. Its not just your chip I posted in the ask amd thing about it. Google xf not working in shogon 2
I read somewhere that AMD stated (at least for shogun 2) is related to the steam client and bulldozer combination -- maybe steam can patch it ??
shogun is temperamental on my pc, but I am not on bulldozer, I am on 990 chipset.

sometimes it starts sometimes it crashes.

that game has crossfire issues too.

I didn't read through the whole thread, but it sounds like the same thing. You might want to read the whole thread and see if there's more info to be gathered, but the OPs highlights appeared to be:

Anything that is graphically animated like a flash video will eventually BSOD the computer.
Artifacts would show up followed by the BSOD.

I've tried three different video cards and they all gave me the exact same problems.
It's not the video cards.
Not the PCI-E slots (tried a couple).
I doubt it's the motherboard, it was working fine with the 1090T.

RAM is passing memtest.
CPU ???

I spoke with AMD and they said the problem is more than likely with the CPU and to RMA it.
I has a sad.

I'm getting a refund and will buy the 1100T instead.
AMD, I am disappoint.
I'm having the same problem with my FX-8120 on a ASUS Crosshair V. Are all of these games on steam? The only game I've tried so far is Deus Ex:HR (so close to beating it too! :( ) and it crashes either before it loads or within seconds of loading with the same error. I tried running OCCT but that freezes the machine for a few seconds at a time and gets progressively worse 'til it crashes.

Maybe it's linked to bad voltage or RAM? What I have tried is updating to the latest BIOS which didn't have any effect, but I haven't tried playing with RAM or upping the voltage at all. When I get home I'll play around with those and report back.

Just out of curiosity: which stress tests have you run? Does your system crash within minutes of OCCT?
I'm having the same problem with my FX-8120 on a ASUS Crosshair V. Are all of these games on steam? The only game I've tried so far is Deus Ex:HR (so close to beating it too! :( ) and it crashes either before it loads or within seconds of loading with the same error. I tried running OCCT but that freezes the machine for a few seconds at a time and gets progressively worse 'til it crashes.

Maybe it's linked to bad voltage or RAM? What I have tried is updating to the latest BIOS which didn't have any effect, but I haven't tried playing with RAM or upping the voltage at all. When I get home I'll play around with those and report back.

Just out of curiosity: which stress tests have you run? Does your system crash within minutes of OCCT?

I just ran OCCT for 28 minutes and everything was fine. It didn't crash or freeze or anything. Yes, all of those games are on Steam. I'm running the latest bios from Asus also. The beta bios.
Try manually upping the CPU voltage, to see if it fixes the problem.
Try manually upping the CPU voltage, to see if it fixes the problem.

I did that also. No effect. There are also at least 4 different settings where you can fix the voltage regulation and they have no effect. CPU load line calibration, CPU current capability,CPU/NB power phase control, CPU/NB load line calibration.

I have tried bumping the CPU voltage to 1.4125 and it didn't fix the restarts for the games. But it did help for stability when OC'ing. As long as I didn't fire up the bad list of games.

They work great when I am OC'ing and trying to get stable. But the bad games restart the computer regardless of setting. I haven't touched the ram voltage though.
@ OP

Don't fight it, it's not your fault.

This is pathetic, AMD really fucked up big time with Bulldozer, first it unperforms, consumes more power than the i7's and it is unstable even at stock speeds? Bulldozer is almost as bad as the original Phenom's, if not, worse.
Well...Nothing crashes for me, that I've tried yet and in fact (haven't tried Shogun 2 yet), most games scale a lot better in crossfire now with the 8120 @ 4.5ghz overclock, compared to my 1100t which was OCed to 4.125ghz/3ghz NB/2ghz DDR3....That's a nice bonus, as I was kind of disappointed in my crossfire performance before getting this chip (2x6970s).

The biggest issue I've hit, so far, is that DX:HR seems to be stuck to one core now. It gets about 4fps in the menus and no more than 10fps in the game. I've tried reinstalling the game (Steam), deleting all the cache files (that I could find), even reformatted w/ fresh windows - absolutely no change from anything I've tried.

I like the CPU overall, after a beefy overclock. Per-core performance is similar to the 1100t was @ stock. But these issues they're starting to see are nothing short of unacceptable.

EDIT: Just tried Portal 2...It runs fine, but framerates are sub-par...Pretty sure I should be getting more than 40fps average :(
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hmms, I don't have that title to test with. Otherwise i would fire it up and let you know how it went.

it could be a throttling issue perhaps. open up amd overdrive, turn on turbo core, click ok, then turn turbo core off again, click ok, close amd over drive.

then try and play the game again. Run cpuz to see what your cpu clock rate is while play the game.
Tried all of that - CPU is clocked properly with no throttling....GPUs are clocking up to their normal 940mhz (factory OCed - MSI R6970 Lightnings). With crossfire off, average framerates drop to about 33avg vs 40avg cf on, in Portal 2 - no change for DX:HR.

So now I'm up to two games that seem to run significantly worse, however, Rage, STALKER: CoP, BF:BC2, Half-Life 2, GTA IV and Minecraft (being all I can think of that i've tested so far) run brilliantly - noticeably and significantly higher FPS than my 1100t, in crossfire. But DX:HR is unplayable and Portal 2 playable, but about 1/8th the expected frame rates.

No crashes yet.

EDIT: Can't begin to properly express the depth of my irritation with all of this...Debating now whether to put the 1100t back in here or just ragequit AMD and start over with a nice Intel/Nvidia setup :mad:

EDIT2: OP, I'm about to test l4d2 and will continue to run all the games you listed, and I own...Will keep you posted on the results, for whatever they're worth....At least you can see you're not alone in having problems with this CPU.

UPDATE: L4D2 runs brilliantly 150-200fps average
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EDIT: Can't begin to properly express the depth of my irritation with all of this...

I trully feel for you. Shogun 1 was pretty much the only game that i was playing and since i migrated to Win7x64 and widescreen monitor, it will only run at the lowest resolution making it unplayable.

And Shogun II is the only game i play nowdays. I love this series. As a matter of fact i just finishes a Mori campaign, where i tried for the first time the Mori wako raiders and they were awesome, so effective and cheap!

I really hope AMD or Creative assembly issue a fix for this, it's such a great game!
Oh wow, why are people even buying this CPU? Reviews are out, and, it's slower, hotter, more expensive and now this? I'm actually dumb founded that people are that spiteful in the face of common sense. Spend less, get a 2500k and have a lot more performance.

Sorry to hear you're having issues tho. I really hope that in a few years AMD can get the performance and stability to that of the 2600k but by then, 2013 ... it will be a little late. I really feel bad for all the AMD fans. Myself included.
Oh wow, why are people even buying this CPU? Reviews are out, and, it's slower, hotter, more expensive and now this? I'm actually dumb founded that people are that spiteful in the face of common sense. Spend less, get a 2500k and have a lot more performance.

Sorry to hear you're having issues tho. I really hope that in a few years AMD can get the performance and stability to that of the 2600k but by then, 2013 ... it will be a little late. I really feel bad for all the AMD fans. Myself included.

Well, I can't speak for anybody else, but I already had a 990fx motherboard (MSI 990fxa-gd80 to be precise), and when overclocked, the performance is a decent gain over Thubane for the multithreaded apps I run, and heavy multitasking that I do. So it was, in hopes, that it would save me a platform change (2600k + new motherboard = a heckuva lot more expensive than just getting an 8120 and overclocking it).

Again: it performs to a satisfactory level, for the most part, for my needs.

Also, it runs a lot cooler than my Thubane, even with the heavy OC.

btw, I didn't see we had spilled over to a 2nd page, and updated my last post, but in short: L4D2 runs great - 150-200fps average.

UPDATE: TF2 runs great - has no issues hitting the 300fps default cap...Removing the cap ("fps_max 1000" in console), game has no issues getting up to 800fps and about 350fps minimum, in the short bit I played.
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Well, I can't speak for anybody else, but I already had a 990fx motherboard (MSI 990fxa-gd80 to be precise), and when overclocked, the performance is a decent gain over Thubane for the multithreaded apps I run, and heavy multitasking that I do. So it was, in hopes, that it would save me a platform change (2600k + new motherboard = a heckuva lot more expensive than just getting an 8120 and overclocking it).

Again: it performs to a satisfactory level, for the most part, for my needs.

Also, it runs a lot cooler than my Thubane, even with the heavy OC.

btw, I didn't see we had spilled over to a 2nd page, and updated my last post, but in short: L4D2 runs great - 150-200fps average.

UPDATE: TF2 runs great - has no issues hitting the 300fps default cap...Removing the cap ("fps_max 1000" in console), game has no issues getting up to 800fps and about 350fps minimum, in the short bit I played.

L4D2 runs great for me also. TF2 BSOD after I try to connect to a server. Maybe my processor is just bad. I just don't want to put the 555 BE back in here.

L4D2 runs great for me also. TF2 BSOD after I try to connect to a server. Maybe my processor is just bad. I just don't want to put the 555 BE back in here.


Oh...I only played locally (training) just to see if it ran. I thought you meant it was crashing to desktop, before it even fully loaded. Let me try joining an actual server, and get back with you.
Well what are you using for settings like voltage, nb, etc? I'll try anything at this point. My nephew dropped off his 965 BE system for me to get a virus off last night and it ran so smooth that it almost made me cry.
200x22.5 = 4.5ghz @ 1.470v (that's the setting I have in BIOS, but CPU-Z and MSI Control Center both show 1.440v idle and as low as 1.400v under stress loads)

Using stock NB/HT Link (2200mhz and 2600mhz, respectively)...This chip seems to hate NB overclocks (unstable) and HT Link did nothing for performance...

But honestly, I can't imagine overclocking would really help. Have you double checked your RAM timings and freqency are set correctly?

Here's my full specs:
CPU: AMD FX-8120 @ 4.5ghz
RAM: 2x4gb (8gb dual channel) ADATA Gaming Series v2.0 DDR3-2000mhz @ 1866mhz, 9-10-9-24 CR1
GPU: Two MSI R6970 Lightnings in crossfirex
Mobo: MSI 990fxa-gd80
HDD: WD Caviar Black 1tb
SSD: ADATA S511 120gb
Case: Rosewill Blackhawk
Cooling: 6 case fans + Zalman CNPS11x hsf
PSU: Seasonic X-850 (850watt, 80 Plus Gold)
Monitor: ViewSonic VA2702w 27" 1920x1080
Kyb/Mouse: Logitech G15/Logitech G500
OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
I just OC'd my memory for the first time to 1866 from 1600 and it feels like a new system. But it still crashes at start up for those particular games. Have to leave the house for a bit, but if you could make a note of your voltage settings that you used I'd greatly appreciate it.

Cool you were able to OC the memory...That's usually the part I have the least success with. I suggest running memtest86 on it, to make sure its fully stable, and if you OC the CPU, make sure to run Prime95, y-cruncher or other stress test to make sure its stable.

For voltages, I mentioned it in my last post, but I have set the CPU at 1.470v in BIOS. Due to reasons unknown to me, however, CPU-Z shows only 1.440v with vdroop as low as 1.400v, under stress loads. So I'd start at 1.40v for a 4.5ghz overclock, and work your way up until its stable in prime95 (or other stress test). Avoid going over 1.5v for 24/7 operation, on air cooling, but if you find you still have voltage headroom at 4.5ghz, you can aim for higher overclocks. I can get my chip stable up to 4.7ghz, but the heat and voltages required are not suitable for 24/7 operation. Use the readings in BIOS to determine your actual voltage; some motherboards are bound to be more or less accurate than mine are, when comparing the voltage setting to the actual reading, and the actual reading should be fairly accurate. I've found, on my motherboard, I can set the vcore up to 1.522v in my OC menu, which yields an actual voltage of about 1.48-1.49v....The most reliable way to check your voltages, is to use a multimeter, but that's outside of the realm of feasibility for most people.

For memory voltage, my modules are actually down clocked, but I'm using their rated 1.65v and tighter timings (9-10-9-24 vs 9-11-9-27 spec for this speed).

Since I'm not overclocking the HT Link nor Northbridge, I've left those voltages on "Auto", which puts them at 1.200v and 1.1020v respectively.

Hope that helps and/or answers your question :)
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Thought I would try to mention the voltage bump, but it seems like there is a bigger problem. I suggested it because me and my friend had phenom I 9600 black editions. His would not run on stock due to a low quality motherboard, I had to down clock it 100mhz to 2.2ghz to not blue screen in 64bit. Mine however would run 2.65Ghz on stock voltage in 64 bit windows :D. would make sense, but according to his sig, he has an ASUS I understand, those are pretty good boards.

Alternatively, as has also been said, could just be something defective. I have the same CPU, and while there's issues, I'm not having the BSOD or anything (at least not in any games I've tried yet)....I wont know about shogun 2 until tomorrow or the next day, though as I have not installed it yet and only on 6mbps DSL (15gb game) :(
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*sighs* I knew it was coming....Never a question of if, but when.

I swear, you fanboys are lucky I'm not moderator on the forums I frequent, or it'd be a banhammer massacre. I mean, for BOTH sides. Its just been a big, pointless pissing match. Intel and AMD are simply companies who make products. Sometimes they make crappy products. Period, end of story. I have my reasons for buying this chip, I'm sure the OP does as well....Its not up to you to decide if it is stupid or not, either way.

p.s. Its not $150 more for an Intel chip. I could have gotten an i5-2500k for the same price, or i7-2600k for $100 more (like really, are you just pulling numbers out of your arse? oh yea, nvm...troll). The problem is, it's another $200 for a motherboard that remotely compares to mine. The bulldozer is meeting my needs, and only having some issues in a couple of games that are of very little importance to me.
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*sighs* I knew it was coming....Never a question of if, but when.

I swear, you fanboys are lucky I'm not moderator on the forums I frequent, or it'd be a banhammer massacre. I mean, from BOTH sides. Its just been a big, pointless pissing match. Intel and AMD are simply companies who make products. Sometimes they make crappy products. Period, end of story. I have my reasons for buying this chip and its not up to you to decide if it is stupid or not.


has been a troll pissing match.

While i cannot say i purchased my fx processor. Its not a as bad of processor as people make it out to be. My fx at 4.6ghz improved my 3dmark 11 score by 500 points, improved my 3dmark vantage score by nearly 2k points. Which will only improve soon as bios fixes come out for mobos, to fix things like mhz throttling, and memory support and what not. My results were compared to a phenom II x6 @ 3.7 ghz, granted the bulldozer has a 900mhz clock speed advantage its still impressive to see this kind of boost with just a cpu upgrade.

Either way intel or amd, both are capable products.
My 3dmark 11 physics score went from 6200 average on a 4.125ghz 1100t to 7300 average on my 8120 at 4.5ghz; graphics score even went up several hundred points, which netted me about 1000 points in total score (8700ish to 9700ish)...I scored 10249 points in passmark, 35.5kPT in sisoft, 7.9s wprime, 7.55 cinebench...Essentially, in all benchmarks I've run, I'm equaling or besting the 2500k and I paid the same price AND saved money by not having to switch platforms.

Only 3 complaints I can make right now:
1) the fact I had to overclock in the first place
2) Power consumption (but not really an issue for me...and really, will you notice it in your power bill, anyway?)
3) Few bugs in a couple of games, that may or may not even be the CPU's fault in the first place

Only thing it slouches on is SuperPi, really, which AMD cpu's have always been bad at...its antiquated x87. If you seriously want to crunch pi, you would use y-cruncher, anyway... There I can do 25m digits in under 7 seconds.

*ahem* I'm sorry about all of that... Now that we all know our epeen measurements, can we please get back to helping this guy out (and maybe me in the process, too) with his computer issues? K? Thanks!
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*ahem* I'm sorry about all of that... Now that we all know our epeen measurements, can we please get back to helping this guy out (and maybe me in the process, too) with his computer issues? K? Thanks!

That's nice, too bad it's a fucking hardware problem.
I just happened to wake up in the middle of the night and was curious if this thing was still running fine. Been running at 4000 MHz without any problems all night, but I haven't gotten around to touching the memory other than letting the motherboard select a 1866 profile for it automatically. I'll mess with the memory tomorrow when my brain actually works. :)

Oh I deleted the local content for Deus Ex and downloaded it again. Still can't get past the initial start screen and if I choose Options instead of play game it crashes also. But I can play games that aren't SteamWorks games. Weird as I have a fresh install of Steam as I formatted my HD yesterday.

My frame rate in BF:BC2 with the processor OC'd, but the video cards at stock speeds varies between 180fps - 85fps. My KDR went from .5 to 1.42 simply because every brick that explodes beside me no longer causes a stutter or freeze on the 8120 whereas the 555 BE that I had installed before cried real tears in that game. So much fun!

I just happened to wake up in the middle of the night and was curious if this thing was still running fine. Been running at 4000 MHz without any problems all night, but I haven't gotten around to touching the memory other than letting the motherboard select a 1866 profile for it automatically. I'll mess with the memory tomorrow when my brain actually works. :)

Oh I deleted the local content for Deus Ex and downloaded it again. Still can't get past the initial start screen and if I choose Options instead of play game it crashes also. But I can play games that aren't SteamWorks games. Weird as I have a fresh install of Steam as I formatted my HD yesterday.

My frame rate in BF:BC2 with the processor OC'd, but the video cards at stock speeds varies between 180fps - 85fps. My KDR went from .5 to 1.42 simply because every brick that explodes beside me no longer causes a stutter or freeze on the 8120 whereas the 555 BE that I had installed before cried real tears in that game. So much fun!


Yea, I've found BC2 seems to like it. But doesn't really solve your other issues...I'm sure you want to play more than one game :p I would run a battery of stress tests on it for about 60 minutes each, including (but not limited to) prime95 and y-cruncher, and at least one or two loops of memtest86. If it fails any of them, clear cmos and try it with everything stock/default. If it still fails, then you know what's bad and will need to start an RMA. If not, I don't know, because I can't think of anything that's going to get past those tests. SSDs can cause BSOD, also...If you have another hard drive to test with, you can eliminate that, as well, but pretty sure SSD problems are usually pretty random and can't be easily reproduced.

As for me, 99% of everything runs perfectly, but 2 games...Debating if those 2 games are worth the hassle of putting my 1100t back in, or purchasing the $1600 worth of intel/nvidia gear in my newegg cart :confused: