What do you think games will be like 20 years from now?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Maybe Oculus Rift ?

Quake 7

Everquest Last

Metro Flash Light

I just know the kids of tomorrow will be so engrossed in the games of the future which gives them zero reason to go outside and catch the cold weather.
Maybe we will get more augmented reality games, so you still have to go outside to play them. :cool:
4k will be standard and oculus support will like xbox controller support is now.
Graphics will plateau. Games will look ultra realistic with realistic facial expression and AI
gameplay will be the same
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20 years ago:


10 years ago:




in 20 years:

It's too hard to accurately pinpoint game capabilities at specific times because they are too interdependent with several factors:

- technology: It is a given that technology will improve over time and as the technology improves it will allow for more immersive and interactive entertainment

- infrastructure: Games 20 years ago couldn't utilize internet capabilities very well since that was not as widely available then. Infrastructure improvements allow enhanced multiplayer or remote interaction with game servers. Twenty years from now we should have massive installed bases of high speed internet. People will also have multiple venues of communication (mobile phones, internet, etc) that might allow for games that extend across multiple platforms ... for example, I might have a Zombie survival game that requires I walk (or jog) 2 miles in the real world to collect a supply drop with my smart phone that I can use in the online world on my home system.

- player interest:This is a massive one ... if players like 3D technologies then games become more oriented towards 3D ... if players like immersive effects (like Oculus then games will be more oriented towards that) ... if players like multiplayer (like now) then games become more aligned to that interest. The market adjusts to the players as much as they adjust to the market.

- Demographics: When gaming was newer it was primarily a pastime of the young. As generations of gamers grew up and continued to game the demographics began to diversify to include adults and middle aged gamers. In 20 years you could have substantial groups of gamers across the full range of age demographics. Given different income capabilities and interests, this one can have a massive effective on games.

Ultimately, I think the one thing we can guarantee about gaming 20 years from now is it will be better and probably even more immersive. And it should be truly satisfying for everybody from 9 to 90 :cool:
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$50 digital deluxe respawn kit, get 100 respawns
$25 regular respawn kit, get 20 respawns
Higher res textures, detailed models and framerate, improved animation.
But the more work involved in achieving the higher standard, the less small developers will be able to keep up so we will become reliant in the larger game dev houses.
The more methods that are patented, the more costly it is.
VR with advanced 3D tech (ie holographic or glasses-less 3D) may be worthwhile additions, but anything that needs you to move your head a lot wont become mainstream.

There arent many gameplay ideas that cant be put into practise already so it will probably be similar, in that occasionally, a well designed environment/world game will pop up which wows us.
But generally it will be so so or slightly better rehashes of game styles already released.
Direct brain interface will be the standard. You will have a USB 6 port somewhere on your head or neck which you will use to connect to a gaming device. Think of The Matrix.
WoW will be on it's 15th expansion, and still running the same game engine :rolleyes: But now with updated character genitalia
In 20 years devs will finally turn DoF and Blur off by default and people will think there was a quantum leap in rendering power.
In 20 years devs will finally turn DoF and Blur off by default and people will think there was a quantum leap in rendering power.

That is a trend I would definitely not mind seeing gone. Though DoF actually can look pretty good when used in cutscenes. In actual gameplay it's pretty annoying most of the time.

Blur is unnecessary since we're not playing at 30 FPS on a TV screen.
There will be no video games. Everyone will be too busy having sex with their fembot.
If anything, more realistic graphics and physics... same gameplay.
My prediction?

Every game will be either MW or COD, and the gameplay will be exclusively quicktime events. But there will be built in bots to do the quicktime events for you, so no real effort will be required. :D

"stay tuned for previews of rocky....5000!" :p
There will be no video games. Everyone will be too busy having sex with their fembot.

God, I sure hope so! I can't wait. And if the BitchBot pisses me off then I'm beating her ass until she achieves consciousness and then hitting Amazon Instant, via my USB 15 implant, and having a new one made instantly via my "Amazon Instant In-Home 3DPrinter" just to piss her the fuck off. Well, I hope so anyhow...

replaceable wives FTW!
God, I sure hope so! I can't wait. And if the BitchBot pisses me off then I'm beating her ass until she achieves consciousness and then hitting Amazon Instant, via my USB 15 implant, and having a new one made instantly via my "Amazon Instant In-Home 3DPrinter" just to piss her the fuck off. Well, I hope so anyhow...

replaceable wives FTW!

WTF dude...
God, I sure hope so! I can't wait. And if the BitchBot pisses me off then I'm beating her ass until she achieves consciousness and then hitting Amazon Instant, via my USB 15 implant, and having a new one made instantly via my "Amazon Instant In-Home 3DPrinter" just to piss her the fuck off. Well, I hope so anyhow...

replaceable wives FTW!

Erm, OK then.
Not sure if it would be counted as a 'game' but has anyone read Daemon by Daniel Suarez?

I hope that's how things are, wearing google-glass-like things, being able to see peoples 'stats' and leveling up based on how people perceive you and how you help out. Buying things and having them made on a 3d printer in front of you.. would be neat
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Well seeing the oculus rift hardware that allowed you to view yourself in third person live. Then seeing a tech demo with the xbox one that showed the IllumiRoom Kinect being used.

I have hopes for the following in 20 years or less.

Wearing a device similar to the oculus rift with cameras that allow you to view the world in first person live, then using technology from the illumniroom, that projects objects in the room you're playing in, to project objects in the world you walk around in that you can interact with, but those objects are only present on the oculus rift device so only you can see and interact with them.

What I mean is. Wearing an oculus rift and walking around your neighborhood shooting zombies in virtual reality. Link up multiple units to battle the zombie apocalypse in teams.
I just know the kids of tomorrow will be so engrossed in the games of the future which gives them zero reason to go outside and catch the cold weather.

And how does that differ from kids today? think back 20 years and how games are today...
In 20 years there will be a bubble prompt pop up saying:

"Point and click here to win!"

Followed by:

"You've WON! Please pay $10 to play again!"
Maybe we'll figure out a way to play games while exercising. I'd love to play FPS and walk away feeling like I actually ran and climbed around that much. Maybe that is augmented reality, but I'm more thinking tricking your body into thinking it's using it's muscles and feeling weather effects and all that.

Or the ultimate orgasmic thing like the previous post, some sorta sensor that prolongs near climax for an indefinite amount of time.

Or just go outside and play and learn some tantric sex.
games are going to be pay X amt to play Y time or to get Z item that you can only use that moment
not sure this is a parallel worth drawing, but when i think of where the IT market will be in 10 years (being able to at least somewhat accurately predict this is part of what i base my career on), i try to view bandwidth as an obsolete factor. thats to say if gigabit fiber is becoming prominent, then competition will drive it, docsis 4.0/5.0 will try to compete, etc. so imagine if 1gigabit is the new 20Mbit... bandwidth becomes a moot factor.

that opens the floor up to stuff like "cloud gaming" where you dont even install things locally. delivery becomes a new paradigm, therefore compute could in theory follow. imagine amazon having the ability to deliver you a single GPU or you pay extra and get 4 GPU's.. or 8.. or 12..

food for thought.
The problem with calculations offsite is latency.
There is value, but for twitch gaming of any kind, local video processing will be needed and it may not work too well for casual adventuring unless you dont mind some lag.
I can't imagine graphics improving as dramatically as the last 20 years. I think games will be designed much more intuitively so that when you pick it up you fall into the experience and it's never the same.

And there will be more types of immersion that actually work, like the Oculus Rift.
Doesn't matter really, 20 years from now my Steam backlog will be 5000 games long instead of 150.
Doesn't matter really, 20 years from now my Steam backlog will be 5000 games long instead of 150.

lol funny

When I'm 59 years old 20 years from now I'll have carpal tunnel and tore rotator cuff from all of the clicking I did in sub par MMOs.