Check these out for those who admire Murdermod Sleeving but dont want to void things.


Aug 29, 2008
I for one love the murdermod sleeving look and I saw these today when finding a 24 pin extension for a friend. They look pretty good and I might pull the trigger to try them out. Well just the 6 pin, 8 pin and 24 pin.

Those are quite good deals compared to performance-pc's who want $50 something for a 24pin extension.

Maybe for my next build I'll buy those instead... saves a lot of time/effort :D

But I am selling my HX850 which I did modify like this, Corsair said the warranty is still intact as long as I don't break the seals on the PSU itself (which I didn't).
Im sure that isnt murdermod sleeve its prob techflex which is terrible looking.
isnt 10" a bit short? Especially if trying to hide wires behind mobo tray. 8 pin has to go from bottom of case to top and back down to plug.
isnt 10" a bit short? Especially if trying to hide wires behind mobo tray. 8 pin has to go from bottom of case to top and back down to plug.

It's an extension, not a replacement.
Well if the wire is black underneath than it's not that big of a deal. For the price you really can't complain.

Yep yep, Order just went through for 2x6 pin, 24 pin, 8 pin. I will take some pictures when they get here. ;)
Badass, good find. Just got my rig all hooked up with the Corsair 1000HX. Most of its cables are pure black, but the standard ones could use these. Rather spend a few bucks than dick around with the mobo cable all day.
Thanks, always wanted to get one of these. Too lazy to do it myself, and other places charges too much. This is just right.
Why not actually look at the pictures first? I zoomed in and they look like murdermod sleeving to me.

No offense, but you never seen Murdermod sleeving if you think it's looks like it.


That NZXT sleeve looks TERRIBLE. No substitution for doing it properly and with best sleeve there is (from Nils)!!!!
No offense, but you never seen Murdermod sleeving if you think it's looks like it.



I have seen Murdermod sleeving. Is there a difference, yes. Is it a glaring difference, no. Anyone that says the lower one looks like shit is just being an elitist. They look just fine for people that don't have the know how, patience, or desire to do Murdermod sleeving.

The point I'm trying to make is that they look just fine and look about a million times better than stock look of cables.
I have seen Murdermod sleeving. Is there a difference, yes. Is it a glaring difference, no. Anyone that says the lower one looks like shit is just being an elitist. They look just fine for people that don't have the know how, patience, or desire to do Murdermod sleeving.

The point I'm trying to make is that they look just fine and look about a million times better than stock look of cables.


Don't have the desire to hand sleeve my power supply well for the main reason being warranty but hey if someone donates a worthy power supply I will surely do it and join the countless of people who have jumped on the bandwagon. :p

Still main reason for the purchase is well extensions is gonna improve wiring and to top it off no one is gonna notice the difference unless they rip out the cables and look at em closely or even notice their extensions and not the full cords to the psu that are sleeved, and let me tell you not many people around here open the side case and look at my cables :p

@ Foch, They arrive tomorrow according to tracking, 2x6 pins, 24 pin and 8 pin all for under $30 shipped. What more can you want?

Don't have the desire to hand sleeve my power supply well for the main reason being warranty but hey if someone donates a worthy power supply I will surely do it and join the countless of people who have jumped on the bandwagon. :p

Still main reason for the purchase is well extensions is gonna improve wiring and to top it off no one is gonna notice the difference unless they rip out the cables and look at em closely or even notice their extensions and not the full cords to the psu that are sleeved, and let me tell you not many people around here open the side case and look at my cables :p

@ Foch, They arrive tomorrow according to tracking, 2x6 pins, 24 pin and 8 pin all for under $30 shipped. What more can you want?

Yeah $30 is a great deal rofl
I used to do a lot of custom car audio back in the 80s and early 90s. Stuff like plexi sub boxes, custom fiberglass dashboards and wooden door panels etc. Wiring is a big deal in the car audio circles and people spend ungodly amounts of money on it, sometimes merely for looks. Debating over the visual presentation of the NZXT versus Murdermod etc... well... 99.9% of people will never notice cable sleeving to begin with, much less think it's worth paying for.

These NZXT parts look to be a solid lower-priced alternative to what's currently on the market or DIY time/costs. If I was blacking out a case I'd consider this stuff. Hopefully the build quality is good.
I looked at the pictures.. and own murdermod sleeve.. grats on having no idea wtf you're talking about.

I suggest you read my second post.

Yeah $30 is a great deal rofl

Compared to $80 without shipping from other places, yeah, it's a damn good deal.

I used to do a lot of custom car audio back in the 80s and early 90s. Stuff like plexi sub boxes, custom fiberglass dashboards and wooden door panels etc. Wiring is a big deal in the car audio circles and people spend ungodly amounts of money on it, sometimes merely for looks. Debating over the visual presentation of the NZXT versus Murdermod etc... well... 99.9% of people will never notice cable sleeving to begin with, much less think it's worth paying for.

These NZXT parts look to be a solid lower-priced alternative to what's currently on the market or DIY time/costs. If I was blacking out a case I'd consider this stuff. Hopefully the build quality is good.

Yeah $30 is a great deal rofl

Compared to a $60~ deal that would require me to void my psu warranty just to say I have a better looking sleeving kit which most wont even see the difference? I must take a part of your previous post and quote it ''grats on having no idea wtf you're talking about''. ;)

In the end this has nothing to do with money but common sense, but hey if I get bored and decide to add the extra little detail, I will go that route to make you happy :D

These NZXT parts look to be a solid lower-priced alternative to what's currently on the market or DIY time/costs. If I was blacking out a case I'd consider this stuff. Hopefully the build quality is good.

My order should come tomorrow, Still like I said before, for only $10 more over regular extensions costs, the little cosmetic add is a very good touch.

@ Polygon, Don't mind him let him have his fun and argue over things even himself wont know the difference if it wasn't told to him. :p
Look fine to me, just arrived on my doorstep. Actually needed extensions too, the cables just barely reach in the rather large 800D, more tension than I want. No time to do 2x8, 2x6 and the 24pin myself, unless I took them to work, which I was considering until I saw these lol. These fit the bill perfectly.

Looks good, Kinda shinny or is that the flash from the camera? Still looks good for the $.
They fit a niche quite well I think.

Some people want the similar look, but don't want to spend the time / potential of ruining their PSU. These extensions don't modify the original PSU, are reasonable in price, and look good enough that you couldn't tell the difference looking through the window of a case at a LAN.

The perfectionists will go another route, but that's their choice :p ... I think next time around I'll just buy extensions like these. Then I can change PSU and keep the same wiring style.




Very happy with the results. Took maybe 15 minutes to install and looks 100x better. Well worth the money imo. Only thing is the pci-e cables are way too short, should be at least 8-10".
Wow thanks for the pictures. Amazing...the sleeve doesn't appear to be transparent AT ALL. This is great news, but I hope they don't decide to jack the prices up in the future since this looks like an amazing deal for those results. Bring on more colors NZXT! Only minor downside is having a smaller case all that extra cabling can be problematic...hmm. :eek:
I have seen Murdermod sleeving. Is there a difference, yes. Is it a glaring difference, no. Anyone that says the lower one looks like shit is just being an elitist.

I'm not even sure why these are being compared to the MDPC sleeving. The only similarity is that its cable sleeving. That aside from the pictures alone I can tell that it is not comparable as far as quality, appearance, or anything else. Yes, it is filling it own niche, but its like comparing Kia to Audi. Yea, they are both cars, but really aren't in the same class.

Wow thanks for the pictures. Amazing...the sleeve doesn't appear to be transparent AT ALL. This is great news, but I hope they don't decide to jack the prices up in the future since this looks like an amazing deal for those results. Bring on more colors NZXT! Only minor downside is having a smaller case all that extra cabling can be problematic...hmm. :eek:

The sleeving is very transparent, you can see it in the Newegg pictures pretty clearly. The inside wiring is black though, so that hides it pretty well.
I'm not even sure why these are being compared to the MDPC sleeving. The only similarity is that its cable sleeving. That aside from the pictures alone I can tell that it is not comparable as far as quality, appearance, or anything else. Yes, it is filling it own niche, but its like comparing Kia to Audi. Yea, they are both cars, but really aren't in the same class.

Yes, I can see the difference between the two. I'm not trying to take away from MDPC sleeving. In fact I just ordered the kit from MDPC-X to sleeve all my wires. All I'm trying to say is that these are good enough for most people just like a Kia vs. an Audi.

These are great for people that want the look without the work or the price. They are far improved over bare cables. They certainly aren't perfect which is why I won't use them. However, for people that aren't OCD they're great.

That is all I'm trying to say. I don't see why people are arguing with that? :confused:
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Yes, I can see the difference between the two. I'm not trying to take away from MDPC sleeving. In fact I just ordered the kit from MDPC-X to sleeve all my wires. All I'm trying to say is that these are good enough for most people just like a Kia vs. an Audi.

These are great for people that want the look without the work or the price. They are far improved over bare cables. They certainly aren't perfect which is why I won't use them. However, for people that aren't OCD they're great.

That is all I'm trying to say. I don't see how you can argue with that? :confused:

As someone that has no interest in sleeving cables, I agree, they give the sleeved look at a lower price. With the above pictures it's clear the extensions provide a cleaner look than stock at an affordable price :)
The sleeving is very transparent, you can see it in the Newegg pictures pretty clearly. The inside wiring is black though, so that hides it pretty well.

Wow nice catch. Just took a second look at the pictures and the sleeving is actually nearly non-existent. Those black cables really do a superb job at hiding that fact though. Was hoping that they were mimicking the tight weave that MDPC-X and MuderMod are known for but I guess I'm wrong. NZXT being rather coy here. :eek:
Well you guys have better eyes than me. Can't see through it right in front of my face.

Its not as obvious in person. Under heavy lighting (flash) you can see through even MDPC slightly. Also, like I said the black wires help a whole lot too.

Another just little bit of info I was going to point out. I sleeved my Antec Signature 850 with MDPC, and recently was emailing Antec about it and asked about warranty coverage. I didnt open the case of the PSU, and explained that I did cut their sleeving off and put my own on, and he told me that as long as the sticker was not cut, and the case not open my PSU was still covered. YMMV, but I sure as hell saved that email :D
Another just little bit of info I was going to point out. I sleeved my Antec Signature 850 with MDPC, and recently was emailing Antec about it and asked about warranty coverage. I didnt open the case of the PSU, and explained that I did cut their sleeving off and put my own on, and he told me that as long as the sticker was not cut, and the case not open my PSU was still covered. YMMV, but I sure as hell saved that email :D

Thats makes two companies then, Corsair does the same thing. As long as the wires weren't physically modified they allowed RMA's with sleeving.

Good thing you posted that!
This is a great replacement for sleeving yourself for people that don't have the patience to do it themselves, and anyone who can't see the value in that shouldn't even comment,