Merc 2 PC..So who's getting it?


Oct 1, 2005
I plan of picking this up next week looks like a good time not to mention the co-op looks like a blast and for PC of course. Anyone else getting the PC version?

Street date for the pc is a little foggy. I have read some places say sept 4th some say the 1st. I didn't pre order so I will have to call around on monday to see what's what.
I'm heavily leaning towards the PC version because my computer can probably run it better than the 360 plus I don't care to pay money for the gold service, but I'm wondering about getting a 360 controller to use with the PC. I tend to prefer third person games with a controller, though hopefully it isn't bad with M&K.

We should get some co-op going :D
If done right the PC version is always better. I tend to wait for a demo and/reviews with cross platform stuff. Once the dust settles I go with the PC game as long as they took advantage of the hardware.
Considering that I had and loved the first Mercenaries game on Xbox and the fact that I don't have a 360, I'll end up getting it for the PC.
I am undecided on which version, I got a ps3 and a beefed up PC. Problems will most likely be the controls. As long as it's not too buggy for the PC version I will get it. Still iffy about the release date being after the console's release.
I loved the first one on PS2.

Merc2 Looks like it has changed too much.
Almost like it forces you to blow the shit out of everything.

I doubt I will try it, but if I do it would be fore PC.
Should be out in some stores tomorrow. Still waiting for review to make sure it's not a mediocre port.
Looks very meh... it's like: "OMFGZ, I IZ GOD! I BLOW SHIT UP WITH DIZ BIG ASS GUN YO".
Not my cup o tea; i like realistic games.
Looks very meh... it's like: "OMFGZ, I IZ GOD! I BLOW SHIT UP WITH DIZ BIG ASS GUN YO".
Not my cup o tea; i like realistic games.

I don't think any realistic FPS's have been released is several years.
Well yea, but something a little more down to earth. Hell, even Crysis fits that alley.

heh Aliens that can freeze an entire island is more down to earth? ;)

I've got Mercs2 on reserve; hoping the store has it in tomorrow, (really want to blow off work this weekend...) :D
I want to get it basically because of the commercial alone. Seriously, that song is sweet. I can't get it out of my head... :(
Ya know.....I want to get this game simply because of the commercial (which was just on)....

"Oh NO you Didnt".....I cant get that F&#%ING song out of my head.....
I'm gonna wait until a 29.99 deal shows up before I buy it which is my policy on most games I tend to be on the fence about.
heh Aliens that can freeze an entire island is more down to earth? ;)

I've got Mercs2 on reserve; hoping the store has it in tomorrow, (really want to blow off work this weekend...) :D

lol, but it's still more down to earth. You feel as a part of the equation; you don't constantly run around with nukes blowing shit all over you. :p
Mercenaries was silly and fun. This looks sillier and funnerer, and it has co-op it will be good and I will get it and I will play it and it will be nice.
Ok so came home installed and played about 20 minutes so far before I had to do some stuff around the house. Looks fun so far but 2 complaints so far. First off wtf was pandemic thinking with no true 16:10 widescreen support . I game at 1920 x 1200 highest I can get is 1600 x 900? Very few widescreen res choices is ridlicous these days.
I knew this was a port but I mean come on.

Second the targeting/movement has console all over it. Knowing some of their other successful pc ports I figured this would have had a better feel.

Again the game so far as I've seen looks fun and graphically its meh at best but I knew that going in. I hope someone over on the wsgf will come up with a proper widescreen res fix along with proper fov to go along with it.
yeah i know what you mean when i went looking and there was no 1680x1050 i was like WTF?!?

i am setting up my xbox controller so that whole console feel goes away with the controller (seeing as it is an xbox controller)
Ok so came home installed and played about 20 minutes so far before I had to do some stuff around the house. Looks fun so far but 2 complaints so far. First off wtf was pandemic thinking with no true 16:10 widescreen support . I game at 1920 x 1200 highest I can get is 1600 x 900? Very few widescreen res choices is ridlicous these days.
I knew this was a port but I mean come on.

Second the targeting/movement has console all over it. Knowing some of their other successful pc ports I figured this would have had a better feel.

Again the game so far as I've seen looks fun and graphically its meh at best but I knew that going in. I hope someone over on the wsgf will come up with a proper widescreen res fix along with proper fov to go along with it.

Ouch. Battlefield 2142 got on my nerves because of no true widescreen; but it was ok, game came out awhile back.

This time and age though, I expect every game to have 16:10 support. Well, I guess I am going to be skipping this one.
Does it run smooth or choppy on the pc, and does mouse and keyboard work well? Looks like everyone is avoiding reviewing this game, even spore has already being reviewed and it's not even due till Sunday.
It's smooth as long as you leave water reflections off. m/kb work fine.

How are you guys getting 1600x900 res? It will only go to 1365x768 for me.
I too am very pissed off, so much in fact I'm at a loss for words....1680x1050 no support..WTF?
Anyone beat the mini-tank? I'm not sure what keys to press. D2D didn't include a manual with the game. Assholes.
Don't go read over on the pandemic forums if you are looking at getting the pc version. Found a thread with the supported resolutions and none are standard pc res. No 1280 1024, no 1680 1050.

There is a fix, a prog that runs in the background and forces the res you want, but causes issues with the skybox/reflections.

Don't think I'll pick this up until it's 10$ and a widescreen patch is released.
Well I played some more tonight and I find it fun but the lack of resolutions is pissing me off. Oh and ya, I went over the offical forums and its not a fun sight. :(
Peeps are flipping out all over the place over there at the Pandemic Forums right now. Hell I was on the verge of taking this back to Gamestop myself once I found out I couldn't run 1680x1050. Had called em up and they agreed to give me my money back and everything.

I dunno what made me change my mind though but I decided to give it a fair shot despite the general crappiness of a current gen game not supporting my monitor's native res. Hell, games from fucking 3+ years ago(Silent Storm Sentinels for example) support my native res.

I can live with the "not so next gen" graphics because the explosion effects and destruction make up for it big time, not to mention the helicopters are freaking awesome to ride around in. But goddamn I hope they release a patch fucking SOON.
It only scored 5.0 on Gamespot (Xbox version)

I think I may pass
Hmmm' I am wondering which one would look better, this game on the PC or the ps3 version running on the PC monitor with the HD Fury? Reaso I ask is because I don't have an Hdtv yet.
I am so tempted to get this game but there's not too much info on the PC version.