Burnt out from gaming...?


Limp Gawd
May 21, 2012
To start off I've been gaming since I was 12 now I'm 30 and soon to be married. My first console was an N64. But Ive only been serious about PC gaming because of WoW and the endless choices of FPS. Quit playing WoW 4 years ago but played casually the CoD series. I buy triple A titles just to see how my rig handles them. My steam library is full of top notch games but I don't have an interest in any of them.

And now with games like Far Cry 4, DA:I, SoM, etc I'm having an itch to again just to see how those games look and run on my rig. I have a PS4 and only play Advanced Warfare because my brothers and friends play. I bought GTA V to see how it was on PS4. Its nice but I wasn't in awe. I Work 6 days a week with 5-6 hours a night to do whatever before calling it a night. But I find myself gaming less and browsing YouTube more lol. Thanks for listening to my rant!

Anyone else kinda sorta in the same boat or even know what I'm talking about :)
If you enjoy gaming with others find an online community of people who play the type of games you like.

You'll never get bored and can make life long friendships.

Those may be AAA titles but they don't offer much replay value or have extensive online communities. Play some games where the multiplayer component makes it random and interesting every time (to you). Aka not casual ps4 titles. Find what challenges you as a gamer.
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I know those feels. Mostly there just hasn't been anything really interesting released lately. I've been playing through Far Cry 4 but that is starting to feel like a slogfest.

I do play ArmA 3 every Sunday with a group and that is a lot of fun.

I will probably get more interested when stuff like The Witcher 3 and Evolve come out.
I have been in the same boat for awhile now. I play Diablo 3 almost exclusively now. Mainly cause my friends play and it's so easy to jump in and out of.
You're engaged and you still have 5-6 hours a night to game???

Consider yourself extremely lucky.
You're engaged and you still have 5-6 hours a night to game???

Consider yourself extremely lucky.

Yeah we don't really have much interest in going out since the engagement. She's on her Macbook while I'm on my PC
If you're looking to get rid of your steam account, to say, someone who will give your arsenal of games a good home......
I will take thy job to do so.

Note: Once you throw kids into the mix, gaming time goes to 5-6 minutes a night.

TLDR; Do not have kids. There are enough of them out there whining in grocery stores and screaming at Gamestops around the country.

On topic though - I hear you. I fucking hear you. It's getting to be more of a "well I could log on...but maybe I'll just lay here because I'm dead exhausted from already staring at the screen all day for work". Getting older sucks (other than having disposable incoming of course).
I remember playing WoW and it felt like a second job. I quit. I find myself enjoying online shooters like CoD. I tried BF3 and quit after a few days. Then I thought BF4 was gonna be different and Frostbite 3 this and Frostbite 3 that I was curious at the visuals. I quit after a day. CoD AW on the PS4 is fun because my brothers and friends play. We play up to 3 hours a night and all it takes is a text and we will have 5 guys on.

On nights where I'm not on the PS4 I'm casually playing D3 on PC hunting Legendary gear. The new ancient items will keep my interest a bit longer I suppose lol. With best buy having a B2G1 on 12/7 and me being a GCU member its hard to pass up those deals. First world problems I know right...
I'm in the same boat. I'm in my early 30s, gamed my whole life, but now I have no motivation to play games I too have pretty much every AAA game and then some, my steam library is around 400 games. I still buy games and like gaming but I just can't seem to play one long enough to make it feel worth it, the only game in recent years I put a lot of time into was Skyrim which I have around 1140 hours played, I actually uninstalled it again like a week ago because I thought I needed a break from it but now it's all I feel like thinking about.

Right now I'm spending my free time rewatching Game of Thrones and reading tech sites, but when GTA V comes out for PC I will hopefully get a lot of time played with it, I liked all the previous GTA games and will probably enjoy 5.. I'm also waiting for MGS:phantom Pain (probably will get Ground Zeroes as well just for some entertainment). But yea lately I'll just start playing a game for a few hours then quit playing and never go back to it. It started like 2 years ago.
I'm near 40 and I just aquire games and play then 4% of the time unless it's a good one.
The problem a lot of games are not that good plus you have to play on Crappy LCD monitors.
In the same boat, for the most part. DA:I has hooked me; otherwise, aside from some scattered D3:RoS (which I quickly burned out on) and BF4, I guess I can hardly consider myself a gamer anymore. Particularly FPS, I don't get nearly the same enjoyment out of anymore, especially with a lack of community. I do enjoy more story driven games, particularly Bioware style RPGs.
I'm near 40 and I just aquire games and play then 4% of the time unless it's a good one.
The problem a lot of games are not that good plus you have to play on Crappy LCD monitors.

Thanks goodness my FW900 is still running like a champ since acquiring it 5 years ago. I recently removed the Anti Glare and games look amazing. But Im not hooked or drawn into them like I used to.
LOL, wait til you're retired... I play games almost every day since I can only find just so much to keep me busy during the day otherwise. Too much time on my hands... :D
I'm the same way. I get home and turn on my PC intending to game, but I always end up watching streams of Futurama or ATHF until going to sleep...
I'm 40 years old and have been gaming my whole life, I've collected over 60 consoles and have a Dedicated racing setup, arcade machine running Hyperspin Frontend , a custom built Digital Pinball machine and I'm in a gaming funk. I'm bored, I shouldn't be with all the great games. I might just really need a long month or two away from them, I've never done that in my lifetime come to think of it.I do get enjoyment seeing my 4 and 7 year old have fun discovering the older games and their friends never wanna leave hehe.
LOL, wait til you're retired... I play games almost every day since I can only find just so much to keep me busy during the day otherwise. Too much time on my hands... :D

Rush fan??? If you are you might appreciate my 4 year old is named Geddy Lee :)
This is such an incredible thread. Glad to see others with the same feeling I've been having. 32, Have some time to go game occasionally but I never seem to actually PLAY anything. Its always turning into reading the goddamned news, which both satisfies my curiosity and makes me depressed at the same time. Then All my time is gone and I haven't played a f*cking thing and that depresses me some more.

Then I go play with my kids and try to give the wife a little pickle tickle before bed.
You're engaged and you still have 5-6 hours a night to game???

Consider yourself extremely lucky.

Wife is in bed early = gaming :D

Or if i have a bad day she knows to just let me go blow people up.

I can relate, i end up going back to Tf2 just cause i know people on the DoC servers,but now even i just play Rise of Nations and those games as nothing new is exciting and alot of communities i have checked out are full of too many annoying kids who think they are gods.
Mid 40s. I'm lucky if I get in an hour a night, maybe 2x that on the weekends. But I've never had a problem with burning out on gaming in general.

Burning out on specific games or gamers in general or people I game with.... that's another story.
This is such an incredible thread. Glad to see others with the same feeling I've been having. 32, Have some time to go game occasionally but I never seem to actually PLAY anything. Its always turning into reading the goddamned news, which both satisfies my curiosity and makes me depressed at the same time. Then All my time is gone and I haven't played a f*cking thing and that depresses me some more.

Then I go play with my kids and try to give the wife a little pickle tickle before bed.

Yup Ill turn on my pc and let the FW900 warm up before I do anything. I turn on my PS4 and watch That 70s show on Netflix while i wait for the CRT to get ready. Takes like 15 minutes. Then Ill open up my steam library going up and down the list. I try to pick a game but then my mind wanders and the next thing I know Im on youtube watching videos of African Wild Dogs tearing up an Impala. I then look up more safari videos. Then its time to sleep. While my fiance is on the bed doing whatever with the TV on...which by the way FRIENDS is always on that time of night lol.
To start off I've been gaming since I was 12 now I'm 30 and soon to be married. My first console was an N64. But Ive only been serious about PC gaming because of WoW and the endless choices of FPS. Quit playing WoW 4 years ago but played casually the CoD series. I buy triple A titles just to see how my rig handles them. My steam library is full of top notch games but I don't have an interest in any of them.

And now with games like Far Cry 4, DA:I, SoM, etc I'm having an itch to again just to see how those games look and run on my rig. I have a PS4 and only play Advanced Warfare because my brothers and friends play. I bought GTA V to see how it was on PS4. Its nice but I wasn't in awe. I Work 6 days a week with 5-6 hours a night to do whatever before calling it a night. But I find myself gaming less and browsing YouTube more lol. Thanks for listening to my rant!

Anyone else kinda sorta in the same boat or even know what I'm talking about :)

I got to appoint where I cared less about my "rig" and more about just playing and enjoying the games and then gaming changed..

before I would spend a long time tweaking each game, tweaking my rig and setup..

now I pretty much run on default, use the default settings (high medium low) and just enjoy the games for what they are -
Yeah I feel all you guys. 35, busy as shit at work (Sysadmin/Network Admin), lots of off hours study, 2 kids (playing with them is usually more fun than a game), I can get about 4-5 hours a week to sit down and play something, but I am usually so tired I just don't care.

Once Elite Dangerous drops I will probably play the shit out of that, as that is my kind of game. That and Civ V. Always time for Civ V.
not burnt out...just waiting for some great games to come out...every time I see myself getting burnt out I just take a small break or remind myself that I just bought a new video card :D
I was feeling the exact same way. I just completely lost interest in gaming for a long time. Nothing was really catching my interest. So, I took a step back and enjoyed a good 2 year hiatus from gaming in general. I just recently got back into it, and while I don't game nearly as much as I used to, I at least find myself enjoying the games that I never played in my backlog.
Personally, I'm not burned out on gaming, but gaming with other people. I used to be the guy who was always sitting on Teamspeak waiting for someone to sign on and fire up a game. Now, I much prefer single player games, and often avoid playing online even when invited.

Oh, and there are times, like right now, where I waste hours just tooling around on Reddit and [H]. I could be gaming since I'm also home several hours before the wife is. I also don't have kids.

Note: Once you throw kids into the mix, gaming time goes to 5-6 minutes a night.

Lol, my BIL has his kids in bed by 7, and they often stay up until 10-11 watching DVR'd shows and movies. He gets home a few hours earlier than his wife while the nanny is still on duty (used to be daycare) so he also has plenty of time to get yard work & house chores out of the way. If they were gamers they would have plenty of time to do that if they wanted.
Note: Once you throw kids into the mix, gaming time goes to 5-6 minutes a night.

This man speaks the truth here. I get about an hour a week to myself now unless I decide to wake up a couple hours early on the weekend to get some game play in, which I have been doing with dragon age.
i occasionally go through bouts of boredom with gaming. I just take time away and eventually come back.

go forth and develop another non tech hobby, that will probably help.
Are you burnt out? really, I bet you got the daunting overloaded backlog issue. Just too many games and hardly anywhere to start. After awhile you get stuck just playing a just a few games over and over and it causes you to burn out.

I'm just slightly older than the OP. and also have OL-BL. Its a huge overlooked issue.

Step away from what you are playing. Try some shorter (6-15hr) Single Player games one easy/normal difficulty, complete the main game and not all the BS achievements and move on to the next one.

After work, I workout for about a 1 to 1.5hr then either game or YT videos. I take on some steam library games and try to knock them out. Finished Unreal (yes, from 1999) last night on easy for my first time took a few nights and will be moving back to Ghostbuters (PC) and King of Demons (SNES), Just not enough time in my case.

Some idiotic shorter games I like:
Farcry 3: BloodDragon
Hotline Miami
Saints Row 3-4
Super house of the dead ninja
Just Cause 2 (you'll never beat it but fun in short burst)
I go through spells where I just don't want to play any pc games and its normal. I also find that if I really like the game I'll play it nearly straight through and the majority of games I buy aren't in that category.
There is no such thing as burning out. But if you feel you are you need more alcohol and isolation from the rest of the world.
I work too damn much NOT to game at least 10hrs a week. If I didn't, I think stress would eat me up.

Doesn't hurt I just built a nice new rig either.
Oh, Ive been burned out.. several times.. Im 63 soon to be 64..
What has worked for me is take a break... not a few days not a week or month.. Min. 6 months to a year.
At one time I was gaming like 18hrs a day 7 days a week. Yea, its good being retired.. lots of time on your hands.. but still, you get burned out. I told every team I was on I had to take a break see them in 6 months and put the computer in the closet.. Best thing I could have done.
Whenever I lose interest in the things I used to enjoy and begin filling my free time with mindless tasks, I know it's depression medication time! Usually this type of behavior tells me that I'm subconsciously unhappy with my life or where it is headed, and a large change needs to happen.

But that's just this 31 year old's experience :)
I'm 30 now so I wanted to chime in. Does anyone else here that has lost interest in gaming suddenly lose interest in other things at the same time. I go through phases where gaming just gets to be a drag so I turn off the computer and go start to tinker with something else, until I realize I don't feel like doing that either. Then I try to think of something enjoyable to do to pass the time and I draw blanks. Just happens once in a while, currently back into Dota 2 after a couple weeks off.
I'm 31 and lose interest in gaming just the same as with any other hobby every now and then, but gaming is one that it happens less frequently with. It helps me unwind from work, which is probably a big reason why I still game these days, along with the hardware I've put together.
I'm 30, married, & have a 15mo daughter. I still get a ton of gaming done at night when my wife is taking care of our daughter or just doing stuff around the house before she goes to bed. Before my daughter is in bed, we watch a show or 2 after dinner on Netflix.

I guess I just take advantage of the "after hours" gaming at my house. I'm not losing interest whatsoever with games... I just love it as a hobby & will continue to do so as long as I can.