Hate DHL enough to avoid a deal?


Aug 6, 2005
This is just plain fail. Anywho, DHL needs to get their ducks in a row in my opinion and I will avoid having to use them as much as possible!


Anyone else have such retarded package travel paths? Mine went from TN to KY then to TX and was given to USPS, now its going to be brought to me here in LA. 1,634 miles for what should have been 340 :rolleyes: . USPS woulda had it here in 1 day, fedex 1 or 2 :mad:

I bet a few of you have tales of retarded package transit also! I'm sure somone can post one much worse!
When I bought my PS3 from Dell, they shipped it DHL. DHL failed at delivering it two days in a row (they couldn't find my house, which UPS and FedEx and USPS don't have a problem finding), so I had to go to their facility. It took them 1.5 hours to find the package. They sent 3 people after it who ended up not coming back. Other people at the facility who got there after me were able to retrieve their packages before me, and all wished me good luck before leaving. So yeah, if I ever have to buy something from Dell, I have them use UPS.

PS: My friend bought a 360 Elite from Dell last year, and they delivered it to the wrong address. The driver just left it outside someone's door. Of course someone took the package and it was never heard from again...
I use DHL all the time and never had any issue. Their central Hub is in Ohio and unless you are shipping within 100 miles everything goes back to Ohio for redistribution. Sounds retarded, but it saves gas most of the time.
I hate DHL. They leave packages outside even though every other delivery service just drops things off at the main office where I live. DHL often doesn't even get a signature when required. I always wind up calling DHL and just telling them to hold the package so I can pick it up myself. It's even worse than that, but i'm not going to bother typing it all up.
I've only had the displeasure of dealing with DHL a few times, which caused me to avoid them at all costs. From my experience, a management saying holds true that I heard a looooong time ago : "Hire the handicapped - it's fun to watch them work". Cruel as a statement that is, from my dealings with DHL it holds true.
DHL IS BAD! no matter where your neighborhood is (mine is pretty bad) they will still leave the package on your door steps.
I use DHL all the time and never had any issue. Their central Hub is in Ohio and unless you are shipping within 100 miles everything goes back to Ohio for redistribution. Sounds retarded, but it saves gas most of the time.

DHL is trying to drop their air freight in OH. Pretty much is gonna decimate Wilmington, OH and a bunch of counties surrounding it. I used to support them, but now, I am not at willing.
I have 2 packages that are supposed to get here with "2-Day shipping." Guess what its been 3 shipping days and they're probably getting here in 4 shipping days! I saw one item went from Kentucky to Ohio than to Texas...
DHL will probably close the doors before the end of the year. I expect UPS to buy them sooner though

When it comes to 'i didnt get my package on time'
You have to realize that its not always the couriers fault. I know I've ordered plenty of things from egg, TD, buy.com and they didnt give it to the company for a day or 2..... Just a thought...
I personally hate dhl and try to avoid them whenever possible. Only things we get shipped through them are parts or computers from dell or hp.

Last Christmas they fucking stole 2 computers from one client(they only ordered 2) and gave me shit when I went to complain about their Richmond office(the one that stole them). Had to tell the client it would be another week because DHL wanted them more then she did.

Had a dhl driver that would just throw the packages at my front door. To get to my door you have to go up a small hill then a few steps. Guy never wanted to so he just threw the packages. First time I caught it I was sitting in the front room when I heard it hit the door. When to check and he was driving away. Second time I saw him pull up and was able to open the door and catch the package as he starred at me from the middle of the yard. After complaining I never saw the guy again.
DHL is good for me. I only ordered a few things from them. (Huge ass driveway) guy always drives up and leaves the packages AT THE DOOR!

While UPS like to leave packages on top of cars.

Car was parked (Where UPS/USPS Leave Packages) and since there was no room he left it ontop of the car!!! ???

UPS is good though always on time.
DHL fucking blows.

They delivered something to my house one day, and the very next day they failed to deliever something else because tehy said they couldn't find my house.

Then, they said I couldn't come to the facility on the first delivery attempt. After talking to several managers they said I could come in.

When I got there, it took them forever to find my package, and the entire time I waited I heard all of the employees talking in the back room swearing left right and center with a bunch of customers right out front.

DHL is, by far, the very worst service around bar none. They need to die and NOT get bailed out.
Okay, I ordered some memory from newegg, had the free shipping with it (DHL), so I am like why not, if the memory is in jersey, I should have it by monday (ordered it with rush processing on a friday morning) and it did come from jersey. but in 3 days, DHL has managed to send my package from east rutherford NJ (about 200 miles away from me) to eastern mass. Instead of going 200 miles north, they went 250 miles east north east, so they are going to have to go another 200 miles west to get the package to me, and take the whole 7 business days, where the fuck is the fuel economy in that?

I thought DHL was a good company, well I was wrong.
DHL is horrible. They take forever and they love to bash up any packages they ship. Newegg now ships using them?
Never had a problem with DHL. I've shipped with them a few times and received a few things from their shipping service. It was always fast and the box looked pristine.
Okay, I ordered some memory from newegg, had the free shipping with it (DHL), so I am like why not, if the memory is in jersey, I should have it by monday (ordered it with rush processing on a friday morning) and it did come from jersey. but in 3 days, DHL has managed to send my package from east rutherford NJ (about 200 miles away from me) to eastern mass. Instead of going 200 miles north, they went 250 miles east north east, so they are going to have to go another 200 miles west to get the package to me, and take the whole 7 business days, where the fuck is the fuel economy in that?

I thought DHL was a good company, well I was wrong.

I would complain to if my shipment came on time.
You think they should waste gas taking a direct route to your house? I'm sure they dropped it on a truck that HAD to come to your area facility, then they gave it to a local truck. makes sense cause they arent goign to make a special trip for your one house delivery and waste a shit load of gas.
DHL has me kept from buying from Dell again. What turned out to be a 2 day delivery service for when I bought the laptop, it arrived at my house a week later. Are they retarded or something? It doesn't take a genius to know that 2 days means 2 days and not a week. And no, Dell didn't held the package for a bit as I got the tracking number and the package was stuck at a hub for 2 days. Another thing, Dell told me straight up that it was in the couriers hand now and I should deal with them. What kind of shit is that? I paid a lot for the laptop, should I be treated this way?
DHL sucks, everything I have order and was shipped by them was always late or just passed off to the USPS. I mean WTF! Why am I paying their high shipping prices when all they do is take it to closest post office?
I would complain to if my shipment came on time.
You think they should waste gas taking a direct route to your house? I'm sure they dropped it on a truck that HAD to come to your area facility, then they gave it to a local truck. makes sense cause they arent goign to make a special trip for your one house delivery and waste a shit load of gas.

Um, they went to mass instead of going directly up new york, I wasn't complaining about how long it took them, I was complaining about how they made the extra effort to divert my package from NJ to mass in order to get my package to me within the 3-7 business days instead of less which any ground shipping could of been with any other provider going directly to a hub in upstate new york (albany or latham). Looking at the tracking info, they took it up to mass, and handed it over to USPS, where they shipped it into new york.
People don't seem to understand how shipping hubs work.

I understand them, I just don't think they have enough of them and badly badly need to streamline their process. My package started off close to my house then they drove it across 2 states to an air hub, flew it over me and in to texas, then gave it to USPS to drive from TX to my city and deliver. Seems completely retarded to me when they could have just given it to USPS at the origin and I would have had it in a day instead of them shuffling it around for 4 days only to hand it to USPS further away from me than it started. Makes me wonder what purpose DHL served in this transaction other than taking my package on a vacation.
I bet a few of you have tales of retarded package transit also! I'm sure somone can post one much worse!

Well, there was this one time I ordered a package from overseas and this happened. Now that was a nightmare!

I guess I've been pretty lucky overall with shipments. About the worst that's happened to me was UPS delivering a package to the wrong address, then refusing to attempt to recover the package or investigate in any way. I've had Fedex (ground) deliver to the wrong address two times, but a phone call was all it took for them to go back, get the item, and deliver it properly.

Also, someone posted this tracking screenshot on the forum a while back. The package probably ended up on a similiar adventure before being delivered and I thought it was pretty funny.
I would you like next day shipping and get it 3 days later. $200 worth of Canadian candy. I was fucking pissed.
DHL is fail - the "leave package at front door" is no joke, even at an apartment!! They just leave it outside the apartment, not even in front of my door.. outside.. sidewalk style! Their office in Seattle is a tiny outpost understaffed and looking more like a temporary shack than anything else.

Fedex is fail too - Rude as hell customer service (1800gofedex), always have to pick up which is an hour drive away even though I'm near Seattle city center because the idiot company can't understand "Special Instruction - RING BUZZER" so they just drop by even though I'm awake and waiting and leave a note.

Best is UPS - closet pick up location, relatively consistent delivery time, the courier has the decency to ring the buzzer (OMG, FURSTTTTT!!!!111) and actually come up to deliver instead of me walking down to pick up.
Well, I had a nice long post written up about how DHL has always been great for me and I really hate UPS since it seems to think that packages are meant for kicking and dropping (several times I've seen packages flying out of the side of a UPS truck cause the guy was too lazy to pick them up and then set them on the ground). Anyway, stupid back button on my mouse decided to start working all of a sudden.