ATI CrossFireX Application Profile 10.8a Performance @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
ATI CrossFireX Application Profile 10.8a Performance - CrossFireX gets a performance boost in two games thanks to a new CrossFireX Application Profile update. Performance in Aliens vs. Predators and Battlefield Bad Company 2 has been greatly improved finally, you will want to make sure that you check this out. We have the CAP file hosted here locally for our readers.
Very good point in the last remarks. It has taken entirely too long and required the very loud bitching of [H] in particular to make them move on something like this. Frankly that is unacceptable to ATI users, and they really need to understand why people were getting very angry.

Hopefully this is a nice kick in the rear so they smarten up for the future.
FINALLY ATI! Time to buy a 2nd 5850 :D Maybe they can fix SC2 though (any chance you could mention that to Terry *wink* *nudge* :D)
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Thanks for this. It's sad that their own driver team can miss this for so long, but I'm glad there are still those willing to help us hold them accountable.
..good bit of work Brent, I'm just not 100% on one thing - is this 2 1Gb cards or 2 2Gb cards? I ask because a)I have SFA hands-on with ATI multi-card setups, soz and b) higher res demands bigger frame buffer obviously...and....c)I have 1 1Gb card myself and a 30' monitor...thnx ahead wd!!
or...d)(sorry, just thought of this)will this help ALL crossfireX cfgs???
Great job [H] crew. Loved the part of you guys investigating and submitting it to AMD. That's the [H] I know. (And would do things for >_>).

I have to admit. Hearing that AMD didn't know about this for so long raises a lot of questions about their engineers or their QA process.
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Nice to see it finally fixed. Now it would be nice to see if the driver team can keep it up a bit. I think we need more scaling articles to show off potential weaknesses in both SLI and CFX.
..good bit of work Brent, I'm just not 100% on one thing - is this 2 1Gb cards or 2 2Gb cards? I ask because a)I have SFA hands-on with ATI multi-card setups, soz and b) higher res demands bigger frame buffer obviously...and....c)I have 1 1Gb card myself and a 30' monitor...thnx ahead wd!!
or...d)(sorry, just thought of this)will this help ALL crossfireX cfgs???

2x 2GB 5870 cards, they are two Eyefinity6 cards
Now that's what I'm talking about. So now 2x 5850 or 5870 will fare better against 2x gtx 460 in these applications. Things are back in balance thanks to the extensive work of Hard OCP & finally ATI.:)
Good to hear. I'll probably come back to ATI when the 68XX is released.
I just hope they keep CF optimized. I hated my 5850 CF setup because it wasn't performing to it's full potential.
Too little too late in my book. When competition is starting to increase, that is not the time to drop the ball on the software side. I've been very happy with my 5870, but with the display port adapter issues, the inability to run a 3x DVI setup in crossfireX, and the driver issues. It made it very easy for me to sell my 5870 and pick up two 470 GTX's.
Wow, you guys hustled on this article, nice work :cool:. Good to see the performance is back up there, now if only AMD could make sure of that by the time the driver is released XD.
Hey Brent, which level are you testing with in BC2?

Using the Steam downloaded version of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 we played through the entire single player campaign. We settled on using "Zero Dark Thirty" as our run-through. We are playing through the entire level. We are using the latest patched version XXXXXX. In all instances below every in-game setting is at its highest value, including HBAO.
But as always, something is still borked.

I love my 5870 but it will be a long long time before I consider multi-gpu from ATI/AMD.
Well done guys! Youve done a great service for the PC gaming community cause we all know this likely would not have been fixed if it werent for the infamous GTX460 SLI review.
CatalystMaker said:
Exclusive on HardOCP the new Catalyst Application Profile (CAP) Read all about it here
Not that it affects me, but why should the profiles be exclusive to [H]? It'd be in everybody's (read: CrossFireX users') best interest for it to be hosted on AMD's site too, no? Seems a bit ridiculous to have people go out of their way to look for a fix that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.
Not that it affects me, but why should the profiles be exclusive to [H]? It'd be in everybody's (read: CrossFireX users') best interest for it to be hosted on AMD's site too, no? Seems a bit ridiculous to have people go out of their way to look for a fix that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

ATi occasionally gives out exclusives. Guru3D has gotten a few exclusive downloads, for example.

They always come out on the ATi site later, but it's the company's way of acknowledging fan sites.
Seems like neither AA or V-Sync is working here with BF: BC2...can you two confirm/deny, Brent and Kyle?

Also seems that performance improvements are stuck within certain resolutions. I am hoping it's something I'm doing, but that doesn't seem likely at this point, tested 2 different boxes with 5870 1GB Crossfire.

Thanks very much for highlighting ATi's lack of proper performance testing, too.
Not that it affects me, but why should the profiles be exclusive to [H]? It'd be in everybody's (read: CrossFireX users') best interest for it to be hosted on AMD's site too, no? Seems a bit ridiculous to have people go out of their way to look for a fix that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

It will be on AMDs site hopefully tomorrow, this WILL be made public by AMD.
Not that it affects me, but why should the profiles be exclusive to [H]? It'd be in everybody's (read: CrossFireX users') best interest for it to be hosted on AMD's site too, no? Seems a bit ridiculous to have people go out of their way to look for a fix that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

It will be live on AMD's site tomorrow. AMD still works office hours....HardOCP does not, that is how we got the "exclusive" for a day.
Seems like neither AA or V-Sync is working here with BF: BC2...can you two confirm/deny, Brent and Kyle?

Also seems that performance improvements are stuck within certain resolutions. I am hoping it's something I'm doing, but that doesn't seem likely at this point, tested 2 different boxes with 5870 1GB Crossfire.

Thanks very much for highlighting ATi's lack of proper performance testing, too.

Any feedback you can give here will be seen by AMD so please be specific.
Way better performance in BC2 on a 5970 than in 10.6 and 10.7. However, there is a weird "micro stutter" that wasn't present in 10.5 :(
I have been real disappointed with ati ever since i went with my 5970 hopefully these drivers can allow me to have some sympathy for them. I am going to give them a shot this weekend. Hopefully everything else works as well. I know i had a problem with the new adobe flash update and this gpu as it would make my screen flicker every time i played a youtube video. I then downgraded on the adobe flash player and also downgraded back to 10.5. I am ready for this increase i will report back this weekend.
I have been real disappointed with ati ever since i went with my 5970 hopefully these drivers can allow me to have some sympathy for them. I am going to give them a shot this weekend. Hopefully everything else works as well. I know i had a problem with the new adobe flash update and this gpu as it would make my screen flicker every time i played a youtube video. I then downgraded on the adobe flash player and also downgraded back to 10.5. I am ready for this increase i will report back this weekend.

Same, here. I dunno if the recent adobe patch fixed anything. I eventually just disabled flash's hardware acceleration to fix the problem (this was before I crossfired my card).
Oh, I guess that recent flash update reverted the setting to "HW aceleration" to enabled. No problems here, then :) (flash GPU-powered with ATi)
I saw HUGE gains in BC2 with my 5770 CF from these. Very nice!

Now if ATI is listening... can they work on the "little" issue where my 2nd card locks to 3d clocks/voltages at idle unless I disable ULPS?
I saw HUGE gains in BC2 with my 5770 CF from these. Very nice!

Now if ATI is listening... can they work on the "little" issue where my 2nd card locks to 3d clocks/voltages at idle unless I disable ULPS?

Actually, put your hand over the second card's exhaust. There shouldn't be any air or heat coming out of it.
i mean i should see gains as well i dont have 2 separate cards but i do have a 5970.
Hey guys, glad your article helped push ATi to finally fix the BC2 performance. Those of us in the performance notebook world (Alienware M17x-R2 with dual 5870m) have also been suffering with ATi's Crossfire shortcomings. Hopefully this new CAP file fixes it.

P.S. Any chance [H] will start doing gaming notebook reviews?
Thanks for this update. Has anybody seen any difference with Star Craft 2 using Crossfire?

this is not a screen capture, it is a picture taken with my digital camera(which is why you can see the individual pixels so easily). This was on Eyefinity, @ 5870x1080, all settings maxed, 4xAA. 3x Dell P2310H.
I am happy that AMD is improving the crossfire experience. It seemed like SLI scaled so much better in comparison when it was a driver/profile issue.:D Now the question is should i buy a PC with (2)5770 Crossfire or a single 5850? They cost about the same but is the crossfired 5770 cards faster?:confused: