How much of a risk?


Sep 25, 2003
I want to forward port 80 to my computer so I can use remote desktop over the internet. Is the risk of getting hacked or anything like that too high that I should just use a different port?
1) Use a different port
2) Setup a ssh server on the server, and port forward over that
So if I put it on say port 8989, then I would have to type http://<my ip adress>:8989/tsweb correct?
You should be aware that changine the port doesn't make anything more secure. There is no such thing as security through obsecurity. If someone's gonna port scan you and try to get in, they will find an open port 80 only slightly quicker than any other.
Party2go9820 said:
You should be aware that changine the port doesn't make anything more secure. There is no such thing as security through obsecurity. If someone's gonna port scan you and try to get in, they will find an open port 80 only slightly quicker than any other.
1) Sure there is. That's the whole point behind a username and password. It's not AS secure as other methods, but it's a start.

2) Depends on the software they use. Some only scan a specific set of ports ( nmap is like this. Or at least, it used to be ), while others do the full spectrum.
So what are the chances that someone will want to cause harm to someone else's computer who has the ports open?

Are the odds pretty good that its not worth opening the port at all?

And what kind of damage can they do? Take over your whole computer? :(
I remote to my windows home pc..
I do it via PPTP VPN first.. Might be something to think about trying?