Mafia II

OMG !!! i can´t wait for this game!!! ahhh!!!
^^This annoys me. "even explode" if shot...this doesn't actually happen in real life, why brag about it?

lol seriously... But this feature is so old anyway. I believe the original GTA3 had it, or at least Vice City did. Why advertise it like it's something new or revolutionary?
^^This annoys me. "even explode" if shot...this doesn't actually happen in real life, why brag about it?

The developer is not advertising such thing

is the magazine that wrote that in their preview
from what they saw

two different things..

and yes having the tank explode is not realistic.. but it adds to the fun factor
Lol.. you made me google such thing.. (didn't know they existed)

in that case, an exploding tank is likely..
Mafia was one of the best games I've ever played. Can't wait for this one.
nope doesnt work watch mythbusters

well if i recall correctly, when they raise the distance of the shot, that apparently allowed more friction to come into play and "ignite" the bullet so they got a little fire. Anyways that doesn´t happen in real life
About the gas tanks exploding. Yes this doesn't happen in real life -- it does, however, happen in many gangster movies.

They basically said we are going to be playing a gangster movie, hence, we have exploding gas tanks.
exploding gas tanks?, forget aboooout it !! ;)
someone transalated parts of the text in those magazines..
and some of the information differs a little like the number of cars

- First mission will probably take place during the World War II, as the second one is Vito returning from it. 2K Czech doesn't say anything about the 1st mission though, as they want to maintain the element of surprise.
- The game will be divided into 3 parts- in the first one you'll try to get into Mafia as you and Joe think that it is a good job to get, in the second one you'll choose one of the three mafias, each one you'll choose will give you a different ending and storyline in the third part.
- You'll never be a Don, in fact you will stay as normal gangster in your chosen mafia, though you will take part in most important missions.
- Confirmed weapon is German MG42. In one mission you'll have to make a trap to kill a guy with it. His name is Henry Tommasino, and you must kill him because he decides to sell booze not only to you, but to other people.
- One pedestrian was created in 3-4 weeks.
- You'll have around 50 cars from early 50's, you can open the trunk and the hood, a lot of things are animated (the engine for example).
- The city will be around 6,25 square miles.
- The city is based on New York, it will have two important objects, one is similar to Brooklyn Bridge, and one resembling Empire State Building. Pavel Cizek, the guy who's behind projecting the city adds with smile, that maybe they'll name it as "Empire City Building".
- You can destroy windows in the shops, you can go up the fire escape too. You can jump over the fence. In the night 2K Czech created a system which lights lights (;p) in the buildings in random order.
- The shops will not be in a very good state, in fact they will be pretty destroyed and not in a good state, as resemblance to 50's.
- You can buy and change clothes to lose the cops.
- Cutscenes are said to be like in Bioshock.
- People on the street will sit on benches, buy hamburgers and buy clothes. You can see them trying the clothes on and then buying them.
- Martin Brandstatter, the programist, says that the PC market is their target. He says that PC version looks a lot better then in next-gen consoles, graphics are sharper and is more detailed.
- Though the PC market is 2K Czech's main target, the consoles won't be forgotten. They have auto-aiming system that you can adapt to with ease.
- They created a few animations for one weapon. For example- if you take a bottle, the first thing you do is hit someone from down to up, but after it brakes, you are more likely to stab with it.
- The game will be linear like the first Mafia, and if nothing changes it will include around 18 missions.
i would really like the cars to have the real names on them, like Cadillac and so on. Well for that the game developers have to license the brands. I really hope they´ve done it

Oh i was hoping it to be New York, i enjoyed the sight seeing in Mafia I
Sounds great. Although I much prefer the first post citing game choices affecting multiple endings, as opposed to just linear .
Sounds great. Although I much prefer the first post citing game choices affecting multiple endings, as opposed to just linear .

yeah, i´d also like multiple endings ala Chrono Trigger :)

just in case u don´t know Chrono Trigger is a RPG that has 15 different endings :eek:
some more transalation
some of it that we heard before

-Vito isn't in any way related to Tommy Angelo, but there will be tie-ins to the 1st Mafia
-tha cars could be stolen with 2 methodes : by the skeleton-key or by the force - breaking out the window.
-the script for Mafia The City of Lost Heaven was 500 pages long, scenario for Mafia II is having as many as 700 pages. It is just the main plot, without the side missions !

-system of animation can simulate 30 muscles of the face
-Names of some districts of the city are : Chinatown, Little Italy, Sand Island, Millville, Harbour.

-After opening the hood of a car, we'll see a working engine
-We'll be able to jump over the fences, and run onto the fireescape stairs.
-The work over the map and it's shape is already finished.
-Police will be chasing pickpocketers and drivers will cause car accidents
-One of the missions will be happening in foundry, one in astro lab
Chinatown and Little Italy suggest some kind overlap with the first game or areas from the first game.

I hope the game isn't quite as "tightly linear" as the first one felt to me at times.

All told, though, I think this may be one of my most eagerly anticipated games...ever.
here are some high resolution screenshots.. some are new and others are from those magazines

Who fucking gives a shit about whether or not shooting a gas tank in a video game will explode?

Next people will bitch about characters not sleeping, eating, or drinking water. It's a god damn video game, get over it.
Anyone want to take bets you're the one sent to kill Tommy Angelo as an old man?

Whoa, look at the damage on the car. It looks like the game features a very good damage system! I am not sure I like the extreme use of HDR though. It makes everything look a little too hyper realistic and too dream like.
Car kind of looks like an old vette.

I can't wait for this game, even going through GTAIV right now I'm really looking forward to Mafia's storyline, if it's as good as the first one.
yeah i was hyped about it until i heard that it was going to be console exclusive?
yeah i was hyped about it until i heard that it was going to be console exclusive?

Martin Brandstatter, the programmer, says that the PC market is their target. Think about the original game. He says that PC version looks a lot better then in next-gen game consoles, graphics are sharper and is more detailed. Though the PC market is 2K Czech's main target, the consoles won't be forgotten. They have auto-aiming system that you can adapt to with ease.

Game will be released for PC and consoles at the same time.

Ford Pintos gas tank would explode just from being rear ended so just because Myth Busters says it ain't so doesn't mean it is impossible.
Ford Pintos gas tank would explode just from being rear ended so just because Myth Busters says it ain't so doesn't mean it is impossible.

Just so u know those Myth Buster guys are wrong in a LOT of things. What they do is NOT science, is just a friggin' television show
Martin Brandstatter, the programmer, says that the PC market is their target. Think about the original game. He says that PC version looks a lot better then in next-gen game consoles, graphics are sharper and is more detailed. Though the PC market is 2K Czech's main target, the consoles won't be forgotten. They have auto-aiming system that you can adapt to with ease.

Game will be released for PC and consoles at the same time.
