E207WFP Is NOT the same as the 2007WFP

mista ting

Apr 13, 2006
I keep running across threads comparing these two monitors thinking the only difference is the lack of connections / Stand adjustments with the same exact screen. But they're two completely different screens the TN panel used in the E207WFP is much cheaper to manufacture. The only advantage to TN is its low response time hence the 5 ms, but sacrifices image quality at the same time for its low cost.

The 2007WFP is a 8-Bit Panel S-IPS @ 16.7 Mil Colors
The 207WFP is a 6-bit panel TN @ 16.2 Mil Colors

The E207WFP a TN Panel, no way comparable to the 2007WFP's S-IPS Panel.
Which is exactly why Dell gave them similar names and retained the overall look. ;) The ignorance of the average consumer is what allows them (and other makers) to get away with selling new monitors for full price even with dead pixels and backlight bleed.
joemama said:
Which is exactly why Dell gave them similar names and retained the overall look. ;) The ignorance of the average consumer is what allows them (and other makers) to get away with selling new monitors for full price even with dead pixels and backlight bleed.

I will take the extra $100 and do something useful with it. Not everyone needs the quality of the 2007, I sure as hell dont, thats why I bought a 207. Yes it has light bleeding, no dead pixels and im happy with it and I knew all those problems going into buying it.
jonw757 said:
I will take the extra $100 and do something useful with it. Not everyone needs the quality of the 2007, I sure as hell dont, thats why I bought a 207. Yes it has light bleeding, no dead pixels and im happy with it and I knew all those problems going into buying it.
Good for you..but as the OP stated many people don't really know what they're getting and then we get a bunch of bitching and moaning threads like OMFG MY 2007 IS TEH SUX!!1 when they bought an E207 expecting it to be a stripped down, lower cost 2007FPW (like the N. American NEC 20WMGX2 vs the Euro 20WGX2). Of course this goes for any piece of hardware that is purchased without research. (and understanding that research)
jonw757 said:
I will take the extra $100 and do something useful with it. Not everyone needs the quality of the 2007, I sure as hell dont, thats why I bought a 207. Yes it has light bleeding, no dead pixels and im happy with it and I knew all those problems going into buying it.
You're not [H] with that pro-TN attitude. :rolleyes:

That's so dumb that Dell and just about every other manufacturer don't list the panel type anywhere...as if that's not an important spec.
zzz said:
You're not [H] with that pro-TN attitude. :rolleyes:

That's so dumb that Dell and just about every other manufacturer don't list the panel type anywhere...as if that's not an important spec.

Its in their best interest to hide it from consumers. By doing so, they are able to hype the other specs like response time and contrast ratio and fool consumers into the numbers game. "Good specs" and low price is a buy for most people who don't want to bother with the research, which in turn equates to sales for Dell. It makes a lot of business sense.
rockman1117 said:
Its in their best interest to hide it from consumers. By doing so, they are able to hype the other specs like response time and contrast ratio and fool consumers into the numbers game. "Good specs" and low price is a buy for most people who don't want to bother with the research, which in turn equates to sales for Dell. It makes a lot of business sense.
If it's a TN, yeah of course they'd want to hide that fact. But what about HP's 30" that uses an S-IPS? By comparison, BenQ's and Samsung's upcoming 30"ers will use *VA. Why would HP want to hide this fact?
Almost no manufacturer is forthcoming about panel technology. You have to sleuth to figure it out. I find it especially bizarre when they contain S-IPS panels that are the best choice as far as many are concerned.

The most forthcoming seems to be NEC.
zzz said:
If it's a TN, yeah of course they'd want to hide that fact. But what about HP's 30" that uses an S-IPS? By comparison, BenQ's and Samsung's upcoming 30"ers will use *VA. Why would HP want to hide this fact?
Mostly because the panel type means nothing to the general buying public...and also in the case of Dell and other makers...leave it open to switch to a cheaper panel at some point in the production run.
zzz said:
If it's a TN, yeah of course they'd want to hide that fact. But what about HP's 30" that uses an S-IPS? By comparison, BenQ's and Samsung's upcoming 30"ers will use *VA. Why would HP want to hide this fact?
Because someone who gets paid a lot more then we do said so :p
joemama said:
Mostly because the panel type means nothing to the general buying public
"Max Sync Rate (V x H): 76 Hz x 81 kHz" and "Dot Pitch: 0.255 mm": these specs mean nothing to the general public but they're still listed. Besides, the point of the specs is to list the things only techies care about, so don't leave out the panel type!
Funny how you guys are jumping all over poor Jon. He sounded alot less "pro-TN" to me, where some of you sounded a whole lot more like "anything anti-TN". The market exists for TN's for the very reason of price which is what Jon wanted out of his purchase.

Also I see some talk of reasearch in this thread.... How are you folks so firm in deciding this is a 6bit FRC panel? Do we have some supporting links? I certainly haven't found anything, and would love to find any info. They do make 8bit TN panels now you know. In fact the specs on this panel are just about identical to the LM201WE3.


On the 207 the service menu says GU116. The screen doesn't black out from extreme viewing, yet has bad back light bleed. Makes me believes it's one of the new TN's I have seen much debate abuot these new TN's and it confuses many into thinking it's an IPS at first. Look at the L204 and L203 debates around. Either way IMO this isn't a regular TN

Yes they aren't the same, that should be clear to anyone who does the simpliest of research, viewing angle alone should raise the eyebrows, yes? I agree they mask the truth and that is absolutely shady, but you guys were awfully rough on Jon, considering the postings with information about the panel without links or proof. i.e. we all seem sure it a TN, but how are we so sure it's a 6 bit FRC? Let see all this seemingly abundant knowledge here put to work and see what panel it really is....seems better then busting on Jon anyway...
aicjofs said:
Funny how you guys are jumping all over poor Jon. He sounded alot less "pro-TN" to me, where some of you sounded a whole lot more like "anything anti-TN". The market exists for TN's for the very reason of price which is what Jon wanted out of his purchase.

Also I see some talk of reasearch in this thread.... How are you folks so firm in deciding this is a 6bit FRC panel? Do we have some supporting links? I certainly haven't found anything, and would love to find any info. They do make 8bit TN panels now you know. In fact the specs on this panel are just about identical to the LM201WE3.


On the 207 the service menu says GU116. The screen doesn't black out from extreme viewing, yet has bad back light bleed. Makes me believes it's one of the new TN's I have seen much debate abuot these new TN's and it confuses many into thinking it's an IPS at first. Look at the L204 and L203 debates around. Either way IMO this isn't a regular TN

Yes they aren't the same, that should be clear to anyone who does the simpliest of research, viewing angle alone should raise the eyebrows, yes? I agree they mask the truth and that is absolutely shady, but you guys were awfully rough on Jon, considering the postings with information about the panel without links or proof. i.e. we all seem sure it a TN, but how are we so sure it's a 6 bit FRC? Let see all this seemingly abundant knowledge here put to work and see what panel it really is....seems better then busting on Jon anyway...

Since manufatures are being gay and will never list its panel specs its pretty easy to tell...16.2 = 6-bit, low price/low responce/bleed/crap angles = TN. It could also be a 6-bit with dithering.. if some one could set there E207WFP @ 32 bit colors and should there gradients be screwed up then theres your proof it is a 6-bit panel..

http://xtknight.atothosting.com/tools/gradlin-v0.2-fs.exe use this

How could it be identical to the LM201WE3? thats @ 16.7 while the E207WFP is @ 16.2
aicjofs said:
Funny how you guys are jumping all over poor Jon. He sounded alot less "pro-TN" to me, where some of you sounded a whole lot more like "anything anti-TN". The market exists for TN's for the very reason of price which is what Jon wanted out of his purchase.

Also I see some talk of reasearch in this thread.... How are you folks so firm in deciding this is a 6bit FRC panel? Do we have some supporting links? I certainly haven't found anything, and would love to find any info. They do make 8bit TN panels now you know. In fact the specs on this panel are just about identical to the LM201WE3.


On the 207 the service menu says GU116. The screen doesn't black out from extreme viewing, yet has bad back light bleed. Makes me believes it's one of the new TN's I have seen much debate abuot these new TN's and it confuses many into thinking it's an IPS at first. Look at the L204 and L203 debates around. Either way IMO this isn't a regular TN

Yes they aren't the same, that should be clear to anyone who does the simpliest of research, viewing angle alone should raise the eyebrows, yes? I agree they mask the truth and that is absolutely shady, but you guys were awfully rough on Jon, considering the postings with information about the panel without links or proof. i.e. we all seem sure it a TN, but how are we so sure it's a 6 bit FRC? Let see all this seemingly abundant knowledge here put to work and see what panel it really is....seems better then busting on Jon anyway...
I wasn't jumping on "poor jon"...I simply acknowledged that he knew what he was getting but also that many others who buy that panel won't know because at first glance (with no research) it appears to be a lower priced 2007FPW with a few missing features.
I don't see number of colors listed anywhere on Dell's site for this monitor. How are are we determining it's 16.2?