Tech Jobs Are Hot, More Jobs Moving Overseas

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A new list out today says tech jobs are HOT! I'm not sure what methodology was used to determine that but a new the Wall Street Journal has posted actual statistic that show tech jobs are shifting overseas.

The 2011 Jobs Rated Methodology conducted by — which factors in environment, income, hiring outlook, stress and physical demands — has placed a variety of tech jobs, including software engineers and computer systems analysts, in the top 30 best careers of the year.
I think one of the good things about tech jobs (especially developers) is they are useful to both large and small companies. Big business may be offshoring but at least here in the NY / NJ area there are tons of small companies that need developers and they seem to be offering pay just as good as the bigger companies, if not better in some cases.
It's the same here in NC. Software engineers are in incredibly high demand.
I think one of the good things about tech jobs (especially developers) is they are useful to both large and small companies. Big business may be offshoring but at least here in the NY / NJ area there are tons of small companies that need developers and they seem to be offering pay just as good as the bigger companies, if not better in some cases.

If the Big companies leave America then is time for real capitalism to kick in with small companies. Screw Transnationals.
The problem with tech jobs is they hire you to lay the ground work then bring in someone cheaper to maintain it.
The problem with tech jobs is they hire you to lay the ground work then bring in someone cheaper to maintain it.

There is always that friend bragging about his sweet gig setting X systems at Y company.
Fast forward a year or two, and said friend is complaining about having to train his offshore replacement.
There is always that friend bragging about his sweet gig setting X systems at Y company.
Fast forward a year or two, and said friend is complaining about having to train his offshore replacement.

We have onshore replacements now. Many people come over from India on H1B and L1 visas despite the rampant unemployment plaguing this nation. At the fortune 500 companies I've worked at the IT departments were 50%+ Indian contractors from companies like Tata, Wipro, Infosys, etc.

The jobs of many American graduates have been handed away to foreigners. The saddest part about it is that as people see the lack of jobs in a field, it causes people to not major in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Eventually there aren't enough Americans with the skills needed for these fields.
There is always that friend bragging about his sweet gig setting X systems at Y company.
Fast forward a year or two, and said friend is complaining about having to train his offshore replacement.

Yea, Tech jobs are hot alright, unless you work in the US and happen to be a US citizen...

I am actually heavily considering a job offer I got in Japan right now, because working over here has largely become worthless. What few jobs are being offered in IT are being offered at unacceptable wages.
There is always that friend bragging about his sweet gig setting X systems at Y company.
Fast forward a year or two, and said friend is complaining about having to train his offshore replacement.

Why would you want to work on the same tech project for more than 2-3 years?? You need to be able to move around and acquire new skills.
Why would you want to work on the same tech project for more than 2-3 years?? You need to be able to move around and acquire new skills.

I personally don't, moving around is about the only way to move up/gain more skills.

Problem is, IT is one of the few fields where if a person is at a company for more than 3 years, its a miracle, or the person is a dunce and working for peanuts.
I personally don't, moving around is about the only way to move up/gain more skills.

Problem is, IT is one of the few fields where if a person is at a company for more than 3 years, its a miracle, or the person is a dunce and working for peanuts.

I resemble that remark...(13 years - one company)
Well......if the US economy does crash, then we make look forward to China and India sending their jobs here and the job market recovering :cool:
gotta believe it, with unions going ape only logical any job that can be shipped over seas, will be
A new list out today says tech jobs are HOT! I'm not sure what methodology was used to determine that but a new the Wall Street Journal has posted actual statistic that show tech jobs are shifting overseas.

Tech Jobs may be a growing market again, but you still need a Bull Shit (BS) degree to meet the ridiculous requirements, just to answer the phone.
Hey this is exactly very true with regards to the IT sector as there are n number of job opportunisties...
I remember going to the job fair back when I was in college and seeing a lot of foreigners apply for government jobs. Specifically I remember when I was handing in my resume to Lockheed martin. There was a person that came from India with a US visa, He had a PhD in software engineering and was overqualified for the job positions there. I overheard him talking to the rep at the Lockeed table.

I'm just a recent Computer engineer graduate, yet they took my resume instead of his because I was a US citizen. Government contractors can't afford to let non US citizens work on something important like the Presidential Helicopter Marine One.
I never realized it till I moved to the SF Bay Area but there are tons and tons of Indian born guys filling tech offices.
I never realized it till I moved to the SF Bay Area but there are tons and tons of Indian born guys filling tech offices.

They work for peanuts compared to their American counter parts.

As for the articles, since outsourcing became the thing to do, an engineering degree was not sought after by people as the potential pay (compared to other majors) and job security is no longer there. Now couple that with an aging engineering work force, and we will have some major engineering shortages here in the US. So yes while outsourcing/offshoring is rampant, demand fro US engineers is also increasing.

Now look at the other thread about hiring and the unemployed...that is the another issue.