Flipflop PCB


Limp Gawd
Mar 29, 2005
OK, I ordered 4 of the cool-looking Bulgin anti-vandal switches before I even new what a momentary switch was. I've now figured out that a debounced flipflop circuit will work to catch those momentary switches and make them a "normal" switch. The reason I need this is that I want to use the Bulgin's to turn on/off the CCFL and LED feet on case. The CCFL is 12V, the LED feet are 5V. No problem just add the right resistor. I also know I need resistors for the LEDs since they're rated at a little over 3V. Here's the schematic that I've come up with so far using Eagle 4.13. Most of this is based on cpemma's article (link):

The X series of pins are terminal blocks like these:

There's seven of them. One for the power, one for each load (one 5v, one 12V), one each for the Bulgin switch itself, and one for the LED in the Bulgin. As the title states, I'd like to make a PCB board out of this, but I'm a complete n00b when it comes to this circuit design stuff...

So my question is, does this look right? I know the X-1-1 and X-1-2 pins (for the power terminal block) look messed up, but that's because I'm not sure how to utilize the symbology to indicate that those pins will be acting as power and ground. The X-1-2 pin also looks messed up because I'm not sure how to show that it's supplying power to the flipflop IC.

Anybody have any suggestions? I can also provide a like to the Eagle file if that will help.

Thanks for any and all help!