bad LG W2486L experience, please help to choose 24 inch display


Sep 28, 2009
Hi guys,

I just recently found this forum which is absolutely awesome I wish I have seen it earlier.

I bought LG W2486L 24 inch TN LED monitor few days back.
I thought LED is a good idea and it is slim energy efficient monitor.

Now I am going to return it.
It seems LG use very hard Anti-Glare,3H coating which is a major problem.

That coating is very distracting especially on white or very light colour backgrounds. Working with text in front of this monitor is unbearable and I have to work more that 10 hours a day in front of it.
The coating shows like a silk layer put in front of the monitor screen. It is grainy and a shiny especially if the brightness is high and if you move your head that shining also changes (which is even worse)
Worst of all is that my eyes cannot adopt to that coating at all. It looks like monitor has two separate screen layers. One layer is text in the background and another layer is that 'silk'coating in front of it (and eyes get an illusion there is a space about 5mm between those layers) so the experience is similar like sitting in bad 3D cinema. SOme king of slight double vision and text becomes somehow blurred and since eyes try to adopt to sharpen the text there is a huge strain on the eyes.
The feeling is so weird that I had put my old Samsung SyncMaster 930BF next to LG just to make sure I am going blind or something but no, its not my eyes, Samsung coating is very light and is absolutely fine to me.

I would appreciate if you guys could help to choose 24 inch monitor that has no such a problem.

Basically I am looking for:
24 inch monitor
matte with very light anti glare coating
or it could be even glossy panel (I think its better to have reflections than the problem I just described).

I am mostly working with text (programming) sometimes a bit of graphic work, so overall colour reproduction and image shapeness is more important that response times (I don't watch dvd or play games on it. it is for work only).

1920x1200 preferable but 1920x1080 is still fine.

LED would be nice (energy efficiency wise) but there are very few of these.
What I am also afraid is that it seems Dell and some other brands are using LG panels and I have seen people reporting the same issue with some other monitors.
Also Dell don't even care to spell if their monitors are matte or glossy on their website.
I wonder if Dell G2410 has same problem? I have seen very different reviews about it ranging from 'very good' to 'never buy'.

I would prefer TN panel because of the low price but possibly would go for more pricey (PVA or even IPS) panels if there is nothing to choose from TN really.

Please share your experience on this matter.

And by the way are there any shops in London that I could actually check the 24 inch monitor face to face before buying? The only one I know is Apple but I am not buying Apple LED cinema display 24 (not compatible with PC as I understand).
'PC world' and other shops I have seen have only small monitors on the show which is completely useless in my case. And buying on-line without seeing is a lottery.

Sorry for bad English (not my first language).

Many thanks
I had looked into their new led screens but was turned off to them after reading the colors weren't all that great. Interesting to hear what you said though.
I had looked into their new led screens but was turned off to them after reading the colors weren't all that great. Interesting to hear what you said though.

I am not an expert on colors but the only color that looks great on it is actually black. Black looks clean, deep and very even (no bleeding or anything) I bet because of LED technology. And on black the nasty anti-glare coating is not visible at all. I wish the other colors would be like this I would stare into this monitor for days !
Well. When it comes to other colors it seems they look quite cold comparing to my old Samsung. But that would not be a big problem. It's all that silk/grainy/sparkle coating which drives me mad.
I just cant understand how come LG decided to put that horrible coating.