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  1. S

    CRT vs LCD

    Sorry I took so long to get back to you guys..... I guess I should tell you a bit more about my needs...... This computer is used primarily for gaming (UT2004, CS:S, etc). However, I would like something that is also easy on the eyes, especially when staring at word docs for several...
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    CRT vs LCD

    Hey, What are the pros and cons are of CRTs and LCDs. I'm trying to decide what to go for.....
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    Doom 3 Problem

    I don't have another drive I could try, but could I make an image? Can you make an image of Doom 3?
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    Doom 3 Problem

    Ok, I will. Thanks for your help. At least someone knows what their doing. :rolleyes:
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    Doom 3 Problem

    I tried the Doom 3 demo and it runs perfectly. Does this mean I need to return the full version? Could I have gotten a disc with missing files or something?
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    Doom 3 Problem

    When I type the command you told me to, it doesn't do anything. As much as I hate it, I'm guna reinstall (I hate installing big games over and over again). Ok, just reinstalled, no change.
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    Doom 3 Problem

    Hi, I recently purchased DOOM 3. I installed it without any problems and then I tried to play it. I double clicked the icon on my desktop, the DOOM 3 logo came up for a second then disappeared, my hard drive worked for a minute or two, then everything stopped and nothing happened. What is...
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    Shuttle Server

    I'm looking to build a shuttle for a UT 2004 dedicated server. I have a lack of space, shuttles are cool, and it doesnt take a ton of power to run a UT server. I need to be very cheap. I don't really have a set budget, but I need to spend as little as possible. I was thinking maybe a barton...
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    Viewpoint Manager??

    lol they make it sound like the plague should i just kill it then?
  10. S

    Viewpoint Manager??

    I use zonealarm as my firewall. Lately something called Viewpoint Manager has been asking for permission to access the internet. What is Viewpoint Manager? Should I give it access? Thanks
  11. S

    Best X800XT PE

    just curious anyone else?
  12. S

    Best X800XT PE

    u guys no anything bout
  13. S

    Best X800XT PE

    Is there any X800Xt PE made by anyone that can get here in a week and a half? even if i do have to pay extra shipping
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    Best X800XT PE

    asus's package looks nice and i suppose i better trust them considering like half the stuff in my comp in made my them but where can i find it!
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    Best X800XT PE

    Who do you think has the best X800XT PE? Asus, Powercolor, BBA, etc
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    whats the diff in these three? enermax: woah beyond my budget antec:maybe, but i was looking to spend less then 60 bucks but i want a very good psu so w/e it takes
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    what u guys think of aspire? and be honest, dont worry bout crushing my glory at finding this great deal :D the reviews look good and its not generic comments? is there a reason y it is so much cheaper then say...
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    the funny part is arent they the same thing? ok what would u guys consider a good name psu? regardless of the wattage who makes a good product?
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    i dont have a crap psu its been plenty good in the past
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    did u not see the email from bfg tech support sure a 300 watt would be ok now but down the road its guna start artifacting and breaking down and crap and im not listening to the ati fans i really wana get a 6800U bfg im just tryin to figure out how and right now i have a 450, the bfg rep...
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    hmmm i suppose i could go for bfg's psu deal but only if i could sell my psu for at least 60 bucks r there any 6800U's that dont have a 480 watt minimum
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    ok i dont care i just want to know how to get a 6800U in my comp
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    so i am definitely leaning toward the 6800 how do i know if my psu is "quality"
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    ok hypothetically say i decided to get a 6800U how would i put it in my comp according to the bfg tech support it will slowly burn till the day it dies and replacing my psu would just be stupid its only like 2 months old and do any of u have 500 watt psu's no its not exactly common...
  25. S

    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    yeah the problem is that nvidia is paying game makers loads of cash at this very moment to make games that can only use SM 3 and make them as soon as possible
  26. S

    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    yeah i saw it pretty big difference between the cards on that review the soul reason im even considering nvidia is because im worried that b4 my two year from now upgrade SM 3 will become important and ill be stuck with SM 2.0b and nvidia or bfg or whoever devided that their card is going to...
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    Lol, I think my CPU can handle it. What do you guys think of this? Btw, the top email is the reply to the bottom one. Is it just me, or did he call my computer under-powered? The big problem is that if youre computer is underpowered, the card might appear to operate fine for a...
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    Do you guys have any links to comparison between general IQ of these cards?
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    well cant argue with that how can the 6800U be in the lead only because of a few drivers but i cant deny it the 6800U is definitely in the lead its too bad i was starting to like 3dc how would u guys compare the IQ in general of the two card...
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    ok fine ill change it
  32. S

    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    well that kinda sways the odds in nvidias favor but if u have one that does have an nforce post it anyway it would still be helpful
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    6800U and X800XT PE reviews

    Does anyone know of any 6800U or X800XT PE reviews that meet these specs? 1. Compares the 6800U to the X800XT PE 2. Uses new drivers for both of these cards 3. Is fair in testing (credible site, etc) If you know of one please post link. Ty, Smcgee85
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    X800XT PE or 6800U

    have anymore reviews using new drivers and comparing x800XT and 6800U come out?
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    X800XT PE or 6800U

    i no nvidias will look better but how mcuh better will it feel like somethings missing when u compare sm3 to no sm3
  36. S

    u think $400-$500 graphics card is expensive, check this out...

    whats the diff between these cards and something like an x800xt i assume there faster cus their much more exp but they arent even in the same catagory as the x800xt 9800xt etc
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    X800XT PE or 6800U

    so when its all said and done with sm3 how much visual not performance diff will there be
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    X800XT PE or 6800U

    ok can some1 who has a 6800u and farcry show me a pic of farcry with and without SM3 and dont rig it and down the AA or AF on the one without it plz be honest
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    X800XT PE or 6800U

    o lol
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    Asus Mobo+Asus Gpu=Performance Boost?

    so other then HIS cus im pretty sure there will be big price jump (although i will check it out) what is the best cooling i hope mr happy go lucky is a alternate personality cus if not hes a stalker he follows u to every post