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  1. S

    Need some help with World In Conflict....

    no one has any ideas ? :( im stumped.
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    Need some help with World In Conflict....

    Hello everyone :D I just got this game and I am enjoying the heck out of it, but I have a DX10 capable rig with Windows Vista, but I can't seem to select the Render in DX 10 option.... My system specs are in my sig, the top one, and I got Windows Vista 32 bit Service Pack 1. And yes...
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    Seagate 750GB FreeAgent Pro $111

    I got 4 of these, and they run flawlessly. Awesome drives. Highly recommended at that price ! I got mine when they were $159.00
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    Logitech G9 Mouse - $69.49 at Dell Home (Tax + Overnight Shipping) Until 9/5/07

    in for 1 :D Thx for the deal guys ! If I don't like it I will either just send it back or ebay it, but you can't go wrong with that price + shipping on a $100.00 mouse.
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    Best Defrag Software For Vista ???

    thx for the advice, and ill try out the defaut for a while, but if I feel the need to see flying blocks ;) ill check out one of the others you mentioned :D Thx
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    Best Defrag Software For Vista ???

    Hey just looking for suggestions on what is the best software to use to do a good, yet quick defrag for windows vista. Thx for any suggestions :D
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    How did you all like the game "PREY"

    Agreed 100% I hated the characters, and I hated the fact that you could not actually die.... the game was beat with out restarting once ..... somthing just wrong about that.
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    Newegg EVGA 8800GTS 640 for $329 shipped AR

    Awesome the code finally worked for me ! i got in on it, but I missed the $15.00 instant off deal :( O well awesome card, and thx so much for the code OP !
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    Newegg EVGA 8800GTS 640 for $329 shipped AR

    Same here, I was not a subscriber either, and I just clicked it to subscribe, but I wonder how long it takes ? :(
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    Warm: Garmin c320 Portable In-Car GPS $200

    OH NOES !!!! I just checked teh status of mine and it says Backordered :( I wonder how long it will be till they get more in ? Dang :( I needed this for next week to :mad:
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    Warm: Garmin c320 Portable In-Car GPS $200

    My brother also has the 330, but looking at the features list they are identical except for the pre loaded maps.
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    Warm: Garmin c320 Portable In-Car GPS $200

    OMG thx so much for posting this ! I have been needing one of these for work for a while now ;) I got it and I got one of these: from to put all of the USA + what ever else on :p
  13. S poll: "Which SEGA game/character would you like to see return?"

    Streets of Rage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    HL2 Scripted Sequences / Movies

    That would actually be pretty cool, I would love to know how to do it ;D
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    2GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - $12.99 + 1.99 shipping

    Anyone know if this thing is Windows Vista Readyboot compatiable ?
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    Metal Gear Solid Plot Discussion. *SPOILERS* for every MGS game within, even PO!

    MGS confuses me so bad.... I played though part 1, two times, and I still did not understand it. Then I played part 2 and was like WTF? I got half way though part 3 and got to the bee boss guy and said WTF? and stopped playing..... I play the game to sneak around and stuff and have fun...
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    Post your PlayStation 3 Network ID! (The [H]ard|Forum PS3 friends list.)

    PSN ID = JUNKANOOPUNCH Headset = no :( Games : Resistance
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    Show your Vista Rating!

    5.3 on the XPS 410 in my sig
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    What the... Quake Wars not PC exclusive?

    I wonder if this is gonna be a cross platform game .....
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    Gaming Performace Question: Vista vs. XP

    This should give you a idea :;title;4&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot ***EDIT*** Woops wrong link. sry i'll post it if I find it again. Was trying to find the one that shows XP VS Vista Frame rates.
  21. S

    EA what a joke

    OMG ........ I really did LOL at that one ! that deserves post of the year :D
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    The new Gamertag thread! Post your XBOX Live Gamertag! shaggymcp = hardocp user name JUNKANOO PUNCH = XBL gamertag JUNKANOOPUNCH = PSN name.
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    Got Photoshop? What game case's should have been...(56K, no)

    :D LOL this thread delivers !
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    Why no AvP 3 ?

    Seeing how sega's latest games have been total and utter failures, I would not get your hope's up for what they might do with the AVP licence.... personaly I am not gonna get my hopes up just to get dissapointed. But I sure do wish they would make a amazing game. We sure do need a come...
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    CS:S Update - BF2 whiners welcome

    lol no one can accuse anyone of wall hacking anymore.....
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    BF 2142 Beta Out

    Yea BF2142 can kiss ma Arse ! POE2 FTW This is a real mod :cool:
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    What color Wii do you want?

    white to match my Xbox 360 :D
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    SFII : Hyper Fighting is Finally Here!

    As I said in my last post, I have no problems with any of my other games when it comes to lag, nor do I have any probs with any of my games on my pc with Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, or Red Orchestra, Guild Wars, none of em, its only SF2. And if it was just me complaining...
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    Reflecting on Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and it's 24 player limit

    i agree with him BF2 is a horrid game due to bugs, glitchs, balancing. If it was not for those things, BF2 could have been a awesome game. Same reason I am not gonna support them in getting BF2142, I love the BF series have had everyone up to the BF2 expansion, but I will not buy in to it...
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    SFII : Hyper Fighting is Finally Here!

    If that was the case I would have problems with PG3, FNR3, Burnout, Perfect Dark, and all my other games, but thats not the case, and its not like I am the only one experiencing the lag issue, TONS of people are complaining about it, not just on this forum, and even in gamespots review they...
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    SFII : Hyper Fighting is Finally Here!

    The lag is not MS fault, neither is the difficulty bug, thats capcoms fault, i made that clear in my first post :confused:
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    SFII : Hyper Fighting is Finally Here!

    The ranking online is deff screwy, the lag is horrid, and the difficulty bug is retarded, there is no excuse for the way this game was released, and capcom even said they delayed the game just for fixing the lag issues, i guess they did not want to waist there precious time to actually make the...
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    This is a thread for people who have quit WoW

    Hi my name is shaggymcp and I have a problem.... (errr had ) I quit due to problems and bordom. I had a 60 mage, 60 hunter, 52 pally, 3 lower than lvl 20 chars on Khazmodan, and on bloodhoof i had a 30 rogue. For the tech problems I quit because when i started to play the game at first...
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    Reflecting on Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and it's 24 player limit

    QFT, I never liked playing 64 player maps, its always to hectic on certain maps, and then some maps it was like finding a needle in a hay stack to find another player.
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    Poster your "perfect combo" thread

    QFT ! I would say a 2 L of any soft Drink a Extra Large Papa Johns pizza with extra cheese, and a banana split....... omg i am soooo ordering a pizza right now.... :eek: ***Edit*** woops so focused on the food, i forgot the games :D CSS, DODS o and my snack before the pizza gets here...
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    For all you WoW people :D

    And that all gets old super quick ( no sarcasm by the way ) :rolleyes:
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    For all you WoW people :D

    I have been playing since October of 2005 and I have a 60 Warrior, 50 Mage, 47 paly, 30 rogue, 19 druid, 12 warrior, and finally 9 priest..... I have put TONS of time in to this game, and now i am feeling like cancel'n my account, once you hit 60 the game just feels like there is nothing...