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  1. R

    Laptop recommendation/help $1400

    So when I need to know what to buy at a good cost, and I have questions, I turn to the misc, who have never failed me. If you want to get into the 'rep on sight' line in my sig, throw me some good advice. looking to buy a laptop. Yes, this is the same thing I went through twice in the last...
  2. R

    will you be getting Ivy Bridge?

    I got in on the 2600k for $200 deal. Waiting to see if MC does anything (which I'm doubting). I'm not a huge overclocker, so I'd love to get IB.
  3. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    The McDonald's coffee incident is one of the most misused case references ever :\
  4. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    I never claimed that, however, you linked to Pierce County Local Rules.
  5. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    That link would suffice, if this case was in Pierce County.
  6. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    Are you talking about: where it indicates "The Center provides free mediation services prior to your court date, or the same day as court"? Just an FYI, the guy's website won't load, so I can't read his actual account of the...
  7. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    I guess your definition of the small claims process is different than mine.
  8. R

    Seattle Man Wins Small Claims Case Against Apple

    Mediation is most definitely used in small claims.
  9. R

    To anyone who subscribes to PC Gamer and doesn't play LoL...

    I'd be willing to PP a few $$ for a code (if thats not against the rules here, if so please delete)
  10. R

    Reducing Piracy May Stimulate World Economy

    Well, this article is about software piracy. Maybe you're in the wrong thread?
  11. R

    So whats FFXIV beta like?

    How is that a positive thing? Its a beta on a new game. With new games come players who are :gasp: new! Throwing them in to the lake without showing them how to swim will surely drive some people away.
  12. R

    Is Your IP Addy in the Hurt Locker?

    No, not quite. Why would anyone go buy movies when they can just download it and pay $20.00 if they get caught? It makes absolutely no sense.
  13. R

    Is Your IP Addy in the Hurt Locker?

    And you also have no understanding of the Mcdonald's lawsuit either.
  14. R

    Is Your IP Addy in the Hurt Locker?

    Yes, because only having to pay $20.00 for downloading/distributing a movie is a real deterrent. The way they go about it is absolutely terrible, and the fines are ridiculous, but then again so are most of these arguments.
  15. R

    EA Wants $10 to Unlock Online Multiplayer For Used Games

    You're a GM/Ford/Toyota/Honda, etc. shill! I say we shut them all down. You can use your pre-owned car, but you have to pay for the passenger seat to be functional ;)
  16. R

    EA Wants $10 to Unlock Online Multiplayer For Used Games

    I see you have a hardon about Gamestop, but you have no idea what you're talking about and are just letting your blind hatred get in the way. While we're at it, we should get rid of used car dealers. I don't like them and they charge too much.
  17. R

    EA Wants $10 to Unlock Online Multiplayer For Used Games

    EA does make a profit. They are trying to circumvent the first sale doctrine. Hence the hate for EA.
  18. R

    Windows Home Server FAQ

    Answered my own question. For some reason my computer kept freezing at bios during startup. Got it to start (finally), and now WHS works on all the comps in my house. Now to get off work and begin setting it up...
  19. R

    Windows Home Server FAQ

    Hoping someone can help me and this is the right place to post: Just installed WHS on an old machine. Got it set up and running in my living room so I had a monitor to use. Ran the connection disc on my main PC and was able to log in. Then I moved the server down to the basement, near the...
  20. R

    Windows Home Server FAQ

    Is there any reason not to install WHS on a 1tb HD? Will it install WHS and use the rest for storage?
  21. R

    PS3 Sales Jump After Price Cut, Slim Introduction

    Did you really just argue that the PS3 slim is not the ps3, so therefore this isn't good news?
  22. R

    Movie Theaters Go Big to Compete with Online Videos

    Why does he need to have a 50 foot screen for a similar experience? I doubt he'll be sitting 50 feet away from the screen while watching it at home.
  23. R

    PS3 Slim Official $299 First week of September

    Wonder how much I can sell my Phat BC for... I really like the slim.
  24. R

    Is a Fair P2P Trial Possible?

    I'm not very familiar with the case... but what you quoted doesn't show that she was served. It says she was instant messaged over Kazaa. Was she actually served and then destroyed the HD?
  25. R

    Best Buy $9.99 TV Was Too Good To Be True

    That's the case EVERYBODY quotes to show America is sue happy... except 99% of the people who quote the case, don't understand it.
  26. R

    Has the Wii peaked, now dying down?

    On this site, I'm sure you won't get many that play it often, as its the devil reincarnated. However, get outside a tech site and there are plenty of people who play it. The hate against the Wii is unreal.
  27. R

    Top 7 Reasons For a PC Gamer To Get Windows 7

    What a terrible list.
  28. R

    Has the Wii peaked, now dying down?

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I have a Wii, I'm content with it... guess I'm not hardcore enough. Nintendo knows who they appeal to... and they've done 10x the job Sony/Microsoft have this generation. I also have an HDTV and I think the Wii looks fine. Apparently we have different...
  29. R

    Has the Wii peaked, now dying down?

    There are plenty of games for the Wii. Most gamers aren't hardcore so that is irrelevant.
  30. R

    FFVII on the PSN!

    You don't need to get past A class. I raced all of mine just to A class and got a gold the first try... took me 2-3 hours or so, except I auto'd all the races so I did other stuff.
  31. R

    Cheap Games Here - $13 (but he'll take $10)

    Weird. I just got 2 keys from him this morning, both work fine.
  32. R

    PSP Thoughts

    I've been looking into getting one as well, mostly for FF7 lol. I just bought a DS tho, so I'm not quite sure.
  33. R

    The Sims 3(June 09)

    Just picked up this game for my GF. She's been playing Rollercoaster Tycoon. HOpefully she'll enjoy this.
  34. R

    Weekend deal - L4D 50% off

    I hate the weekend deals. I spend so much money ><. I have this for 360 but will buy it on PC.
  35. R

    Yet another, I need game suggestions cause im bored thread.

    Get Orange Box... seems like you enjoy FPS and its quite popular, for a reason.
  36. R

    PS3 Controller Charge Cable

    Then buy a new one for a few bucks.
  37. R

    Empire: Total war, huge price gouging? 20 bucks extra for complete units.

    /signed. I personally don't care, because I can play without the extra 6 units.
  38. R

    Are You a Game Connoisseur?

    I could care less about technical stuff, etc. If its a fun game, I enjoy it even if the graphics aren't great, or its nothing "new".