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  1. D

    lag with surfing

    I hear the "mouse lag" is worse if you are using the usb ports on the side of the monitor. But it could just be you feeling the 40ms of display lag that these panels have.
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    LCD input Lag problems: new tests of 2405fpw and 244t

    Agreed! And well put. I think I am sending my 2405 back due to lag, its a tough decision but these monitors cost too much money to be sub par.
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    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos - virtual stopwatch pro.
  4. D

    Dell 2007 fp/fpw Banding issue.

    Maybe you just have bad eyes and cant tell banding when you see it. If it was one poster I might agree with you, but 90% of people are saying that there is banding on these monitors.
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    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    Several people have recreated it. And I like many others swapped which port the CRT and the lcd were hooked to. The 2405 was always lagging no matter what port was used.
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    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    You don't see it, but you feel it. I obviously didnt return my 2405 so its not too bad for me (I dont play FPS's) but I would still like to know if it is present on the 2407.
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    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    It's hard to notice 40ms in anything. 40ms is not even bad enough to make the voice not sync with the picture on movies. But its there, and I still have yet to hear any decent explination for it. Other lcd's dont have it, but this specific model does.
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    Cold-Dell Coupons might be drying up...

    I was just playing the devils advocate. I think dell is starting to fall apart in all aspects of the game. If the 2407 is any indication, quality has gone completely out the window.
  9. D

    need a link to the LCD testing program...

    And since the lag issue is there, - For Virtual stopwatch.
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    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    Download Virtual stopwatch pro and snap a picture of the two monitors. You will see the displayed time on the 2405 lags 40 ms behind that on a CRT.
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    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    yeah, I would like to see a 2407 lag tested against a crt.
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    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    I couldnt tell any lag with mine at first, but something just didnt feel right with the mouse. I ran the stopwatch test with my old crt and the difference was 40-50ms. I will probably still keep the 2405 due to the increased size, and just hope that I eventually get used to it. My days of...
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    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    You mean everything is fine except the lag right?
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    Cold-Dell Coupons might be drying up...

    Or could it be that people are returning the first 5 LCD screens they get on dell's dime because there was 1 bad pixel or "backlight bleeding" ?
  15. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    I just recieved my 2405 last week, but mine is a March version and I do not have the banding. I do have the input delay of 40-50 ms. Can you test your new 2405 and tell us if you experience the input delay.
  16. D

    Running 3 monitor question...

    I would do the 1 wide 24" with 2 17" in portrait mode on either side. It looks really slick.
  17. D

    Dual display performance question

    I never noticed a performance hit. I think as long as you are only doing 2D stuff on the second monitor you should be okay. As for the mouse wrap thing, thats easy. In the display properties screen where it shows your two monitors, grab the display labeled 2 and "drag and drop" it on the...
  18. D

    So i took the widescreen plunge today

    I think you will notice a huge difference. Having just got my first wide screen yesterday, I can say ti is definitely the way to go. Your new monitor will also perform much better than your old 15" . Let us know how everything goes. Cheerio!
  19. D

    Which 6800?

    I have the XFX 6800 and I am happy with the card, but it does not overclock nearly as well as the card above (when unlocked). My card only runs at 370\820 before it starts having glitches. I dont think its due to heat as the temp doesnt really change when I go above the 370\820.
  20. D

    FS: Old Laptop, Sidekick2, XM skifi and more

    I replied. I checked my PM's the last time I logged on, and saw none. I apologize for missing it. As the other poster pointed out, I pretty much gave up on the thread and had come to grips with having to sell the stuff on EBAY. If you are still interested, let me know via email.
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    FS: Old Laptop, Sidekick2, XM skifi and more

    bump one more time
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    FS: Old Laptop, Sidekick2, XM skifi and more

    I have a bunch of stuff taking up space and I want to see if I can get rid of any of it. I am interested in upgrading to an A64 + Mobo or a 1GB dual channel memory kit. If I get the A64+mobo then the P4 3.06 + abit AI7 is also in play. Now for the stuff: 1 T-Mobile Sidekick 2 (with the...
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    Card Comparison Doodad

    Wow, thats pretty nice. It would be more useful if it had some rough benchmarking info. Maybe an average pulled out of the ORB at futuremark, or pulled from one of the reviews listed. Useful all the same though.
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    Brent/Kyle, when are we going to see Widescreen resolutions in reviews?

    I would think that Widescreen users outnumber the SLI users, but thats just a guess.
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    geforce 6800 problem/question

    I would suspect that it didnt autodetect your monitor correctly. You can download an .inf file for you monitor so that it is installed correctly. I am not sure if this setting pertains to refresh rates as well, but you can try to uncheck the "Hide display modes this monitor cannot support" option.
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    WoW [H]ard Guild

    I still see a ton of ganking. Of course I got so used to getting killed by any alliance I saw, that I don't give them the benefit of the doubt any more. I figure if I am most likely going to die, might as well try to kill them first.
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    WoW [H]ard Guild

    I would likey the invite as well on Stormscale when you get a chance. Raize - lvl 45 mage
  28. D

    eVGA 6600GT owners please

    yeah i would agree with the 130. Mine idles at 56, but it peaks at around 70 degrees.... Thats with running 3dmark on one monitor with the temp guage on the 2nd monitor.
  29. D

    eVGA 6600GT owners please

    My XFX 6800 idles around 60 degrees (56, was 75 with previous drivers), but I dont see the big deal. These cards don't even start throttling down until 129 degrees or something crazy. So I don't know that I would label a vendor with having "overheating" issues just because they idle 5-10...
  30. D

    World of Warcraft - 1920x1200 on 2405FPW. Video card question.

    Yeah definitely check you ram usage. I have 1.5 gigs and I feel that its the minimum level at 1600x1200. It would be much cheaper for you to go to 2 gigs than it would for you to upgrade you video card. I also agree with the bringing in the distance setting. I played with this setting...
  31. D

    World of Warcraft - 1920x1200 on 2405FPW. Video card question.

    You don't specify your system ram amount. I may be way off base here, but I have found that my WOW performance is much more reliant on my system memory than my video card (XFX 6800 unlocked and oc'd). I cannot say for sure though as I do not run it at that resoloution. I run it at 1600x1200.
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    Unlocking 6800 pipelines with RivaTuner

    Yeah I am sure he means 16x5. That is what my 6800 unlocks too without artifacts or crashing. I can unlock the pipelines but not the vertex shader. You get a performance increase but not quite as large as 16x6. I also found that I could overclock more with it set to 16x5 but that could just...
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    Worst videocard you have ever bought.

    The worst one I ever had was the Intel 740 chipset. It was supposed to be cheap and "fast", but it only succeeded in being crap. I only owned it for a short while because I had tons of problems after I installed it. I wanted to come to the defense of the S3 Virge Chipset. In its day it...
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    6800 & 6600gt

    Did you try unlocking the pipelines only on the 6800 and leaving the VS at 5? The reason I ask is because I could unlock the pipelines but not the VS. It increased my 3dmark scores by quite a bit.
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    6600 vs 6600GT and WoW

    Yeah, the performance difference is significant from the 6600 to the 6600GT. And Wow looks great at 1280x1024 with AA.
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    XFX 6800 can't change clockspeed at ALL?!?

    I have the same card (XFX 6800) and I was only able to overclock to 375/799 which puts my 3dmark score right around 4K. So I would say your score is correct. I was only able to unlock the 4 pipes, my card crashed in WOW with the 6th VS unlocked. On a related note, even before overclocking...