Search results

  1. JHefile

    Are 3rd party sites legit for Windows keys?

    Are these guys selling illegally? I just can't see any of them being legit unless its a partner of Microsoft. I see them around for 40-50 bucks.
  2. JHefile

    Email Clients Thunderbird and eM Client

    I have been a long time user of Thunderbird. It does its job even though its a bit wonky at times. It's become stale to me so I searched high and low for a replacement and found eM Client. So far I am really impressed with it. It seems to be more thought out and fluid. Maybe because its new I...
  3. JHefile

    Are you guys using VPN's?

    Use one? I can see how it would help keep prying eyes off you but at the same time the VPN will own you and your info. Do you guys use one for home use?
  4. JHefile

    Got myself in a jam need help. Windows 10 CPU cores

    Hello, I turned off all but one core. Okay that was neat and fun but now there are no options to go back to 4 cores. When I try to use the pull down menu its just 1. There used to be 4 when I was reducing them. Help?
  5. JHefile

    You know how they said SSD would wear out

    Well Mine never did. I used it like I abused it. Look how amy hours I have on my SSD and turn ons and you tell me I can't use my SSD cause its as tender as a baby deer
  6. JHefile

    Backup programs and system transfers for Windows

    Hi all, If Microsoft considers the system board to be unchangeable which is attached to the windows copy then what do these programs that let you move your existing OS to another system benefit us? Linux users? I'll admit I think I have been thinking about this the wrong way. My intentions...
  7. JHefile

    WHo did this

  8. JHefile

    A6-7400K bundle Microcenter

    Microcenter is actually paying you to take this bundle. It's $10 cheaper if you take the MB with it. If you need a PC for a young one or a web surfer with possibly light gaming this has to be it.
  9. JHefile

    How I got rid of the NTLDR is missing

    Hi all. Ever since I upgraded from WIN7 to WIN10 things have been shady at best. I have two SSD's and one just blue screened me after a couple months on 10. I bought another and it also had issue where it would lock up when trying to open browsers at times. And it would never unlock so I would...
  10. JHefile

    Gforce Experince makes you log in now

    That's wonderful. They even except Facebook or google logins. That's just a massive data mining adventure. So now when you go to their site without using this hunk of mess they slowed the dl speed down as a punishment.
  11. JHefile

    My Win10 won't update anymore

    Hey. I tried twice now. Originally I upgraded from 7. Went smooth, and in the following months I could update. Yesterday, after not updating for about 2 months I decided to let it update. It downloads, updates and then on the final reboot it says unable to update reverting back. I went through...
  12. JHefile

    The antivirus program becoming the virus

    I don't use these programs but decided maybe I should do a scan and then delete it. I start the dl and when I get a chance to read the Avast terms of service I do. I paged down and once I seen this stopped and deleted it . How about that. The antivirus used to stop intrusion becomes the...
  13. JHefile

    Help me guys

    Every time I log in my mic is pegged 100. I set it at a certain level but somehow it goes to 100. I am so sick and tired of this I need your help Game is GSGO
  14. JHefile

    What happened to the edit button?

    really? ...l its here but not in some threads I guess
  15. JHefile

    I can I do this 2 screen 2 keyboard thing

    Hi I want to be sitting at my gaming desk with my gaming monitor. Then I want to swivel to my right with a different keyboard and mouse and a bigger monitor for web surfing all at the same time I use the same PC. Some kind of switch I could use? Possible or better to just get another computer...
  16. JHefile

    Question about internet speed and gaming

    Hi My buddy has high speed internet from Comcast. One of his friends is telling him to get the new google high speed which is faster. My question is is there a point of diminishing returns as far as ping in online games? I mean its only going to go so fast right? My thinking is if he is...
  17. JHefile

    Best upgrade from a gtx 760 in the $250-$285 range?

    hi I need nvidia do to g-sync. Suggestions? I'd rather be under $250 if it was a decent upgrade. Then we have my aging cpu 1090t amd. I'm not sure its too long in the tooth yet but I'm sure some may argue I do a upgrade to Intel CPU and keep the 760 for a bit since i game at 1080p. I play...
  18. JHefile

    Why do all online gamer youtubers say this?

    "What is going on guys?" Or they will say, "What is up guys?" You know they guys who do commentary about a game. They say it at the very beginning. You won't catch them saying, "What's up guys," no its, "What is Up." Where did that all come from and why do they all do it? Was there one person...
  19. JHefile

    Recomend card for $250

    Hi I am moving over from nvidia and wanted to know of a good card for roughly 250$. Suggestions? Thanks
  20. JHefile

    CPU upgrade time

    Here I am, never thought I'd say it because I think I know the answer but you know how it is, the upgrade bug comes and makes me want to build. The issue is I have a 6 core Phenom 2 at 3ghz that does most everything I need other than it's a dog at rendering videos. Most of my time spent is...
  21. JHefile

    Playing sounds from PC in voice chats

    Sup I hear some people do this. Playing online games it seems some can play wav files so all can hear. Besides putting a mic up to a speaker can someone give me some tips how to play from a file though the sound card to the game mic output?
  22. JHefile

    Steam web browser cookies

    Is it possible to delete these? I am not having any luck. Thanks
  23. JHefile

    Advanced Warfare 9000, Counter Strike GO 326,000

    Hi Help me understand how that many players are on right now for Global Offensive vs Advanced Warfare? I own both. I have played GO 46 minutes, but AW 211 hrs. I don't understand what I am missing about GO that so many people seem to find irresistible. Do I have to play GO for a certain...
  24. JHefile

    60hz to 144hz more incrediable than G-Sync?

    Hi Is there any truth to the statement if someone has a 144hz monitor already then gets g-sync that person will be less awestruck than the person who has a 60hz monitor and upgrades to 144hz and g-sync at the same time?
  25. JHefile

    gtx 760 to a R9 290 or 290x

    Sup fellas. Would it be worth it to upgrade to one of these do you think or should i hold out for the next gen? I heard these AMD cards dropped in price and give a good bang for the buck Advice? p.s. I game at only 1080p... have some issues with Advanced Warfare.
  26. JHefile

    Adapter issue

    Hi there. I did just reinstall the lan driver so hopefully that was the problem. But I'd like to know if anyone run across something like this. My internet connection was lost so I installed a new lan card. It worked for some months now it went off. So I plugged it back into my MB lan and it...
  27. JHefile

    32in TV for gaming/tv

    Hello there, I have a $300 limit plus tax. Can someone suggest a model please? Is there anything currently being sold that is better than another for gaming? Thanks.. I want to move away from this 21.5 monitor.
  28. JHefile

    Would a AMD FX-8320 be good upgrade from a

    hi ...from a 6 core phenom 2 running at 3.0? Is it worth $130? Thanks
  29. JHefile

    Opera browser 12.17 security Q

    Good Morning Opera stopped this version and went with a new engine based off crhome from what I understand. Does anyone know if 12.17 will get at least security patches? Or is 12.17 just left for dead? Basically will it continue to be safe?
  30. JHefile

    Couple things to H forum IT

    Hi. I'd like to ask why do you make the forum disappear in certain forums categories? The AMD CPU forum is pruned if a post hasn''t been posted in a few days or so. What is the sense of that when people passing by can't even see what's going on? It's supposed to be a forum open for public...
  31. JHefile

    Which CPU next for me?

    What's up fellas. I run a 6 core Phenom 2 , well it's actually a 4 core unlocked to a 6, with a full size MB. I'm looking to scale it down to a micro MB so I can have a smaller case. AMD has so many sockets now. I just started to freshen up after being out awhile so I am wondering which...
  32. JHefile

    COD GHOST madness

    2100 gamers online now in teamdeath match and no games found in eastern US. Okay I am used to it on infected mode since hardly anyone play but 2100 and they can't connect me?? Happy Thanks Giving
  33. JHefile

    Spreading the word about Rekoil It's a FPS that goes back to old school shooters with mod tools released right away. Level Design, President and CEO, Jason Brice made made some of his own maps for BF 2142 and Dice contacted him to use the maps officially...
  34. JHefile

    This is where the real Infinity Ward went now called Respawn Entertainment and look

    at their game!!!!!!
  35. JHefile

    Any suggestions for webpage builders and host all-in-one?

    Hi all, I'm looking for something like Where you build your site with their builder and they also host and issue a domain. Can someone please suggest one of their favorites? I appreciate it. I am looking for ease of use.
  36. JHefile

    Would there be somthing wrong with my head

    If I could afford a gtx 760 but wanted a gtx 650 ti because it saved electric? I play at 1080p on a 21.5inch widescreen. I always liked to be behind the curve would this video card do that and make me save elctric coming from a 550 ti? I jsut bought LED lightbulbs in my home also. I know it...
  37. JHefile

    Ineed a video compression

    without trogens
  38. JHefile

    bios password/hd failure

    Hi all. So I am trying to help a friend with their bios protected laptop which boots to a blue screen. I will need to replace the HD maybe if I cannot load another OS. I would like to load Ubuntu. My problem is how can I make it boot from CD if I can't get into the bios? I do believe...
  39. JHefile

    PC/Monitor/cableTV newb Q

    Hi there. Why does it seem like technology has stopped desktop users from watching TV on their monitor? I know there are some devices out there but are they limiting? Can anyone enlighten me? I don't even own a TV. Thanks
  40. JHefile

    When you build a system with OEM microsoft disk

    Do you give the customer the disk?