Recent content by mt2e

  1. M

    Intel Comet Lake Processors Could Pack 10 Cores

    Ryan Shrout knows Intel is screwed by having to hire him. I'm starting to think they bought him to bury him.
  2. M

    GOG in Financial Trouble as Layoffs Hit the PC Games Digital Storefront

    The bottom 10% can always be cut. Pro tip, don't be the worst performing member on your team. When it comes to things like supporting your family, make sure you do what you need to. Don't work just hard or smart, do both. Be a good person, if you make your boss/leadership's job easier it...
  3. M

    Digital License Plates Coming to Michigan

    Michiganger here, I'm glad we have the ability, but yea too expensive.
  4. M

    Malfunctioning Networking Card Led to Huge CenturyLink Outage

    In the telecom industry cards like this are replaced everyday. Typically you fail over to a backup, take a hit, replace the bad card, then switch back to the original card that was replaced. Sometimes the failed over/backup card is also bad and thus both cards need to be replaced. There are...
  5. M

    Amazon is Reportedly Tired of Selling Low Cost Items

    Today is the day somebody realized they could start a company that will one day compete with Amazon.
  6. M

    DICE Apologizes to Battlefield V Players for Dumbing Down the Game

    They were right to change the values, its just that the people who are already their customers got butt hurt. It was changed because as a new player you login and die instantly as a general rule, not fun.
  7. M

    After Losing Half Its Value, NVIDIA Faces Reckoning

    Could have Nvidia have sold all 2080 TI's for $200 that have been physically made and still lose less money then half their stock price? This just seems like such an epic fail that Jensen should immediately be booted from the company.
  8. M

    Supermicro Says They Found No Spy Chips in Their Motherboards

    Some of us have Super Micro boards and none of us know what we're talking about. Actual technical people know this is possible. You can transgress an air gap'd system but people don't believe you can install a backdoor chip, its bananas. The people describing schemes that explain how this...
  9. M

    Google CEO Tells Lawmakers That It Has No Plans to Launch Chinese Search Engine

    They have no intentions until they have intentions. Kinda like corporate layoffs. I posit that what is said in a public forum can be used for purposes of mitigation/misdirection. The opposite can be true. How easily are you deceived?
  10. M

    Supermicro Says They Found No Spy Chips in Their Motherboards

    1. Christopher Wray, our FBI director already told Congress that there is an active investigation on this exact matter and they are unwilling to comment because of that. 2. Anybody who claims to know anything on this matter would get contacted by the FBI quicker then you could type a reply in...
  11. M

    Supermicro Says They Found No Spy Chips in Their Motherboards

    It happened, was not fabricated. These are national security issues where the people who actually know and are not in the press are bound by gag orders. It amazes me the people who are smart enough to be on this forum but not smart enough to know this story is true. Simply put, people were...
  12. M

    Intel Is "Very Pleased" with the Progress of Its 7nm Process

    I really hope we start seeing Ryan Shrout's influence at Intel soon.
  13. M

    Rockstar Intends to Address Red Dead Redemption 2's Economy

    I can honestly say that the thought of spending my hard earned money on a microtransaction makes my stomach hurt. On the other hand I will watch a video ad for some free credits all day. Time = Money, just depends on the value calculation to determine what one I will be ok with using.
  14. M

    Halo TV Series Allegedly Delayed After Director Steps Down

    People have moved beyond Halo, keep our memories untainted please.
  15. M

    Facebook is Allegedly Divided by Internal Conflict

    I think he just realized his hopes for political office are now smashed to bits.