Recent content by LarryUnderwood

  1. LarryUnderwood


  2. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    LMAO. This is awesome. I have never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ... let the shaming begin.
  3. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    There was an editorial in the back of PC Gamer about CS in 1999. The editor talked about how he was so hooked. I downloaded it and got hooked too. Mostly on the P90.
  4. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    Did anyone else delve down the rabbit hole that was user created counter-strike (v1.0-1.3) content (maps, skins etc..)? People made some incredibly rad weapon and character skins, just sitting out on the internet to find. -Also I played the hell out of early beta Day of Defeat and Firearms mods.
  5. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    I definitely had a big stack of PC Gamer discs. I remember when they did the big Quake 3 issue with the demo.
  6. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    Shareware store? A bit before my time, but that sounds amazing.
  7. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    This is fantastic. More videos should include the words, "what I've managed to do is get this running on a sega gamegear with a tv tuner...".
  8. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    I definitely played the original need for speed ( I think it even was called "Road and Track Presents: Need for Speed?) on 3DO.
  9. LarryUnderwood

    Why do you love games? Answer with a game.

    First read this: I read this review in edge, in print, in 1998 in the back of station wagon, while moving away from the best friends I ever had. I felt like I had nothing and lost everything and had to make friends all over again, all on...