Recent content by Hellwind

  1. H

    WTB Macbook Air 13"

  2. H

    WTB Macbook Air 13"

  3. H

    WTB Macbook Air 13"

    Hi. I'm looking for a Macbook Air 13" It's gotta be a 2011 or later model and have or capable of AppleCare. Can meet pretty much any form of payment. My (pointless) heatware
  4. H

    I suck at console controls

    i really suggest bumping the hori sensitivity maybe 1 or 2 notches above vert most fpses are about (ugh) horizonal fighting. and fast sweeping helps
  5. H

    Mancave of the Day

    halo fans of the day.
  6. H

    The [H] Post Pictures of your ManCave

    does anyone post or work standing? It's something ive been interested in doing...
  7. H

    URGENT! Leasing Mac Pro?

    new models wont be out for a few months. get what you want now and you'll be happy.
  8. H

    Microsoft Certifications

    you gotta explain your situation. help desk for what? printers? websites? linux? mac? windows? etc
  9. H

    Python vs PHP

  10. H

    Tomb Raider reboot will make PC gamers "very, very happy"

    That is some nice hair though....
  11. H

    Post your Mouse and Keyboard pics

    really digging all the slim and minimal kbs!
  12. H

    Right, which one out of final four?

    i'd say pro, but i'd even say macbook air over the pro.
  13. H

    What's with lens flare and stuff in games where you aren't wearing lenses?

    just a gaming fad really. like bloom was.
  14. H

    About the isohunt Banner

    I think he's talking about ads that look like download links but are infact ads. they're devious and look into some adblock/noscripting for your browser