GoodBoy's latest activity

  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy replied to the thread Fallout 4.
    When I played this back in 2017-ish (not sure when I just know I had waited a year before I played it) I apparently didn't have most of the DLC. I don't remember Vault 88, Nuka-world at all. I had started a new playthru also, after installing an...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy reacted to CAD4466HK's post in the thread Fallout 4 with Like Like.
    NV had the same bug as FO3 with multicore CPU's. This works for both. If you haven't done so already, run Fallout 3 at least once. Once you get to the title screen, exit the game. Open your Documents folder (My Documents in Windows XP), and...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy reacted to FrgMstr's post in the thread Fallout 4 with Like Like.
    Did exactly that last night. Had to jump through a couple of hoops to get it to run with the Hi Rez texture pack, but finally got there. Jumped right into the game where I left off. Forgot I had so much armor sitting in the yard!!
  • GoodBoy
    Actually quick question before you fix any orientation, have you tried simply running it with the glass panel taken off? That should eliminate any airflow issues and would basically be an open bench. If your hot spot is still that bad like that...
  • GoodBoy
    put it back to "normal" just to test, but those temps are technically within specs, just not what we would like.
  • GoodBoy
    I've replaced the batteries several times in the older UPS's that I had. Took the old ones to Batteries+ to recycle. But there was also a company that did a UPS tweak and battery replace. Something about tweaking the UPS's settings, voltages...
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  • GoodBoy
    Last time I replaced my UPS, I pulled the batteries out to dispose of properly. I found that Batteries + will do that, and when I took the batteries in, I saw on the shelves the exact battery I was bringin in, which means I could have just...
  • GoodBoy
    For what it's worth, I've read about using generator power a bit as I was trying to research dual conversion. From what I've read, generator power is actually very dirty, so you would want a dual conversion unit in between the generator and your...
  • GoodBoy
    When I posted, the 4090 FE's were available direct from Nvidia, $1599. Those are sold out atm.
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy replied to the thread Cyberpunk 2077.
    I've said it before, I think this is the best game I have ever played. New endings and neat stuff in Phantom Liberty. I think I've hit 800 hours now, hit 700 after the DLC came out, and I hadn't played it since mid 2021 (got past 650) after...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy reacted to Hershy's post in the thread Cyberpunk 2077 with Like Like.
    God folks just buy the game please. An incredible, beautiful experience. A technical wonder - that alone is worth the price of admission.
  • GoodBoy
    You have a Generac? Or maybe a gas powered Generator? Yeah if I was in that situation I would want 15 minutes runtime. My pc pulls probably 200W idle at least (pc + 34" lcd), and I do only get maybe 15 minutes from this $900 UPS. The one on...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy reacted to LukeTbk's post in the thread Nvidia 4xxx in stock on their website with Like Like.
    That's 2 weeks old message....
  • GoodBoy
    Lol.... I thought it was serious at first.
  • GoodBoy
  • GoodBoy
    Dual conversion isolates the output side from the input side. All incoming power is converted down to the battery voltage. All output power is generated within the unit from the battery voltage. There is no switchover time, because you run on...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy reacted to Dopamin3's post in the thread What is wrong with steam? with Like Like.
    I believe you can use blkdiscard in Linux to do it directly at the block level, theoretically working on any SSD even if it doesn't explicitly support overprovisioning.
  • GoodBoy
    Companies go where the money is, it's as simple as that. If the cards are not selling well, it doesn't make any sense to invest r&d, engineering, and support costs if the end result is small potatoes. So they invest those r&d and engineering...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy replied to the thread What is wrong with steam?.
    Some do, some don't. Depends on the model. I inquired with Sabrent whether or not my 8Tb Rocket supported over provisioning, the reply was I have to do that myself with the partition sizing: "My name is Kevin, Thank you for contacting Sabrent...
  • GoodBoy
    GoodBoy replied to the thread What is wrong with steam?.
    If you are overall happy with the E: drive's performance, aside from it capping out your download speed for game patches, just accept it. As others have mentioned, a very high temp also throttles them. What sucks is heatsink space on NVMe's is...