Biostar Motherboard Issue


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2008
Link to motherboard

Doesn't load up the operation system

What I've tried so far:
-Messed around with the BIOS(changing the boot sequence and playing around with settings and I reset it to default in the end after giving up)
-Tried 3 different hard drives 1 blank hard drive and 2 with operating systems

I dont know what else to do :[ and I cant return the motherboard to newegg because my friend gave me the motherboard and he said he doesn't have any proof of purchase of the motherboard or anything anymore. He bought the board from newegg 2 months ago.
So has the OS been installed previous to this?.... or are you just installing it now? Does the board recognize any of your optical or hard drives?
So has the OS been installed previous to this?.... or are you just installing it now? Does the board recognize any of your optical or hard drives?

The OS was installed already on two of the hard drives that were tested with this motherboard.

I have one 80gig hard drive with XP and another 320gig hard drive with XP and both of them didnt work. And yes they are both SATA
The two hard drives with XP already installed were used with other boards then? They're probably not going to boot up on this board.... you'll have to do a fresh install of XP to get it to work on the new board.
Oh, I never knew that would actually be a problem. I will try this today when I get home from work. I hope it works, or else I'm going to have an ongoing issue with my biostar motherboard and a formated hard drive lol.
btw these hard drives were both tested one at a time, never both at the same time.
btw these hard drives were both tested one at a time, never both at the same time.

I figured that you had tested them one at a time.... but when XP is installed using one motherboard, when you move to a different motherboard with that hard drive, the new hardware causes a conflict with your OS install. Unless you're switching to the same motherboard chipset, you're going to have problems.... a fresh install is the best way. Good luck!
I figured that you had tested them one at a time.... but when XP is installed using one motherboard, when you move to a different motherboard with that hard drive, the new hardware causes a conflict with your OS install. Unless you're switching to the same motherboard chipset, you're going to have problems.... a fresh install is the best way. Good luck!

I've knew a fresh install of an operating system was mandatory. The reason I say that is because the hard drives which I used to test this motherboard were also used to test another motherboard which was a MSI motherboard. Now originally this hard drive was used on a Dell 5150 machine, and was never formatted when it was moved over to the MSI motherboard. Now do you have any other suggestions else than formatting the hard drive? Could this be caused by something else? I'm certain its not the memory because I tried 4 different sticks of ram and they all resulted the same way.
somthing happen to me kinda the same way the floppy was selected to boot and i just disabled it and it booted up from the hard drive
Do a fresh install without reformatting. When you get to the part about formatting and choosing a partition, don't format, and choose the same partition When the install process asks you if you want to repair the old install, chose to do a fresh install and all of your old documents will be there in another file in documents and settings on the drive.
I'll give this a try when I get home, but until then I need to buy a SLI PSU for this motherboard
Alright so I plugged everything in the computer once again. And this is what I did.

1. Put in windows CD
2. Formated hard drive
3. Installed Windows
Right after you restart(the part where it says "Restarting in 15 seconds... Press Enter to Restart Now or w/e") it does the same problem again... It just doesnt run XP Professional...

So now I dont know what the problem is, I think its the motherboard but whats happening to it? Can anyone help me get my computer running...

EDIT: It shows the blue screen for like less than half a second before restarting now(after formatting the hard drive)... I havnt even gotten to the actual installation of windows yet... so far its just copied the files over...:(:(:(:(
take out 1 stick of memory. most blue screen problems are attributable to memory issues. make sure the remaining stick is getting enough voltage, and the timings arent too tight. if this doesnt fix the problem, make sure any ide connections that you might have are jumpered and cabled correctly.

can you boot into safe mode?
Ok i just tried changing the voltage to 1.95v then i tried 2.0v and they were both unsuccessful.

EDIT: Default was 1.9v btw
If you are using a 32 bit version of windows you will have problems with 4 gigs of ram. This is why it's good to give detailed specs of hardware and software. Run with 2 gigs of ram, set the disk mode to legacy IDE in the BIOS so if you can get into windows you can update and install chipset drivers. That's another thing. Heatsinks may be loose causing chipsets to overheat, but one thing at a time. Run as Legacy IDE mode to get the XP OS to recognise the drive parameters.
I removed one stick of ram but still got the same problem...

How do I run it in Legacy IDE mode?
try running memtest, its in the t-series section of the bios and it is called integrated memory test

you need to set the bios option from disabled to enabled
Just out of curiosity, would updating the BIOS help? If yes, how can I update the BIOS using a flash stick? I have the .bsp files for the BIOS upgrade already downloaded on my computer...

PS 30% complete on the mem test and still going strong with 0 errors
6400x2 non BE
2x2gb Kingston HyperX ram
CD/DVD rom
9600GT(currently plugged in to onboard)
80gig HD
730 watt PSU
biostar tpower n750
Remember, you may have to use only 2 gigs for a 32 bit OS because 4 gigs installed causes errors in 32 bit systems sometimes and only 3 gigs are recognised..
Take a picture of advanced. It's southbridge configuration to enable IDE mode on the hard drives
6400x2 non BE
2x2gb Kingston HyperX ram
CD/DVD rom
9600GT(currently plugged in to onboard)
80gig HD
730 watt PSU
biostar tpower n750

730w psu, who makes that?

Also, try clearing your cmos, and maybe check your hardware monitor and see what the voltages and temperatures of the board look like.
730w psu, who makes that?

Also, try clearing your cmos, and maybe check your hardware monitor and see what the voltages and temperatures of the board look like.

Hiper makes the psu


How do you clear the CMOS? I saw CMOS Backup Function but I dont think your talking about that because that has no saved profiles or anything.
Your CPU voltage is too high and the CMOS battery voltage is low. Turn off/unplug power and move the jumper to pins 2-3 and replace to pins1-2 after 20 seconds or pull the battery out. Sometimes pressing the insert key on power up restores the BIOS to default.