Half length PCI-Express video card


[H]F Junkie
Jan 8, 2001
I need a half length (less than 6.604 inches) PCI-Express video card and was curious if you could throw out some recommendations. It doesn't have to be a gaming video card. Thanks! :)
Hmmm. Nice way for a noobie to talk to a Moderator. I hope that you temper the attitude during your stay here.

Now to answer the question:

do you need a low profile, or a short card, or both? I have a cheapo Geforce 6600 that's fairly short but it's really tall. I'm sure there's a passively cooled card to meet your needs, but how much of an issue is space?

Here's a link to a Geforce 7600: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowI...6MB+GDDR2+PCI+Express+x16+Video+Card+-+Retail

I'm sure someone on the forum has one of these and could measure it for you. Its pretty short (but tall).
Not being rude but maybe this - http://www.google.com

Just a heads up... there is no "polite" way to say "Try Google"...let alone actually having the balls to put up an actual link... I'm pretty sure all of us here know how to find Google..
And, just for shits, I did try Google, and came up with absolutely nothing when I typed in "Half length video card" or "Short video card" or, well just about any other variant on that search term.

OP, the shortest PCIe card I could come up with is this, and I'm sure there are other flavors of that card that might work.
If you can live with PCI and the price/performance, these guys are really really short:


Barely longer then the actual slot!

I don't know why, but those cards make me LOL :p! Those are some wee video cards. I have to say, Talonz, you win the thread. I don't think video cards come much smaller than that. The scary thing is that despite how small they are, they are likely quicker than some of the integrated solutions out there.

They make 1X PCI-e ones too, that are a bit longer but low profile: Radeon 1300 1X PCI-e

It looks long, but keep in perspective just how small a 1X PCI-e connector is. If length is all that you are worried about, though, a Geforce 6600 (mine is non-GT) or 7600GS should be short enough. If you just need a 2D display, well, Talonz wee entry into the thread is a ;) good one.
If you can live with PCI and the price/performance, these guys are really really short:


Barely longer then the actual slot!

Now..those are both PCI video cards. The op asked for PCI-Express....but I mean, if all you need it for is to be small and display basic screen, then PCI-express might be a waste. PCI would be the smallest of the small.
Need PCI-Express, not PCI. Won't be doing any 3d, will only be used for 2D. Must have dual output.
FWIW, I thought that the PCI-Express "Short Card" maximum length was the same as the PCI "Short Card" maximum length -- i.e. 6.6" PCB + 0.07" for the bracket ( = 169.42 mm).

Generally speaking (including bracket):

7950GT ~200 mm long
7900GS ~200 mm long
7600GT ~175 mm long (but non-reference designs can exceed 200 mm)
7600GS ~170 mm long

X1650XT ~170 mm long
X1600PRO ~166 mm long
X1650 ~170 mm long
X1550 ~170 mm long
X1300PRO ~168 mm long

Out of interest, are you trying to fit into a BTX case using a riser card configuration and the thermal module's in the way?
There is a nice pic at http://www.aselabs.com/img.php?id=1310 showing how tight a fit a BFG 6600GT is in a BTX-riser configuration (has to fit into BTX "Zone B" which is a maximum of 171.26 mm long).
I just bought an Asus EN6200TC for my 2d only server...

I'll measure it when I get it (should be by friday). It's 1/2 height, and just a bit longer than the socket... Fanless too. Sells for about 45$