Has anyone used the Ageia SDK yet?


[H]F Junkie
Jan 21, 2004
Hello all,

considering that -according to rumors I heard- the SDK is supposedly free from Ageia has anyone looked at it? Anyone done something neat with it? Maybe see how fast the PPU can crunch numbers?

I figured that this topic is something that has yet to be explored in this forum.
I played with it a little, I started adding linux support to my little render and got caught up trying every distro (right now (and for the past 4 hours it seems) gentoo is compiling kde. (made mistake of compiling entire kde package)

Anyhow I have these pics sitting on my isp webspace for a while:
http://home.swbell.net/aw2001/physx.jpg - real quick demonstration after reading the nice little quickstart tutorial on the sdk page.
http://home.swbell.net/aw2001/physx2.jpg - same thing really, sidetracked by finishing my opengl book.
http://home.swbell.net/aw2001/bump.jpg - same thing physx wise, sidetracked by shaders (normal shader with per pixel lighting / specular)

You cant use liquids in the sdk availiable for everyone though (unless they've updated since I first downloaded it.)

The sdk is more a physics library for game engines than a general purpose library for accessing the physics hardware.
Lord of Shadows said:
The sdk is more a physics library for game engines than a general purpose library for accessing the physics hardware.

I'm sure a lot of physics nerds will be unhappy about this...
Lord of Shadows said:
You cant use liquids in the sdk availiable for everyone though (unless they've updated since I first downloaded it.)
I I look at the ageia download site for SDK it requiers to ask for sDK if you are a cerious dev. and submit proof of a real developer with something of a track record of done projects
So how did you get it, are you a Profesional dev.

So far I noticed PhysX is Free for Developers who support the PPU in ther game projects.
Could you use this SDK to fix up a *DECENT* CellFactor map for those without the PPU card to play against bots? I have a couple homemade maps (not by me) but you can't use bots and they aren't exactly the nicest LOOKING maps in the whole world, lol.
DarkStar02 said:
Could you use this SDK to fix up a *DECENT* CellFactor map for those without the PPU card to play against bots? I have a couple homemade maps (not by me) but you can't use bots and they aren't exactly the nicest LOOKING maps in the whole world, lol.
I am under the impression that there is more to cellfactor than the physx sdk. Isn't cell factor a game?

Lord of Shadows said:
The sdk is more a physics library for game engines than a general purpose library for accessing the physics hardware.

that is sad, I was interested if the SDK could be "abused" to evaluate the performance of the ageia chip on general purpose calculations, maybe even consider getting something like F@H to work.
drizzt81 said:
I am under the impression that there is more to cellfactor than the physx sdk. Isn't cell factor a game?

that is sad, I was interested if the SDK could be "abused" to evaluate the performance of the ageia chip on general purpose calculations, maybe even consider getting something like F@H to work.
It is a demo that is out that can be "hacked" to not need a physx card to play, and it doesn't need it for the smaller maps (homemade).
DarkStar02 said:
It is a demo that is out that can be "hacked" to not need a physx card to play, and it doesn't need it for the smaller maps (homemade).

You have to give up fluids, cloth ect, if running it without a PhysX...no matter the map.
The next version will also feature(Via PhysX):

- 4x as many interactive objects as CellFactor: Combat Training
- Fully destructable architecture
- 16 player online support, server-side physics density configuration for varying bandwidth capabilities
- Player character classes, including Weapons or Psi-oriented characters
- Extremely powerful new Psi Abilities -- become a living god.
- Plenty of new maps, new weapons, and new vehicles, including a treaded tank and a mech power-suit
- Dual-wielding, trading Psi Power for an extra weapon.
- New core gameplay modes (such as Assault), and physics-oriented sports modes
- Improved bots, supporting all gameplay modes, psi abilities, and vehicles

Every new release of CelFactor has been more and more taxing...iamgine what does improvements will do to a pure CPU-physcis system...

Terra - Talk about slideshow...
- 16 player online support, server-side physics density configuration for varying bandwidth capabilities

I would love to see that done I will seriously be impressed seeing that happen also an explination on how it was achieved. The next demo looks like it's going to be pretty sweet.
I need a penguin as well.

Anyhow since the 16 player multi setup is not highlighted in red I would guess it dosn't utilize the PPU or is the main server running a PPU??? Bad wording in that press release posted above.
Can we please get back on topic: i.e. what have you done using the SDK, not talk about Cell Factor, thanks.
Still waitin for respons of Lord of Shadows

How did he get his hands on the SDK. its not public or do I mis something.
The latest sdk (2.4) is reserved for licensed developers only. You can go request an account at http://support.ageia.com and after being approved by email you can go to the download section and download the public version 2.3.3

The chapter 0 quickstart guide will get you running quickly using opengl and the sdk comes with documentation on the api classes to play around with.

(Sorry for the delay, dont know why I didnt respond immediately after reading your post.)
Lord of Shadows said:
The latest sdk (2.4) is reserved for licensed developers only. You can go request an account at http://support.ageia.com and after being approved by email you can go to the download section and download the public version 2.3.3

The chapter 0 quickstart guide will get you running quickly using opengl and the sdk comes with documentation on the api classes to play around with.

(Sorry for the delay, dont know why I didnt respond immediately after reading your post.)

Does the PhysX SDK 2.3.3 have PhysX hardware support?

Off of Ageia's support site. someone quote me so Terra can see this.

Where is the 2.4 SDK?

The 2.4 SDK is only available to established developers who have a license executed with AGEIA (admittedly, the public AGEIA website does not currently make this perfectly clear).

The latest public release for the majority of developers is on the 2.3 branch (currently in maintenance release 2.3.3). This release does support the PhysX HW, has the same DCC tools support as 2.4, and has the most resources available for self-support through the Forum and Knowledge Base (to those who have logged in once their user accounts have been approved).
psychoace said:
Off of Ageia's support site. someone quote me so Terra can see this.

Where is the 2.4 SDK?

The 2.4 SDK is only available to established developers who have a license executed with AGEIA (admittedly, the public AGEIA website does not currently make this perfectly clear).

The latest public release for the majority of developers is on the 2.3 branch (currently in maintenance release 2.3.3). This release does support the PhysX HW, has the same DCC tools support as 2.4, and has the most resources available for self-support through the Forum and Knowledge Base (to those who have logged in once their user accounts have been approved).
So for devs only! lord of shadow is a dev :) I guess
Crossing my fingers:


Your request to open a new customer account has been received. We will notify you with your support login information as soon as your information is approved and your account is created.

Thank you,
AGEIA Technologies Inc.

Lord of Shadows said:
I played with it a little, I started adding linux support to my little render and got caught up trying every distro [...]
Does the SDK support linux?
jimmyb said:
Does the SDK support linux?

I think that is the plan but I don't know if they have gotten around to that yet:

Due to requests from visitors and our overwhelming curiosity, we recently spoke with Ageia's media manager, Kimberley Stowe, to answer some of our questions. In a recent conversation, we learned that Linux would indeed support the PhysX PPU once there are requests from the developers. In addition, Ageia noted that the native-Linux port would be quite easy to accomplish. However, at this time a majority of the game developers are focusing on the Microsoft Windows support rather than alternative operating systems. With this said, once the Ageia PhysX is supported by Linux, it will be interesting to see just how many games will actually be supported. Although we hadn't inquired about Macintosh OS X, we imagine the devoted Ageia developers will eventually bring additional support..

But I have no clue to as if Linux is supported as we speak, but that is kidna moot point isn''t it?
How many games are supported by Linux?

It doesnt support linux afaik, (sdk exe installer, dlls, and the like) I was restructuring my little renderer to support linux (basic X server) and eventually a mac. (assuming I every buy one (not likely) or when it is eventually emulated on the pc. (more likely))

I believe ageia is working on adding x64 support though, so they are doing something to it.
(Currently there exists some inline assembly in their math libs that msvc x64 doesnt like.)
SuperGee said:
So for devs only! lord of shadow is a dev :) I guess

Uh read it. It says 2.4.0 is only reserved for developers while 2.3 is open to the public but you need to have an account.
Meaning Lord of Shadow could have 2.3 he hasn't specified.
psychoace said:
Uh read it. It says 2.4.0 is only reserved for developers while 2.3 is open to the public but you need to have an account.
Meaning Lord of Shadow could have 2.3 he hasn't specified.
looking at Lord of Shadow's most recent post, it appears that the has 2.3.3.

On topic: if nothing else, at least I know that it is "not easy" to get my hands on the SDK if I ever wanted to take it for a spin.
Lord of Shadows said:
It doesnt support linux afaik, (sdk exe installer, dlls, and the like) I was restructuring my little renderer to support linux (basic X server) and eventually a mac. (assuming I every buy one (not likely) or when it is eventually emulated on the pc. (more likely))

I believe ageia is working on adding x64 support though, so they are doing something to it.
(Currently there exists some inline assembly in their math libs that msvc x64 doesnt like.)
With a little bit of msi editing I was able to run CellFactor on x64. (?)

I made a thread and a tutorial (I also have a homemade cellfactor map in the zip), check it out if you'd like.
I got the 2.3.3 SDK now.
And BOY it's a lot more than just boxes :D

  • AI sensor
  • Fluids
  • Joints
  • Surfaces(friction)
  • Raycasting(shadows)
  • Componds
  • Trigger events
  • And much more

Only problem.
If a test is running at ~2000FPS and I strart FRAPS recording..FPS drops to 30FPS :(

Terra - But will try and encode a video of some insane numbers of collisions :)
By x64 support I mean compiling into a real x64 application. As for the fluids in the public sdk, I remember having a createfluid always return zero after calling, it may be just because I dont have the phyx hardware, but I remember reading the 2.3.3 sdk didnt support fluids somewhere.

And I just noticed that they are playing around with linux/mac support, but it will obviously be a while.
Lord of Shadows said:
By x64 support I mean compiling into a real x64 application. As for the fluids in the public sdk, I remember having a createfluid always return zero after calling, it may be just because I dont have the phyx hardware, but I remember reading the 2.3.3 sdk didnt support fluids somewhere.

And I just noticed that they are playing around with linux/mac support, but it will obviously be a while.

The SampleFluidCreate.exe in the SDK 2.3.3 states it requires PhysX hardware to run.
Can you run this file?
If not, then I suspect it's the missing PhysX hardware that is the cause for your problem?

I just commented out the hardware checks/requests and recompiled, I'll recompile the original unaltered example later and upload it so you can let me know if it works. I assumed they provided an example compiled against their 2.4, but it could just be that there is zero support for software fluids.
They provide the source for all the sample programs in the sdk.

Here is the fluid app compiled with the 2.3.3 sdk, someone with physx hardware see if it works. http://home.swbell.net/aw2001/fluid.zip
If it does work maybe there might still be something I havent found yet to allow for software fluid. ;o)
Lord of Shadows said:
They provide the source for all the sample programs in the sdk.

Here is the fluid app compiled with the 2.3.3 sdk, someone with physx hardware see if it works. http://home.swbell.net/aw2001/fluid.zip
If it does work maybe there might still be something I havent found yet to allow for software fluid. ;o)

Works fine here. :)


Terra - If you got any other things you would like to get tested, just PM me or post it :)
I havnt done any programming in months... how hard is it to use the PhysX SDK and OpenGL? (all I know is C++ OpenGL)
it'd be really nice of Ageia opened this to the public. I for one would love to see what math stuff one can do with physx.
It's pretty much open to the public. You just have to do a simple registration with them.
Heads up!

The free public AGEIA PhysX SDK v2.4.4 has been available since July 28th.
Terra, Fraps drops your framerate to 30fps, becuase it is set to do so. Check the video options in fraps.
[RCKY] Thor said:
Terra, Fraps drops your framerate to 30fps, becuase it is set to do so. Check the video options in fraps.

So I noticed, thanks for the heads up :)
